Drink lots of water in this heat..

Especially if on medication. If you are weak it mean you need to eat and drink water. Just trying to make you all aware.

If you are an Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voter, please ignore the above.......and play 2 sets of vigorous tennis....

If you're a grown adult and still have to be told that, I don't want you to be told.

66 million two time moonbat messiah voters got me pretty jaded.

Careful with drinking water. Too much can kill ya. If not actually sweating (loosing water) replacing what you're not loosing is dangerous. Too much water innundates cellular functioning resulting in death.
Especially if on medication. If you are weak it mean you need to eat and drink water. Just trying to make you all aware.

I generally chew crushed ice this time of year. Keeps me hydrated without making me need to head for the ladies' room every five minutes, and reduces my body's core temp, so I don't feel so miserable.
Actually I've been told by army medics that drinking ice water/ eating ice shrinks your stomach and reduces your capacity to absorb water.


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