Drive by shooting in England just days after mass public shooting in England. 5 shooters on the scene of barbecue.

Really? You have numbers on how many individual sellers there are? Where did you get that?


A 2019 survey conducted by the Department of Justice (DOJ) found that some 43 percent of criminals had bought their firearms on the black market, 6 percent acquired them via theft, and 10 percent made a retail purchase – 0.8 percent purchased a weapon from a gun show.

In 11 percent of cases, the criminal had someone else buy a gun for them – known as a straw purchase – while an additional 15 percent got guns from a friend or relative.

Some 12 percent of weapons found on a crime scene had been brought there by someone else.


“Statistics show that those individuals committing what is known as ‘street crimes’ are typically doing so by utilizing weapons that have been initially stolen and may have further traded hands in the black market.”

It meets the criteria for a private sale. doesn't since the straw buyer was buying the gun with the intent to commit a crime, you are trying to confuse that illegal activity with a guy trying to sell a privately owned gun because he doesn't want it anymore.....or trying to sell the gun of someone in the family who died.....

Not the same...but then you guys lie all the time.....

This means that almost half of all guns, used in the commission of a crime, were transferred to the offender illegally, meaning no background check, waiting period, nor magazine limits would apply as the transfer itself was inherently illegal.

Furthermore, at what point is the use of deadly force sanctioned? The UK has a legal standard of "reasonable force". This is usually determined by a jury. We had a famous case of Tony Martin, a farmer who shot a 16 year old burglar in the back as he fled and killed him; he was found guilty of murder, although he claimed he was defending his home and property.

The questions....again.....from this post you are saying the woman should endure the rape.....right? Rather than use a gun to stop it....

A woman is grabbed by a violent serial rapist at a bus stop, a train platform or in her apartment...he plans on beating, raping and murdering her. She has a gun, and can stop the rape with the gun......

Do you want her to use that gun to stop the rape?

You are given the ability to travel in time......knowing this woman is about to be brutally beaten, raped and you go back in time and take that gun away from her before the rape?
Yet you are here daily advocating for them to be able to get all the guns they want with no background check. You are a disgusting gun nut. Embrace it, you disgusting fool.

Moron.....this is a straw buyer, the guys the gangs buy their guns from when they aren't getting their baby mommas, sisters, mothers and grandmothers to buy the guns....

Notice......the intent on buying this gun from the start was to supply it to a felon.....that is against the law.......this is not someone selling a private gun because he doesn't want it anymore....

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Chicago today charged an Indiana man with federal firearm violations for allegedly conspiring to straw purchase a semi-automatic handgun that the charges allege was used to shoot two Chicago Police officers last weekend, including the fatal wounding of Officer Ella French.

JAMEL DANZY purchased the firearm at a federal firearms dealer in Hammond, Ind., on March 18, 2021, and falsely certified on the required forms that he was the actual buyer, according to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Chicago. In reality, Danzy was a straw purchaser who bought the gun at the request of someone whom Danzy knew resided in Chicago, Ill., and was not lawfully allowed to purchase a firearm due to a felony criminal conviction, the complaint states. Danzy gave the firearm to the Illinois resident shortly after the purchase, the complaint states.

And, Dipshit.......What happened to this straw buyer who broke the law knowingly, by purchasing a gun to sell or give to a known criminal?

He was released on idiot....

America Should Be Prosecuting Straw Purchasers, Not Gun Dealers | National Review

Wisconsin isn’t alone in its nonchalance. California normally treats straw purchases as misdemeanors or minor infractions. Even as the people of Baltimore suffer horrific levels of violence, Maryland classifies the crime as a misdemeanor, too. Straw buying is a felony in progressive Connecticut, albeit one in the second-least-serious order of felonies. It is classified as a serious crime in Illinois (Class 2 felony), but police rarely (meaning “almost never”) go after the nephews and girlfriends with clean records who provide Chicago’s diverse and sundry gangsters with their weapons. In Delaware, it’s a Class F felony, like forging a check. In Oregon, it’s a misdemeanor.


I visited Chicago a few years back to write about the city’s gang-driven murder problem, and a retired police official told me that the nature of the people making straw purchases — young relatives, girlfriends who may or may not have been facing the threat of physical violence, grandmothers, etc. — made prosecuting those cases unattractive.

In most of those cases, the authorities emphatically should put the straw purchasers in prison for as long as possible. Throw a few gangsters’ grandmothers behind bars for 20 years and see if that gets anybody’s attention. In the case of the young women suborned into breaking the law, that should be just another charge to put on the main offender.

Read more at: America Should Be Prosecuting Straw Purchasers, Not Gun Dealers | National Review

Read more at: America Should Be Prosecuting Straw Purchasers, Not Gun Dealers | National Review
More detail on the shooting in gun free Britain...

The old woman simply asked for them to turn down the music....and they opened Britain....

But.....this can't happen there....right?

A woman in her seventies is thought to have been shot when she went to ask for music at a barbecue to be turned down.

Up to five attackers are said to have ‘indiscriminately’ fired a gun into a large crowd outside near Regent’s Park and the pensioner was caught in the crossfire.

Police said those injured include a 19-year-old woman; a 17-year-old woman; a 28-year-old man and the pensioner, who is 73.

A friend of the older women said: ‘She would have only come out to tell them to stop making such a racket, and tell them to stop.

Moron........what part of the research do you not understand.........they do not trust people they do not is no different from buying illegal drugs..........they use straw buyers who they have some references for, or family or friend connection...'

You simply denying the truth just shows you are stupid......and do not care about truth, facts or reality.
You don't know many crooks, do you? They will buy anything from anybody, and only steal if it is the quickest/easiest way to get what they want. You're just another idiot gun nut who chooses to believe the crap that you spew each day. You should at least admit that much of the truth.

A 2019 survey conducted by the Department of Justice (DOJ) found that some 43 percent of criminals had bought their firearms on the black market, 6 percent acquired them via theft, and 10 percent made a retail purchase – 0.8 percent purchased a weapon from a gun show.

In 11 percent of cases, the criminal had someone else buy a gun for them – known as a straw purchase – while an additional 15 percent got guns from a friend or relative.

Some 12 percent of weapons found on a crime scene had been brought there by someone else.


“Statistics show that those individuals committing what is known as ‘street crimes’ are typically doing so by utilizing weapons that have been initially stolen and may have further traded hands in the black market.”

So 43% of them bought their guns from individual sellers who didn't have a backgrond check done. What exactly is the difference between an individual seller and the black market from a crook buyer's point of view?
You don't know many crooks, do you? They will buy anything from anybody, and only steal if it is the quickest/easiest way to get what they want. You're just another idiot gun nut who chooses to believe the crap that you spew each day. You should at least admit that much of the truth.

Are you really this, you are just a liar.

Criminals, the ones doing 95% of the shooting belong to drug gangs. They have networks for getting guns.....this involves friends and family as well as straw buyers......

You are an idiot....
Furthermore, at what point is the use of deadly force sanctioned? The UK has a legal standard of "reasonable force". This is usually determined by a jury. We had a famous case of Tony Martin, a farmer who shot a 16 year old burglar in the back as he fled and killed him; he was found guilty of murder, although he claimed he was defending his home and property.
Well, I don't know anything about Martin's case and don't have much desire to read thoroughly about it. As always, the devil is in details.

As a whole I support some form of the castle doctrine and think that the owner should have a right to use deadly force against the intruder. But do the owner have a right to shot at the intruder's back when they are running away? Well, all depends on details.

About a right on self defence as a whole.. Recently, I came across a thread, in one of the sub forums here, about stoning happened in Texas (if I remember correctly). Previously, I considered myself a supporter of the self defence right in broad terms. This case gave me some thoughts to think about.
Just days after a mass public shooting in Britain we now have 5 shooters firing on a barbecue in England...

But.....they have gun control....right?

Four people, including three women, were wounded in a suspected drive-by shooting in north London last night.

A large group of people had gathered for a barbecue in a communal open space in Clarence Gardens, Camden, when shots rang out shortly after 10pm.

Scotland Yard said up to five males turned up and started firing ‘indiscriminately’.

Are they catching up with the U.S. yet?
So 43% of them bought their guns from individual sellers who didn't have a backgrond check done. What exactly is the difference between an individual seller and the black market from a crook buyer's point of view?

Moron.......those individual sellers are criminals who got the guns from straw buyers, you idiot...they also got their guns from baby mommas, mothers, sisters, grand mothers.....and then sold them to the known criminals...the sellers also are the criminals who stole the ramming trucks into the walls of gun stores, or breaking into homes...

Are you really, truly this stupid...
Are they catching up with the U.S. yet?

They didn't have many before they banned and confiscated guns, and now, after they banned and confiscated guns, they have the same.....

Banning guns doesn't reduce gun crime......the U.S. and Britain show us this. doesn't since the straw buyer was buying the gun with the intent to commit a crime, you are trying to confuse that illegal activity with a guy trying to sell a privately owned gun because he doesn't want it anymore.....or trying to sell the gun of someone in the family who died.....

Not the same...but then you guys lie all the time.....

This means that almost half of all guns, used in the commission of a crime, were transferred to the offender illegally, meaning no background check, waiting period, nor magazine limits would apply as the transfer itself was inherently illegal.

You're brilliant!!! Nobody would ever lie, and say they were just selling a gun they didn't want any more, and since they weren't obligated to have a background check, they had no idea the buyer was a crook. Now I understand. I just hope nobody ever figures out how to lie about the details of a sale, cause that would throw your explanation right out the window --- dumb ass
Moron.....this is a straw buyer, the guys the gangs buy their guns from when they aren't getting their baby mommas, sisters, mothers and grandmothers to buy the guns....

Notice......the intent on buying this gun from the start was to supply it to a felon.....that is against the law.......this is not someone selling a private gun because he doesn't want it anymore....

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Chicago today charged an Indiana man with federal firearm violations for allegedly conspiring to straw purchase a semi-automatic handgun that the charges allege was used to shoot two Chicago Police officers last weekend, including the fatal wounding of Officer Ella French.

JAMEL DANZY purchased the firearm at a federal firearms dealer in Hammond, Ind., on March 18, 2021, and falsely certified on the required forms that he was the actual buyer, according to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Chicago. In reality, Danzy was a straw purchaser who bought the gun at the request of someone whom Danzy knew resided in Chicago, Ill., and was not lawfully allowed to purchase a firearm due to a felony criminal conviction, the complaint states. Danzy gave the firearm to the Illinois resident shortly after the purchase, the complaint states.

And, Dipshit.......What happened to this straw buyer who broke the law knowingly, by purchasing a gun to sell or give to a known criminal?

He was released on idiot....

America Should Be Prosecuting Straw Purchasers, Not Gun Dealers | National Review

Wisconsin isn’t alone in its nonchalance. California normally treats straw purchases as misdemeanors or minor infractions. Even as the people of Baltimore suffer horrific levels of violence, Maryland classifies the crime as a misdemeanor, too. Straw buying is a felony in progressive Connecticut, albeit one in the second-least-serious order of felonies. It is classified as a serious crime in Illinois (Class 2 felony), but police rarely (meaning “almost never”) go after the nephews and girlfriends with clean records who provide Chicago’s diverse and sundry gangsters with their weapons. In Delaware, it’s a Class F felony, like forging a check. In Oregon, it’s a misdemeanor.


I visited Chicago a few years back to write about the city’s gang-driven murder problem, and a retired police official told me that the nature of the people making straw purchases — young relatives, girlfriends who may or may not have been facing the threat of physical violence, grandmothers, etc. — made prosecuting those cases unattractive.

In most of those cases, the authorities emphatically should put the straw purchasers in prison for as long as possible. Throw a few gangsters’ grandmothers behind bars for 20 years and see if that gets anybody’s attention. In the case of the young women suborned into breaking the law, that should be just another charge to put on the main offender.

Read more at: America Should Be Prosecuting Straw Purchasers, Not Gun Dealers | National Review

Read more at: America Should Be Prosecuting Straw Purchasers, Not Gun Dealers | National Review
Of course he was released. He did nothing different than individual gun sellers across the country do every day.
You're brilliant!!! Nobody would ever lie, and say they were just selling a gun they didn't want any more, and since they weren't obligated to have a background check, they had no idea the buyer was a crook. Now I understand. I just hope nobody ever figures out how to lie about the details of a sale, cause that would throw your explanation right out the window --- dumb ass

Yes...I get need to lie, to hide the truth about gun control want to ban and confiscate guns, but the truth, facts and reality don't support what you want.

Gangs have networks. They vet their criminal associates. Straw buyers are not the guy selling their Glock 17 2nd Generation cause he wants the Glock 17 3rd generation.......the straw buyers are buying guns with the intent of supplying criminals...they pass background checks because they keep their records clean....

You idiot.
Of course he was released. He did nothing different than individual gun sellers across the country do every day.

Wrong, shithead.......he lied on the background check know, the background check form that you have to go through to buy a gun, you dumb ass..........he lied on the Federally mandated background check form that you say he didn't have to fill out......he lied because he intended to sell the gun or give the gun to a known criminal....

And he passed your background check to do idiot.

Then...the chicago democrat judge let him go....after a police officer was killed.......

The problem isn't normal people who own guns, you doofus.....the problem is the democrat party that releases not only straw buyers who break the law, but actual shooters who have long criminal records, and multiple arrests for gun crime that are ignored when they are released over and over again.
Are you really this, you are just a liar.

Criminals, the ones doing 95% of the shooting belong to drug gangs. They have networks for getting guns.....this involves friends and family as well as straw buyers......

You are an idiot....
Sounds like you've been spending too much time watching Breaking Bad reruns. --- idiot.
Moron.......those individual sellers are criminals who got the guns from straw buyers, you idiot...they also got their guns from baby mommas, mothers, sisters, grand mothers.....and then sold them to the known criminals...the sellers also are the criminals who stole the ramming trucks into the walls of gun stores, or breaking into homes...

Are you really, truly this stupid...
How many times per day are trucks driven through the walls of a gun store, and why don't we hear more about such a common occurance? ----- you dumb ass.
Wrong, shithead.......he lied on the background check know, the background check form that you have to go through to buy a gun, you dumb ass..........he lied on the Federally mandated background check form that you say he didn't have to fill out......he lied because he intended to sell the gun or give the gun to a known criminal....

And he passed your background check to do idiot.

Then...the chicago democrat judge let him go....after a police officer was killed.......

The problem isn't normal people who own guns, you doofus.....the problem is the democrat party that releases not only straw buyers who break the law, but actual shooters who have long criminal records, and multiple arrests for gun crime that are ignored when they are released over and over again.
No background check is required for an individual to sell a gun dumb ass.

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