Drilling holes in a sinking boat.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
‘The governor's decision to return the federal money drew fire from Iowa Sen. Zach Wahls of Coralville, who is the top Democrat in the state Senate.

"Returning federal COVID relief money during a public health disaster is like drilling holes in a sinking boat," Wahls wrote on Twitter Friday. "Iowans are hurting and the Governor and Republican-controlled Legislature are making it worse by putting politics before public health."’ ibid


The reckless, irresponsible right – Republicans are incapable of sound governance and public policy.
Horrible what we did to Americas children just so the teachers unions could sit on their asses for a year with complete pay. What a GD fucking deal. The suicides, loneliness and massive depression of our kids is not even secondary.

The benefit is a year away from the horrible dependent socialistic victimhood education they receive.

Sex change procedures for 8 yr olds has dropped too keeping their hands off our kids.
‘The governor's decision to return the federal money drew fire from Iowa Sen. Zach Wahls of Coralville, who is the top Democrat in the state Senate.

"Returning federal COVID relief money during a public health disaster is like drilling holes in a sinking boat," Wahls wrote on Twitter Friday. "Iowans are hurting and the Governor and Republican-controlled Legislature are making it worse by putting politics before public health."’ ibid


The reckless, irresponsible right – Republicans are incapable of sound governance and public policy.
Public health disaster? Less people died of the Kung Flu than they did of cancer.....

About 606,880 Americans are expected to die of cancer in 2019 (Table 1), which translates to about 1,660 deaths per day. Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the US, exceeded only by heart disease. Table 3 provides estimated cancer deaths by state in 2019.
Cancer Facts & Figures 2019

Is US COVID-19 death count inflated? | TheHill
As the CDC report notes, “For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned.”

In other words, 94 percent of Americans who have died from coronavirus from the week ending February 1, 2020 to the week ending August 22, 2020 had, on average, almost three comorbidities that played a role in their death.
But like a good progressive slave, you must continue to push the party talking points because if you dont, you might not get your $1,400 check...
In a move that has been described as "drilling holes in a sinking boat" Iowa's governor "covid kim" reynolds has returned federal money sent for testing in schools.

Kids aren’t susceptible and the adults there are getting vaccinated. WTF are you going to test for next year?
In a move that has been described as "drilling holes in a sinking boat" Iowa's governor "covid kim" reynolds has returned federal money sent for testing in schools.

Stupid is as stupid does.

And Republicans, they're stupid.
In a move that has been described as "drilling holes in a sinking boat" Iowa's governor "covid kim" reynolds has returned federal money sent for testing in schools.

Stupid is as stupid does.

And Republicans, they're stupid.
This from a racist tard who wants the schools kept closed so maybe these kids will end up as dumb as him. See, you stupid Dems closed the schools and wouldn't reopen them because the unions don't want to work. That's stupid.
‘The governor's decision to return the federal money drew fire from Iowa Sen. Zach Wahls of Coralville, who is the top Democrat in the state Senate.

"Returning federal COVID relief money during a public health disaster is like drilling holes in a sinking boat," Wahls wrote on Twitter Friday. "Iowans are hurting and the Governor and Republican-controlled Legislature are making it worse by putting politics before public health."’ ibid


The reckless, irresponsible right – Republicans are incapable of sound governance and public policy.
I was for the war before I was against it...liberal genius John "frankenstien" Kerry
From what I read, nobody returned "federal COVID relief money during a public health disaster".
The money was for testing, not relief, the testing could not and should not be done because it would disrupt the classrooms too much.
The kids hate it physically, and it would just produce anxiety, waiting for results.
We already know kids are essentially immune.
Japan, Korea, and much of the world realizes that by now and keeps the schools open.
Horrible what we did to Americas children just so the teachers unions could sit on their asses for a year with complete pay. What a GD fucking deal. The suicides, loneliness and massive depression of our kids is not even secondary.
Oh sloopy.
Teachers (or Teacher Unions) haven't "sat on their asses" for a year.
Do you even read real local news or understand reality? Of Course not.
‘The governor's decision to return the federal money drew fire from Iowa Sen. Zach Wahls of Coralville, who is the top Democrat in the state Senate.

"Returning federal COVID relief money during a public health disaster is like drilling holes in a sinking boat," Wahls wrote on Twitter Friday. "Iowans are hurting and the Governor and Republican-controlled Legislature are making it worse by putting politics before public health."’ ibid


The reckless, irresponsible right – Republicans are incapable of sound governance and public policy.
I was for the war before I was against it...liberal genius John "frankenstien" Kerry
Republicans haven’t been capable of sound, responsible governance for decades.
What I get from this op is that there's a high high high high cancer rates in america that takes away from our greatness meter.
And Republicans, they're stupid.

Evidently smarter than your average Democrat. We make up the majority of those that foot the bill for all the Democratic freebies meant to help their ”poor” constituency.
‘The governor's decision to return the federal money drew fire from Iowa Sen. Zach Wahls of Coralville, who is the top Democrat in the state Senate.

"Returning federal COVID relief money during a public health disaster is like drilling holes in a sinking boat," Wahls wrote on Twitter Friday. "Iowans are hurting and the Governor and Republican-controlled Legislature are making it worse by putting politics before public health."’ ibid


The reckless, irresponsible right – Republicans are incapable of sound governance and public policy.
I was for the war before I was against it...liberal genius John "frankenstien" Kerry
Republicans haven’t been capable of sound, responsible governance for decades.

Just capable of being more successful than the average Democrat. Imagine that.

I keep saying this over and over because evidently left-wing news sources continue to spin or just omit the fact that, trust fund babies and ultra, ultra wealthy aside, as wages increase so does the likelihood of one being a Republican. It is as if the least successful in our society are convinced that they are the smartest. In part, much of this misinformation comes from large urban cities where even successful folks are being brainwashed, but in the heartland, there is no comparison. Those that make good money, enough to be labeled “rich” by the Democrats, are most likely to be a Republican.

Where I live, you can pick out a Democrat by the number and placement of piercings, the number of bumper stickers on their Prius, multi-colored hair and where they live. Luckily, there are not many of those types in affluent suburbs of my city.
In a move that has been described as "drilling holes in a sinking boat" Iowa's governor "covid kim" reynolds has returned federal money sent for testing in schools.

Recall red State governors not blue State governors!
Horrible what we did to Americas children just so the teachers unions could sit on their asses for a year with complete pay. What a GD fucking deal. The suicides, loneliness and massive depression of our kids is not even secondary.

The benefit is a year away from the horrible dependent socialistic victimhood education they receive.

Sex change procedures for 8 yr olds has dropped too keeping their hands off our kids.


More than 500 teachers have died from covid trying to keep schools opened!!! Other than health care workers, no public employees have been asked to do more than teachers in the past year.

Teachers have been jerked around from piller to post by their school boards since this thing started. During the first wave when schools closed classrooms, teachers were required to download software on their computers and begin teaching online - with no training and about 1 week to be ready to make the change. AND THEY DID IT.

Not only did they have to download the software, learn how to use it, they have to convert all of their lesson plans to online and prepare resources for the parents to print out and use. They did it all, with no training, and few supports, and no money.

Teachers were then required to contact all of their students and make sure they had access to computers and WIFI and report anyone who needed equipment to the schools to get them equipment.

Schools have been opening, and closing and the teachers have had to adapt to the rapidly changing situation. One teacher friend who ASKED to be able to teach online - she's had 2 bouts of cancer in the past 5 years, was refused.

Our schools here have been open all year long. The parents had a choice as to virtual or in person about half chose virtual. The teachers also got a raise this year of 4 percent. Deservedly so
In a move that has been described as "drilling holes in a sinking boat" Iowa's governor "covid kim" reynolds has returned federal money sent for testing in schools.

Stupid is as stupid does.

And Republicans, they're stupid.


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