Drip, Drip, Drip: State Dept Delays E-Mail Release Until After 1st Primary; Blames own Incompetence


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"State Dept Delays E-Mail Release Until After 1st Primary; Blames own Incompetence and Snow

In a court filing late on Thursday evening, the department insisted that it “regrets” its inability to publish the final 7,000 pages on Friday, as a federal court ordered it to do last year.

Yet it defended the delay, blaming an internal oversight and the snowstorm that crippled Washington in the past week.

As part of the process of making the emails public, the State Department is required to have other agencies review Clinton’s emails to check if any information should be redacted or marked as classified.

According to the department, it simply “missed” sending roughly 7,000 pages of emails to other agencies, and did not notice the oversight until earlier this month. Its efforts to correct the problem were further delayed by the snowstorm, which closed the federal government through Wednesday."

LINK: State to release some Clinton emails on Friday; thousands still delayed


f the Court allows State to delay release of thousands of pages of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s official work emails, a substantial portion of the electorate will be forced to vote without the benefit of important information to which it is entitled about the performance of one of the candidates for U.S. President while serving as Secretary of State,” lawyers opposing the department’s schedule claimed earlier this week. "

State Dept Lawyers responded by basically saying the fact that the information that should have been released already COULD potentially affect the way people vote does not matter, as it does not change the fact that (due to their foot dragging and own admitted incompetence/error) they need more time to release the e-mails.


So, since even the State Department admits the e-mails still not released COULD have an impact on voters' decisions regarding on who to vote for...IF some extremely damaging new information comes out after a primary / several primaries AND if Hillary wins those, could someone - voters in those elections or even Sanders' camp - call for / sue to have the results, as they pertain to the impact on who wins the DNC's nomination, thrown out and/or call for a NEW primary election in those states based on new information released to the public?

The argument could be made that such new damaging information, had it been released BEFORE the primaries, COULD have made such an impact on the voting as to have reversed / changed the outcome, which could make a huge impact on who wins the eventual nomination....

This could (small chance) have as much of an impact on the DNC nomination outcome as Cruz's legal ability to run for office, should challenges / law suits be filed.
"State Dept Delays E-Mail Release Until After 1st Primary; Blames own Incompetence and Snow

In a court filing late on Thursday evening, the department insisted that it “regrets” its inability to publish the final 7,000 pages on Friday, as a federal court ordered it to do last year.

Yet it defended the delay, blaming an internal oversight and the snowstorm that crippled Washington in the past week.

As part of the process of making the emails public, the State Department is required to have other agencies review Clinton’s emails to check if any information should be redacted or marked as classified.

According to the department, it simply “missed” sending roughly 7,000 pages of emails to other agencies, and did not notice the oversight until earlier this month. Its efforts to correct the problem were further delayed by the snowstorm, which closed the federal government through Wednesday."

LINK: State to release some Clinton emails on Friday; thousands still delayed


f the Court allows State to delay release of thousands of pages of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s official work emails, a substantial portion of the electorate will be forced to vote without the benefit of important information to which it is entitled about the performance of one of the candidates for U.S. President while serving as Secretary of State,” lawyers opposing the department’s schedule claimed earlier this week. "

State Dept Lawyers responded by basically saying the fact that the information that should have been released already COULD potentially affect the way people vote does not matter, as it does not change the fact that (due to their foot dragging and own admitted incompetence/error) they need more time to release the e-mails.


So, since even the State Department admits the e-mails still not released COULD have an impact on voters' decisions regarding on who to vote for...IF some extremely damaging new information comes out after a primary / several primaries AND if Hillary wins those, could someone - voters in those elections or even Sanders' camp - call for / sue to have the results, as they pertain to the impact on who wins the DNC's nomination, thrown out and/or call for a NEW primary election in those states based on new information released to the public?

The argument could be made that such new damaging information, had it been released BEFORE the primaries, COULD have made such an impact on the voting as to have reversed / changed the outcome, which could make a huge impact on who wins the eventual nomination....

This could (small chance) have as much of an impact on the DNC nomination outcome as Cruz's legal ability to run for office, should challenges / law suits be filed.
Typical of an progressive organization...
If I ever found myself in position to do so, I would gut the State Department like a fresh caught trout. They are no more then a shill for foreign governments.
"State Dept Delays E-Mail Release Until After 1st Primary; Blames own Incompetence and Snow

In a court filing late on Thursday evening, the department insisted that it “regrets” its inability to publish the final 7,000 pages on Friday, as a federal court ordered it to do last year.

Yet it defended the delay, blaming an internal oversight and the snowstorm that crippled Washington in the past week.

As part of the process of making the emails public, the State Department is required to have other agencies review Clinton’s emails to check if any information should be redacted or marked as classified.

According to the department, it simply “missed” sending roughly 7,000 pages of emails to other agencies, and did not notice the oversight until earlier this month. Its efforts to correct the problem were further delayed by the snowstorm, which closed the federal government through Wednesday."

LINK: State to release some Clinton emails on Friday; thousands still delayed


f the Court allows State to delay release of thousands of pages of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s official work emails, a substantial portion of the electorate will be forced to vote without the benefit of important information to which it is entitled about the performance of one of the candidates for U.S. President while serving as Secretary of State,” lawyers opposing the department’s schedule claimed earlier this week. "

State Dept Lawyers responded by basically saying the fact that the information that should have been released already COULD potentially affect the way people vote does not matter, as it does not change the fact that (due to their foot dragging and own admitted incompetence/error) they need more time to release the e-mails.


So, since even the State Department admits the e-mails still not released COULD have an impact on voters' decisions regarding on who to vote for...IF some extremely damaging new information comes out after a primary / several primaries AND if Hillary wins those, could someone - voters in those elections or even Sanders' camp - call for / sue to have the results, as they pertain to the impact on who wins the DNC's nomination, thrown out and/or call for a NEW primary election in those states based on new information released to the public?

The argument could be made that such new damaging information, had it been released BEFORE the primaries, COULD have made such an impact on the voting as to have reversed / changed the outcome, which could make a huge impact on who wins the eventual nomination....

This could (small chance) have as much of an impact on the DNC nomination outcome as Cruz's legal ability to run for office, should challenges / law suits be filed.
Does the state dept and the obama administration not realize that most of us citizens are well aware they are gross liars and criminals?
Don't they realize we know when we have been whipped and there is virtually nothing we can do about it, especially when they have the Justice Dept and the courts in their pocket as well?
Don't they realize we have moved on, given up, and are just now praying to God to save us?

And I guess I just never realized they are even dumber than I thought.
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and the people just sit and says nothing. a Government who withholds information form you is a Government that is OUT OF CONTROL
Ah yes...the "most transparent Administration in history" at it's finest!

Come on people...after seven years of this...did you expect anything else from the Obama Administration?
It is not by accident that almost every bureaucracy under Obama is run incompetently, ineptly, and fraudulently. The va, the loss of personal info on 23 million fed workers, the state department, the military, Obamacare, the list is endless. It is a reflection on the inability and the disconnect of the leader, and it shows that all the executives energy is directed at punishing, harassing, and destroying his opposition or covering for his successor. Once Ted Cruz or christy is appointed attorney general the whole Obama criminal enterprise will be exposed.
'Party before Country.' She's a fellow Democrat. They'll likely stall the whole thing till after the Election. If she were a Republican, she would be in cuffs and sitting in a cell right now.

Just look at what they did to Petraeus. He was a Republican though. The woman should be arrested, and then have it all sorted out in court. It's shocking that hasn't happened yet.

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