Dunno if I've ever asked for prayers before but...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
My Mom's at the Mayo Clinic right now getting surgery for a pinched nerve or some such requiring general anestheia. 16 out of 10,000 GA surgery patients die from the anestheia alone. And about half that 'wake up' but are paralyzed feeling the pain but can't react so as to alert the surgical team. She was understandably nervous as a result. As am I. So any prayers would be welcomed. Thanks.
My Mom's at the Mayo Clinic right now getting surgery for a pinched nerve or some such requiring general anestheia. 16 out of 10,000 GA surgery patients die from the anestheia alone. And about half that 'wake up' but are paralyzed feeling the pain but can't react so as to alert the surgical team. She was understandably nervous as a result. As am I. So any prayers would be welcomed. Thanks.
Prayer to the non-God?

You are an atheist right, or have I read you wrong all this time?
My Mom's at the Mayo Clinic right now getting surgery for a pinched nerve or some such requiring general anestheia. 16 out of 10,000 GA surgery patients die from the anestheia alone. And about half that 'wake up' but are paralyzed feeling the pain but can't react so as to alert the surgical team. She was understandably nervous as a result. As am I. So any prayers would be welcomed. Thanks.
Prayer to the non-God?

You are an atheist right, or have I read you wrong all this time?

I'm an atheist yes. But positive thinking and such couldn't hurt. And on the off-chance I'm wrong...:)

She's actually religious and a true-believer.
I find you a likeable old perv, and think you add a lot to the entertainment factor here, but, I find it a little offensive an atheist would ask me to use a prayer to my God to help his mother, after insulting my God so often.

Which is your right to do.

I think I'll send out a positive thought here, I hope you mom is ok.

But I am not going to bother my God with it.

Hope you understand.
I find you a likeable old perv, and think you add a lot to the entertainment factor here, but, I find it a little offensive an atheist would ask me to use a prayer to my God to help his mother, after insulting my God so often.

Which is your right to do.

I think I'll send out a positive thought here, I hope you mom is ok.

But I am not going to bother my God with it.

Hope you understand.

I do understand. I understand the difference between people of genuine faith, and those merely claiming to belong for the sake of appearences.
God's will be done. I do hope your Mother's surgery goes well and she recovers fully.
My Mom's at the Mayo Clinic right now getting surgery for a pinched nerve or some such requiring general anestheia. 16 out of 10,000 GA surgery patients die from the anestheia alone. And about half that 'wake up' but are paralyzed feeling the pain but can't react so as to alert the surgical team. She was understandably nervous as a result. As am I. So any prayers would be welcomed. Thanks.
Prayer to the non-God?

You are an atheist right, or have I read you wrong all this time?

I'm an atheist yes. But positive thinking and such couldn't hurt. And on the off-chance I'm wrong...:)

She's actually religious and a true-believer.
You are an agnostic.

An atheist will not concede there is an off chance they are wrong.

And, I think you took my response too personally.
As requested, you mother will be in my prayers.

There are no atheists in foxholes.
I don't know the age of your mother but let me tell you about my experience. My father is 88 and has underwent surgery twice this year. He physically came through both in fine shape, one was brain surgery.

I was with him everyday for a month and let me tell you the anesthesia (sp) does a number on older people. I actually thought he was mentally gone for at least two weeks, both times. So prepare yourself, it will get better but it was harder on me then I think on him.

I guess my point, you need to be in people's prayers.
My Mom's at the Mayo Clinic right now getting surgery for a pinched nerve or some such requiring general anestheia. 16 out of 10,000 GA surgery patients die from the anestheia alone. And about half that 'wake up' but are paralyzed feeling the pain but can't react so as to alert the surgical team. She was understandably nervous as a result. As am I. So any prayers would be welcomed. Thanks.

Prayers being sent right now for her to have a safe surgery and quick recovery Delta.
Appreciate the prayers. Wasn't even hoping for "successful surgery and recovery" so much as not waking up on the table or dying outright. :)
Sister-in-law just called from...Where ever the Mayo Clinic is :) Mom's fine and in recovery. Said she got the duty to call everyone to let us know. Joked with her (since she's fine) "was it your job to call everyone if she'd died?" You got the fuzzy end of that lollypop." :) She laughed. Said Mom was still groggy from the anesthesia not wanting to talk to the nurses so Sis' said "try popping open a bottle of champagne." Mom's a wine afficiando, even getting a vanity license plate wine-drinkers are supposed to get even though the 99.99% of other people don't. :)

Thought I'd update everyone and thank you again for the prayers.
I will pray for your mother's complete recovery and that she live many long and healthy years in the future.
I find you a likeable old perv, and think you add a lot to the entertainment factor here, but, I find it a little offensive an atheist would ask me to use a prayer to my God to help his mother, after insulting my God so often.

Which is your right to do.

I think I'll send out a positive thought here, I hope you mom is ok.

But I am not going to bother my God with it.

Hope you understand.
If your God is the same as my God, then you and I have a problem, and if you call yourself Christian, then you need to realize you aint! At least not from this post, and yes, I have rights to judge Christians. I can quote the verse to you.
Sister-in-law just called from...Where ever the Mayo Clinic is :) Mom's fine and in recovery. Said she got the duty to call everyone to let us know. Joked with her (since she's fine) "was it your job to call everyone if she'd died?" You got the fuzzy end of that lollypop." :) She laughed. Said Mom was still groggy from the anesthesia not wanting to talk to the nurses so Sis' said "try popping open a bottle of champagne." Mom's a wine afficiando, even getting a vanity license plate wine-drinkers are supposed to get even though the 99.99% of other people don't. :)

Thought I'd update everyone and thank you again for the prayers.
Glad to hear that, I got on late, but anytime anyone needs prayer intercession, from me, and they mean it, they got it.

My faith is plenty strong enough to handle doubt and questions, it's a shame some on here are not that strong in their convictions.

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