During the next Left wing riot.............


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
During the next Left wing riot, should there be more Rittenhouses to help stop killing and looting?

It's time to face some facts, these Left wing riots are held in cities run by Democrat mayors so it is an area where the Mayor dictates police activity and behavior. As a result, these police will continue to be told to "stand down" as the riots take place, leaving citizens to face losing property and their very lives till it is all over.

Should these cities have a standing militia ready to go?
If Governors, and Mayors of cities and towns refuse and are too cowardly to protect the citizens from
Protesters/Rioters actually criminals bent on violence, looting and arson, Then it is left up to citizenry to band together to protect their loved ones and property.
Reminds me of the failed bank robbery of the Jesse James Gang in Minnesota in the 19th Century.
It wasn't the cops or sheriff that stopped them it was the towns people.
Instances like that have been repeated at isolated times even in the 21st Century.
Time for more Americans to stand up for the law and defend their towns and cities if Politicians and law enforcement is unwilling or unable to do so.

During the next Left wing riot, should there be more Rittenhouses to help stop killing and looting?

It's time to face some facts, these Left wing riots are held in cities run by Democrat mayors so it is an area where the Mayor dictates police activity and behavior. As a result, these police will continue to be told to "stand down" as the riots take place, leaving citizens to face losing property and their very lives till it is all over.

Should these cities have a standing militia ready to go?
Short answer - no. I concealed carry and wouldn't hesitate to use lethal force TO DEFEND MY LIFE OR MY FAMILY. Drawing down on a bunch of ignorant, vicious bastards who feel the need to destroy property? Nah, I'll take a hard pass on that. If anything, the post-Rittenhouse America will see fewer good Samaritans willing to go armed and risk having their lives ruined. Trust me, there's no need to become twitchy over this. Once the Left is fully indulged with impunity for trashing cities, they WILL be headed into the 'Burbs and at that point, they'll make themselves game for law-abiding folks.
Short answer - no. I concealed carry and wouldn't hesitate to use lethal force TO DEFEND MY LIFE OR MY FAMILY. Drawing down on a bunch of ignorant, vicious bastards who feel the need to destroy property? Nah, I'll take a hard pass on that. If anything, the post-Rittenhouse America will see fewer good Samaritans willing to go armed and risk having their lives ruined. Trust me, there's no need to become twitchy over this. Once the Left is fully indulged with impunity for trashing cities, they WILL be headed into the 'Burbs and at that point, they'll make themselves game for law-abiding folks.
That is pretty much the path. After the bed wetting bolsheviks took moscow and the military authority they went out into the rural areas where there were few weapons, peasants were already indoctrinated too the mindset of slavery. The peasants were forced to work in collective farms and if caught in urban areas trying to work in controlled industries they faced death in the gulags.

The difference is that now, individuals in rural areas are well armed, there are lots of vets, and even in urban areas a lot of armed anti-leftist vets. The military isn't full of vacuous drones who are willing to murder innocent people. They're not sworn to be loyal to an aristocracy that can be a disappointment, they're sworn to uphold a document that ensured the liberty of individuals. Some in the military might be bed wetting leftist drones, plenty are still patriotic oath keepers to the COTUS, not conscription draftees to a monarch.

The left has seriously overplayed a hand it didn't even look at.

During the next Left wing riot, should there be more Rittenhouses to help stop killing and looting?

It's time to face some facts, these Left wing riots are held in cities run by Democrat mayors so it is an area where the Mayor dictates police activity and behavior. As a result, these police will continue to be told to "stand down" as the riots take place, leaving citizens to face losing property and their very lives till it is all over.

Should these cities have a standing militia ready to go?
Or maybe people with things to protect voluntarily organizing and arming up.

The National Association of Roof Koreans.
Or maybe people with things to protect voluntarily organizing and arming up.

The National Association of Roof Koreans.
The NARK’s? LoL.

Having family in the Northwest I can honestly say the only reason those antifa pricks are still alive is because they stay downtown with the rest of the worthless turds. Just moving out of that area would prove deadly for them,
Yup. I remember watching those Koreans on the roofs of their businesses during the LA riots. They shot anyone who came near those businesses. They were good shots. Lots of bodies around those businesses.

Most around them were burned down or looted. Not theirs. Theirs were ready for business as soon as the riots ended.
If we didn't have politicians and msm on tv lying and pushing agendas telling people to riot we wouldn't have a need for militias. If we had them not telling people "fuck the police" and instead had them saying "fuck criminals" we wouldn't need a militia.

We don't need to stand up to riots, we need to stop up to politicians, groups like BLM and news media outlets that cause of to allow riots to happen.

I'd rather deal with the source of the problem and not just the symptoms of the problem.
During the next Left wing riot, should there be more Rittenhouses to help stop killing and looting?

It's time to face some facts, these Left wing riots are held in cities run by Democrat mayors so it is an area where the Mayor dictates police activity and behavior. As a result, these police will continue to be told to "stand down" as the riots take place, leaving citizens to face losing property and their very lives till it is all over.

Should these cities have a standing militia ready to go?

You want MORE vigilantes? Boy, you're bright.

Maybe we should draw a strict like between protest and riots.
During the next Left wing riot, should there be more Rittenhouses to help stop killing and looting?

It's time to face some facts, these Left wing riots are held in cities run by Democrat mayors so it is an area where the Mayor dictates police activity and behavior. As a result, these police will continue to be told to "stand down" as the riots take place, leaving citizens to face losing property and their very lives till it is all over.

Should these cities have a standing militia ready to go?
When the actual war begins it must be extremely thorough.

The source of the problem we have been dealing with is about the mass propaganda as pushed by the American Pravda under control of the ccp.

That would also include and actually related to the college professors and college presidents etc etc.

Many need to be charged, tried, convicted of high treason and then their sentences need to be carried out swiftly.

Until that happens, a rise up here or there will mean little to nothing. Not even a Trump victory or someone like Trump in 2024.

They own the culture and we have the JoeB types to deal with along unreal godless loser idiots like aoc or gavin newsom making marxist policy.
Left wing riots by ordinary people. Right wing riots by cock roaches led by Trump, a guy who took an oath to defend this country, not to try and destroy it.

Trump is no champion for the rule of law or the Constitution. Never has been.. He lacks the intelligence or morals to care about such things.
Short answer - no. I concealed carry and wouldn't hesitate to use lethal force TO DEFEND MY LIFE OR MY FAMILY. Drawing down on a bunch of ignorant, vicious bastards who feel the need to destroy property? Nah, I'll take a hard pass on that. If anything, the post-Rittenhouse America will see fewer good Samaritans willing to go armed and risk having their lives ruined. Trust me, there's no need to become twitchy over this. Once the Left is fully indulged with impunity for trashing cities, they WILL be headed into the 'Burbs and at that point, they'll make themselves game for law-abiding folks.
That's the whole point of what they are trying to do. The Left does not want people getting involved.......they want everyone to rely on the state. They HATE cowboys and their kind....with a passion.......it's why they use it as a perjorative term
During the next Left wing riot, should there be more Rittenhouses to help stop killing and looting?

It's time to face some facts, these Left wing riots are held in cities run by Democrat mayors so it is an area where the Mayor dictates police activity and behavior. As a result, these police will continue to be told to "stand down" as the riots take place, leaving citizens to face losing property and their very lives till it is all over.

Should these cities have a standing militia ready to go?
The problem being that Kenisha was a true outlier.Definately not any
typical Big Blue City run by incompetent, career Democrats.

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