Drag queen harrassment leading to jail, not before time.

Hate speech has consequences and the victim has suffered enough. These extremists are in dream land if they think they have the right to do this.
Thank God we didn't let hate speech laws get passed in America, also that we aren't "subjects".
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As a result of her harrassment he has lost work and been hounded by vigilante groups.

I bet it never crossed the poor bastard's mind that his work opportunities dried up
because he has a morally corrupt and piss poor business plan.

I mean seriously, who wakes up in the morning and says to themselves ...
"I want to fulfil my life's ambition and make some money putting on drag queen shows for little kids."

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You are right that not having a look at the show we cannot really say what it is like. However there is absolutely no hint in what happened in court to suggest he had done anything wrong and if he had he would have been arrested some time ago. I have just found that in some states in the US they are working on not allowing gays to do story telling claiming they are all paedophiles and perverts. This goes with their abortion demands and these people are bringing their views over to the UK. We have people who have been taught by the Texas ones in Scotland and I suspect that is what is happening in Northern Ireland which is an attack on that man for who he is. He has also lost work. Now the video is I suspect just of them protesting outside with his picture and name and calling him groomer and paedophile. Recently we saw in I think both Scotland and NI, mainly men shouting abuse at women going in for an abortion. I do not think we would have seen such behaviour here until very recently and it is coming from the US..
Its a big right wing scam. It will be some other nonsense in a few weeks.

I bet it never crossed the poor bastard's mind that his work opportunities dried up
because he has a morally corrupt and piss poor business plan.

I mean seriously, who wakes up in the morning and says to themselves ...
"I want to fulfil my life's ambition and make some money putting on drag queen shows for little kids."

Well I havent seen his business plan. But there is evidence that he is being attacked by simpleton right wing fascists. That is reason enough to lock up this crazy presbyterian bitch.
No false claims, here.

The person, in question, has been willfully and knowingly exposing children to sexually-inappropriate content. Ms. Bunting is exactly right, exactly truthful, in exposing this dangerous pervert for sexually grooming children.

How is it that you think such sick perverts should have freedom to engage in that sort of harmful behavior, and yet someone else's freedom to truthfully call that behavior out should not be protected?

There is something very fucked-up about a society in which pedophiles, groomers, and related perverts are protected, but children are not protected from them.
The kids are watching the show with their parents. What do you think is happening to them. Bear in mind they arent moemon so will probably have a traditional family structure.

What do you actually see happening in these shows ?

The fact is yu dont like the idea of drag queens so have invented scenarios that turn them into a sodom and gomorrah. Only a fucking imbecile would fall for that shit.
You are right that not having a look at the show we cannot really say what it is like. However there is absolutely no hint in what happened in court to suggest he had done anything wrong and if he had he would have been arrested some time ago. I have just found that in some states in the US they are working on not allowing gays to do story telling claiming they are all paedophiles and perverts. This goes with their abortion demands and these people are bringing their views over to the UK. We have people who have been taught by the Texas ones in Scotland and I suspect that is what is happening in Northern Ireland which is an attack on that man for who he is. He has also lost work. Now the video is I suspect just of them protesting outside with his picture and name and calling him groomer and paedophile. Recently we saw in I think both Scotland and NI, mainly men shouting abuse at women going in for an abortion. I do not think we would have seen such behaviour here until very recently and it is coming from the US..
As far as I can understand, in NI so called Christian Right has strong positions in the society. The principles adored by these people contradict the civil liberties and rights as I understand them.

Though, I should admit that abortion is more complex issue. I support some restrictions to be in place.
Well I havent seen his business plan. But there is evidence that he is being attacked by simpleton right wing fascists. That is reason enough to lock up this crazy presbyterian bitch.

No shit Sherlock ... Although I would be willing to flip a quarter to decide which one of the two was crazier.
I couldn't care less if they locked him up in a padded cell next to hers ... :auiqs.jpg:

If you do stupid things like thinking it is a bright idea to make a living putting on drag queen shows for little kids ...
There's definitely something more than a little bit fucked up in your wiring.


No shit Sherlock ... Although I would be willing to flip a quarter to decide which one of the two was crazier.
I couldn't care less if they locked him up in a padded cell next to hers ... :auiqs.jpg:

If you do stupid things like thinking it is a bright idea to make a living putting on drag queen shows for little kids ...
There's definitely something more than a little bit fucked up in your wiring.

He has not broken any law. Why would he be in jail ?Have you read the story ?
He has not broken any law. Why would he be in jail ?Have you read the story ?

Yes ... And I understand the law.
But ... You were making comments about crazy people, and difficulties with his business practices.

I never suggested the crazy guy putting on drag queen shows for little kids was breaking the law ...
Just that he is nuts if he thinks it wouldn't draw criticism that would hinder his ability to support a very poor initiative and business plan.

But I get it ... :auiqs.jpg:
You don't understand the difference between breaking the law and having the freedom to do something
entirely morally corrupt and fiscally stupid for a job.

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Yes ... And I understand the law.
But ... You were making comments about crazy people, and difficulties with his business practices.

I never suggested the crazy guy putting on drag queen shows for little kids was breaking the law ...
Just that he is nuts if he thinks it wouldn't draw criticism that would hinder his ability to support a very poor initiative and business plan.

But I get it ... :auiqs.jpg:
You don't understand the difference between breaking the law and having the freedom to do something
entirely morally corrupt and fiscally stupid for a job.

You are a sick individual. Your whole standpoint is based on hate. I havent got the patience to banter with someone so twisted. Maybe some other time babe.
You are a sick individual. Your whole standpoint is based on hate. I havent got the patience to banter with someone so twisted. Maybe some other time babe.

Hatred of what, you nitwit ... I don't hate anyone ... :auiqs.jpg:
Do you know how difficult it would be to write a bunch of laws to address whatever morally corrupt thing a crazy person can think of?

Not to mention, I support Freedom, but don't expect anything I can think of doing won't blow up in my face ...
Then whine like a little girl because it's not against the law and try to make everyone else responsible or liable to my fucked-up desires.

You don't have the patience ... Because you have nothing to offer but your own hatred.

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As far as I can understand, in NI so called Christian Right has strong positions in the society. The principles adored by these people contradict the civil liberties and rights as I understand them.

Though, I should admit that abortion is more complex issue. I support some restrictions to be in place.
and to the best of my knowledge PIRA still shoot dead or in the kneecaps those who are selling drugs. I actually don't understand what you are saying, don't understand your position.
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and to the best of my knowledge PIRA still shoot dead or in the kneecaps those who are selling drugs. I actually don't understand what you are saying, don't understand your position.
My position is that so called drag queens are the same part of society as anyone else and should have the same rights as others do.

What don't you understand? You don't know what the Christian Right means?
I can see you are as you said, completely ignorant. You appear here to be mistaking Drag Queens for people who have changed their gender. They are not the same. Hence we are talking about gay people making babies. All that needs is as you have been told for the man to ejaculate into some container and for the woman to finish this off. I know a woman who did this and it really cannot be that hard. She managed first time,

Your idea that gays are created by humans is what the American Christian Right and the neo cons are telling people in Africa. There are no gays except in the US they say. They claim Left Christians who try to get them accepted and given equal rights are trying to take them over again. Gay people they say are demons come to destroy them. This has led to a massive increase of rape, beating up and killing of gay people.

Lastly I know a little boy and how he is and always has been has made me certainly think being gay is genetic.
He is nine years old and for his coming tenth birthday he has asked to have his hair highlighted, to get nail polish and to get a frog jumper which appear to be for girls. He has his hair short with a man's pony tale. He would have had it very long with all kinds of clasps he borrowed from his sister and genuine pony tales but his father, seeing how people looked at him at the school gate threatened to shave all his hair off if he did not agree to getting it cut. I could be wrong about him. We will need to wait and see.
Why do you people hate being asked questions? You post insults and blame Christians and give an example of a little boy and make insane conclusions when all I asked is if there is a gay gene. WTF is your problem? You project your hatred onto me. Why? I’m not against gays and never said that. Now, try to stay calm. Do you think gays are born gay or is it the result of environmental influences?
Oh go to the jewelry store and buy some more pearls to clutch.

Your creepy brethren in Tennessee want child brides.

This multi-bitch is very full of itself, of shit and stereotypes.

Multi-bitch is clearly a troll, but not a witty one.
Why do you people hate being asked questions? You post insults and blame Christians and give an example of a little boy and make insane conclusions when all I asked is if there is a gay gene. WTF is your problem? You project your hatred onto me. Why? I’m not against gays and never said that. Now, try to stay calm. Do you think gays are born gay or is it the result of environmental influences?
None of what you say there has any reference to what I said. It is yourself who is projecting your own hatred.

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