Draft DNC Platform Declares White Americans Too Rich, Too Privileged, and Too Evil


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Draft DNC Platform Declares White Americans Too Rich, Too Privileged, and Too Evil

24 Jul 2020 ~~ By John Nolte
The Democrat National Committee draft platform for its 2020 convention mentions “whites” a total of 15 times, each of them within a “damning” context — a detail first noticed by the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard.
“In more than 80 pages in the draft platform published by Politico, whites are mentioned 15 times, all critical, including three references to white supremacy or supremacists and one to white nationalists,” Bedard writes.

He adds, “In most mentions, the reference is to how whites are better off at the expense of others. And the promise often is to ‘close the gap’ between minorities and whites, though no solutions are offered.”
If this is a legitimate draft, the fact that it’s a merely a draft means nothing. It still reveals how ugly the Democrat Party has become and how ugly and divisive the future will be, should this approach to national politics ever prevail.
Bedard includes each of the 15 times whites are mentioned in the draft platform, a platform Joe Biden will certainly embrace when he accepts the presidential nomination later this year. Included in the 15 is an attack on the American military as racist and the not-subtle libel that white prosperity is hurting other racial minorities.
The extreme gap in household wealth and income between people of color — especially Black Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans — and white families is hurting our working class and holding our country back.​
And, as we have seen throughout the country over the last two months, and in pretty much every Democrat-run city in America, libels like this are intended to justify and encourage the Democrat Party’s Brownshirts — in the form of the terrorist groups Black Lives Matter and Antifa — to rampage, riot, loot, burn, and desecrate our history.
This draft platform is nothing less than monstrous — monstrously un-American and dangerous.
All Democrats (and their propagandists in the corporate media) have left is the un-American poison of identity politics, which means they have to keep us divided, keep us at each other’s throats, and even go so far as to declare Rev. Martin Luther King’s vision of a colorblind society “racist.”
And this is why the first draft of Joe Biden’s platform, the first swing at the pitch, which is always the most honest, lies and smears and divides and pits American against American.
This election is for all the marbles, folks. If this toxicity succeeds in 2020, that will be our future. If this hate, this total repudiation of e pluribus unum wins the day, that will be our future.

How dare you Racist Whites have your own families, traditions, and morals!!
Hmm...., The 2020 propsed DNC platform, the proud product of years of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Communist indoctrination. This is what happens after more than seven decades of leftist indoctrination of our children from kindergarten through college.
Whatever happened to “I have a dream that people will be judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin.”
Guess that got lost in translation...
They call themselves the "Democratic Party," but in truth they are the PMS/DSA Anti White Communist Party. You'cannot fight this by being purposely naive, and you are certainly not going to fight this by calling your brethren "Racists" and "White Supremacists," and making yourself the enemy of your own people. America and it's citizenry are not defined by "skin color," but by family, heritage, and history. Stop listening to enemy propaganda and allowing them define your world. Be one with your people so we can defeat this evil.
It is a unique self-hating fool, who is both white and a PMS/DSA Commie Democrat. Their white "males" are most disturbing, usually fighting sexual "confusion" and committed to humiliating and debasing themselves to be accepted by their fellow liberal heathens.
Joe Biden the marionette now reflects in prepared racist comments the anti- white policies of the Dems that falsely seem to suggest that all blacks are devoted to the Democratic Party.
Draft DNC Platform Declares White Americans Too Rich, Too Privileged, and Too Evil

I just caught that news story myself a few minutes ago on my 92-inch Sony LED TV via my Dish Network, Direct TV and Verizon FIOS feeds, so in anger shot my butler who failed to change the channel back to 'Gone With The Wind' in time.
Does the left have a clue that they are now disenfranchising the MINORITY POPULATIONS that have gotten a taste of what getting out of poverty is?

I hope Trump pounds this one hard every day... Trumps approval rate among blacks and Latino populations is about 40% now..
Good Americans have grown sick and tired of the violent antics of the negro-fueled left, and will simply not vote for someone who supports them...
Here in Texas we have a state wide group of patriots who are organizing and grouping with set goals. One goal is to keep the antifa/blm scum from doing anything except going back to mommies basement. We were in Weatherford yesterday. Kept them from taking down a statue.
Draft DNC Platform Declares White Americans Too Rich, Too Privileged, and Too Evil

24 Jul 2020 ~~ By John Nolte
The Democrat National Committee draft platform for its 2020 convention mentions “whites” a total of 15 times, each of them within a “damning” context — a detail first noticed by the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard.
“In more than 80 pages in the draft platform published by Politico, whites are mentioned 15 times, all critical, including three references to white supremacy or supremacists and one to white nationalists,” Bedard writes.

He adds, “In most mentions, the reference is to how whites are better off at the expense of others. And the promise often is to ‘close the gap’ between minorities and whites, though no solutions are offered.”
If this is a legitimate draft, the fact that it’s a merely a draft means nothing. It still reveals how ugly the Democrat Party has become and how ugly and divisive the future will be, should this approach to national politics ever prevail.
Bedard includes each of the 15 times whites are mentioned in the draft platform, a platform Joe Biden will certainly embrace when he accepts the presidential nomination later this year. Included in the 15 is an attack on the American military as racist and the not-subtle libel that white prosperity is hurting other racial minorities.
The extreme gap in household wealth and income between people of color — especially Black Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans — and white families is hurting our working class and holding our country back.​
And, as we have seen throughout the country over the last two months, and in pretty much every Democrat-run city in America, libels like this are intended to justify and encourage the Democrat Party’s Brownshirts — in the form of the terrorist groups Black Lives Matter and Antifa — to rampage, riot, loot, burn, and desecrate our history.
This draft platform is nothing less than monstrous — monstrously un-American and dangerous.
All Democrats (and their propagandists in the corporate media) have left is the un-American poison of identity politics, which means they have to keep us divided, keep us at each other’s throats, and even go so far as to declare Rev. Martin Luther King’s vision of a colorblind society “racist.”
And this is why the first draft of Joe Biden’s platform, the first swing at the pitch, which is always the most honest, lies and smears and divides and pits American against American.
This election is for all the marbles, folks. If this toxicity succeeds in 2020, that will be our future. If this hate, this total repudiation of e pluribus unum wins the day, that will be our future.

How dare you Racist Whites have your own families, traditions, and morals!!
Hmm...., The 2020 propsed DNC platform, the proud product of years of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Communist indoctrination. This is what happens after more than seven decades of leftist indoctrination of our children from kindergarten through college.
Whatever happened to “I have a dream that people will be judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin.”
Guess that got lost in translation...
They call themselves the "Democratic Party," but in truth they are the PMS/DSA Anti White Communist Party. You'cannot fight this by being purposely naive, and you are certainly not going to fight this by calling your brethren "Racists" and "White Supremacists," and making yourself the enemy of your own people. America and it's citizenry are not defined by "skin color," but by family, heritage, and history. Stop listening to enemy propaganda and allowing them define your world. Be one with your people so we can defeat this evil.
It is a unique self-hating fool, who is both white and a PMS/DSA Commie Democrat. Their white "males" are most disturbing, usually fighting sexual "confusion" and committed to humiliating and debasing themselves to be accepted by their fellow liberal heathens.
Joe Biden the marionette now reflects in prepared racist comments the anti- white policies of the Dems that falsely seem to suggest that all blacks are devoted to the Democratic Party.
Lol, because that's breightbart's twisted interpretation?

You guys crack me up.
Isn't Hunter Biden privileged, rich and evil as shit?

I mean the evil sonofabitch is a cokehead that won't even take care of his child from a stripper.
Good. Now the Democrat Party can change its name to The Negro Party of America.

All the pathetic weak White Guilt pussies can join if they want.
Isn't Hunter Biden privileged, rich and evil as shit?

I mean the evil sonofabitch is a cokehead that won't even take care of his child from a stripper.

How many love child's has Joe Biden spawned?? I'm sensing the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. Biden was bragging about nurses at Walter Reed hospital leaning down and whispering in his ear the other day...oh no it got even more creepy...and nurses blowing air into his nostrils to revive him. That's some creepy stuff right there.
Draft DNC Platform Declares White Americans Too Rich, Too Privileged, and Too Evil

24 Jul 2020 ~~ By John Nolte
The Democrat National Committee draft platform for its 2020 convention mentions “whites” a total of 15 times, each of them within a “damning” context — a detail first noticed by the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard.
“In more than 80 pages in the draft platform published by Politico, whites are mentioned 15 times, all critical, including three references to white supremacy or supremacists and one to white nationalists,” Bedard writes.

He adds, “In most mentions, the reference is to how whites are better off at the expense of others. And the promise often is to ‘close the gap’ between minorities and whites, though no solutions are offered.”
If this is a legitimate draft, the fact that it’s a merely a draft means nothing. It still reveals how ugly the Democrat Party has become and how ugly and divisive the future will be, should this approach to national politics ever prevail.
Bedard includes each of the 15 times whites are mentioned in the draft platform, a platform Joe Biden will certainly embrace when he accepts the presidential nomination later this year. Included in the 15 is an attack on the American military as racist and the not-subtle libel that white prosperity is hurting other racial minorities.
The extreme gap in household wealth and income between people of color — especially Black Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans — and white families is hurting our working class and holding our country back.​
And, as we have seen throughout the country over the last two months, and in pretty much every Democrat-run city in America, libels like this are intended to justify and encourage the Democrat Party’s Brownshirts — in the form of the terrorist groups Black Lives Matter and Antifa — to rampage, riot, loot, burn, and desecrate our history.
This draft platform is nothing less than monstrous — monstrously un-American and dangerous.
All Democrats (and their propagandists in the corporate media) have left is the un-American poison of identity politics, which means they have to keep us divided, keep us at each other’s throats, and even go so far as to declare Rev. Martin Luther King’s vision of a colorblind society “racist.”
And this is why the first draft of Joe Biden’s platform, the first swing at the pitch, which is always the most honest, lies and smears and divides and pits American against American.
This election is for all the marbles, folks. If this toxicity succeeds in 2020, that will be our future. If this hate, this total repudiation of e pluribus unum wins the day, that will be our future.

How dare you Racist Whites have your own families, traditions, and morals!!
Hmm...., The 2020 propsed DNC platform, the proud product of years of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Communist indoctrination. This is what happens after more than seven decades of leftist indoctrination of our children from kindergarten through college.
Whatever happened to “I have a dream that people will be judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin.”
Guess that got lost in translation...
They call themselves the "Democratic Party," but in truth they are the PMS/DSA Anti White Communist Party. You'cannot fight this by being purposely naive, and you are certainly not going to fight this by calling your brethren "Racists" and "White Supremacists," and making yourself the enemy of your own people. America and it's citizenry are not defined by "skin color," but by family, heritage, and history. Stop listening to enemy propaganda and allowing them define your world. Be one with your people so we can defeat this evil.
It is a unique self-hating fool, who is both white and a PMS/DSA Commie Democrat. Their white "males" are most disturbing, usually fighting sexual "confusion" and committed to humiliating and debasing themselves to be accepted by their fellow liberal heathens.
Joe Biden the marionette now reflects in prepared racist comments the anti- white policies of the Dems that falsely seem to suggest that all blacks are devoted to the Democratic Party.
The DNC is going out of it's way to persuade white voters to vote for President Trump and the Republican Party :laughing0301: :badgrin:
Isn't Hunter Biden privileged, rich and evil as shit?

I mean the evil sonofabitch is a cokehead that won't even take care of his child from a stripper.

How many love child's has Joe Biden spawned?? I'm sensing the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. Biden was bragging about nurses at Walter Reed hospital leaning down and whispering in his ear the other day...oh no it got even more creepy...and nurses blowing air into his nostrils to revive him. That's some creepy stuff right there.

When one starts blabbering about little girls sitting on his lap and blonde leg hairs flags go up.

Classic pedophilic thinking
Does the left have a clue that they are now disenfranchising the MINORITY POPULATIONS that have gotten a taste of what getting out of poverty is?

I hope Trump pounds this one hard every day... Trumps approval rate among blacks and Latino populations is about 40% now..

Not really. It's a throwaway election for them. They've fielded a vegetable that shits the bed every time it's trotted out to the microphone in the basement. We've had our own vegetables - mcstain and mittens. Their turn now.

I think there is a method in their madness. Obviously Trump will get another 4 years, but I believe they are trying to go 15 clicks to left of Stalin and then they will seem moderate in '24 when they slide back to Stalinist tactics. Either that or they're just not that politically astute anymore.
Does the left have a clue that they are now disenfranchising the MINORITY POPULATIONS that have gotten a taste of what getting out of poverty is?

I hope Trump pounds this one hard every day... Trumps approval rate among blacks and Latino populations is about 40% now..

Not really. It's a throwaway election for them. They've fielded a vegetable that shits the bed every time it's trotted out to the microphone in the basement. We've had our own vegetables - mcstain and mittens. Their turn now.

I think there is a method in their madness. Obviously Trump will get another 4 years, but I believe they are trying to go 15 clicks to left of Stalin and then they will seem moderate in '24 when they slide back to Stalinist tactics. Either that or they're just not that politically astute anymore.
When Senile Joe loses on November 3rd i think a Civil War within the Democratic Party for leadership between the Communists and Communist leaning Democrats and the "Moderate" Democrats could very well damage the Democratic Party in the 2024 and 2028 Presidential Elections.

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