Dr. Fauci gets annoyed with reporters.

If Trump agreed with and praised Fauci, the media would hate both of them. As it is, the media loves Fauci because he's a weasel, just like they are

Just like they loved Comey when he told Lynch not to prosecute Hillary. Then he reopened the investigation to look at more e-mails (which he didn't actually do) and they hated him because they thought that was one of the dozens of reasons Hillary lost.
Just like they loved Comey when he told Lynch not to prosecute Hillary. Then he reopened the investigation to look at more e-mails (which he didn't actually do) and they hated him because they thought that was one of the dozens of reasons Hillary lost.

Imagine if he kept the accusations of Emails quiet and he made the accusations of Russian collusion public before the election.

The Email thing was always bullshit.
Just like they loved Comey when he told Lynch not to prosecute Hillary. Then he reopened the investigation to look at more e-mails (which he didn't actually do) and they hated him because they thought that was one of the dozens of reasons Hillary lost.

Imagine if he kept the accusations of Emails quiet and he made the accusations of Russian collusion public before the election.

The Email thing was always bullshit.

Just like the Russian collusion thing?

No, the emails were a scandal because Hillary had information on her sever that she shouldn't have had, transferred that information to her aid, who's husband used the very same laptop to send nude picture of himself to strange women all over the globe.

After they confiscated the laptop, Comey ordered it destroyed for obvious reasons. Between that and destroying government cell phones with a hammer to keep her criminality hidden, it was nothing but a huge scandal.
Just like the Russian collusion thing?

You mean where a bunch of Trump associated conspired with the Russians and fell on their swords, hoping to get a pardon?

No, the emails were a scandal because Hillary had information on her sever that she shouldn't have had, transferred that information to her aid, who's husband used the very same laptop to send nude picture of himself to strange women all over the globe.

First, she was authorized to have that information. Second, she really didn't have anything that wasn't a big deal. It wasn't like she was revealing where they are keeping the aliens or anything.

After they confiscated the laptop, Comey ordered it destroyed for obvious reasons. Between that and destroying government cell phones with a hammer to keep her criminality hidden, it was nothing but a huge scandal.

Actually, that's what you are supposed to do with electronic equipment when you get rid of it. You are supposed to make sure it is destroyed so personal information isn't retreived from it.
You mean where a bunch of Trump associated conspired with the Russians and fell on their swords, hoping to get a pardon?

That wasn't discovered in the 2 year 30 million dollar investigation; not even close.

First, she was authorized to have that information. Second, she really didn't have anything that wasn't a big deal. It wasn't like she was revealing where they are keeping the aliens or anyth

Oh, so now you know what she had on that server? It wasn't important? Then what you're saying is Comey lied under congressional questioning?

Actually, that's what you are supposed to do with electronic equipment when you get rid of it. You are supposed to make sure it is destroyed so personal information isn't retreived from it.

And you don't think that the State Department or any of our security agencies knew how to do that? If I borrow your cell phone, smash it into pieces because of my "personal" information was on it, would you be okay with that?

She didn't destroy them because of personal information, she destroyed them to hide her illegalities. This phones were provided to her by the federal government. They own those phones--not Hillary. They were funded by our tax dollars.
That wasn't discovered in the 2 year 30 million dollar investigation; not even close.

So why are all these Trump associates going to prison?

Oh, so now you know what she had on that server? It wasn't important? Then what you're saying is Comey lied under congressional questioning?

I'm saying Comey tried to please everyone and ended up pleasing no one.

And you don't think that the State Department or any of our security agencies knew how to do that? If I borrow your cell phone, smash it into pieces because of my "personal" information was on it, would you be okay with that?

It was her devices, not the state department's. That's the whole thing you guys are bitching about, that she used her personal devices for government business.

Most sensible people, who probably answer work emails on their personal devices, really don't get that worked up about it.
A few choice Fauci qiotes from the past...

"It's a very, very low risk to the United States, but it's something that we as public health officials need to take very seriously."

“Obviously, you need to take it seriously, and do the kinds of things that the CDC and the Department of Homeland Security are doing, But, this not a major threat for the people of the United States, and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”

“I think we can say right now, given what’s going on, that the risk to the American public is low. But that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be taking this situation very seriously, which is what we as health authorities are doing.”

Wow, you guys are desperate to take anything out of context to justify Trump's neglect and sloth, eh?
yea, the left would never do such a thing to advance their own political bullshit.

the entire fucking "impeachment" was taking a phone call out of context so go fuck yourself.
So why are all these Trump associates going to prison?

They were setup or it's for things they did outside the Trump campaign.

I'm saying Comey tried to please everyone and ended up pleasing no one.

I'm saying Comey testified in front of Congress of all the illegal or not permitted things she did with that server. Need the video, just ask. I have it right here.

It was her devices, not the state department's. That's the whole thing you guys are bitching about, that she used her personal devices for government business.

Most sensible people, who probably answer work emails on their personal devices, really don't get that worked up about it.

You are getting her cell phones confused with her server. The cell phoneS were the state departments. The server she owned.
They were setup or it's for things they did outside the Trump campaign.

How does Trump, who only hires "the Best People" manage that exactly?

I'm saying Comey testified in front of Congress of all the illegal or not permitted things she did with that server. Need the video, just ask. I have it right here.

Don't waste my time. Once again, he was trying to please everyone, and pleased no one.

Here's the real problem he had. He was trying to tell Republicans what they wanted to hear ("Hillary done a bad thing") knowing DAMNED WELL if he brought charges, he'd never get them past a DC grand jury of people who voted 96% for her.

You are getting her cell phones confused with her server. The cell phoneS were the state departments. The server she owned.

Not confused at all, they were her cell phones.
Don't waste my time. Once again, he was trying to please everyone, and pleased no one.

Here's the real problem he had. He was trying to tell Republicans what they wanted to hear ("Hillary done a bad thing") knowing DAMNED WELL if he brought charges, he'd never get them past a DC grand jury of people who voted 96% for her.

The FBI director does not bring charges. The Attorney General does. What he did do is instruct her not to do her job, after she had a private meeting with the subjects husband on her plane. Had Lynch prosecuted Hillary, that's exactly what she would have gotten, a grand jury hearing, which of course the deep state couldn't chance.

You don't use a congressional hearing, under oath, to please everybody. You are committed to telling the truth.
So why are all these Trump associates going to prison?

They were setup or it's for things they did outside the Trump campaign.

I'm saying Comey tried to please everyone and ended up pleasing no one.

I'm saying Comey testified in front of Congress of all the illegal or not permitted things she did with that server. Need the video, just ask. I have it right here.

It was her devices, not the state department's. That's the whole thing you guys are bitching about, that she used her personal devices for government business.

Most sensible people, who probably answer work emails on their personal devices, really don't get that worked up about it.

You are getting her cell phones confused with her server. The cell phoneS were the state departments. The server she owned.
At the time of the document dump, both Clinton’s then-presidential campaign rival Donald Trump and the news media picked up on what seemed to be a salacious detail: that at some point in the past, an aide had used a hammer to destroy Clinton’s old mobile devices. The document underlying that tidbit of information stated that “[Clinton aide Justin] Cooper did recall two instances where he destroyed Clinton’s old mobile devices by breaking them in half or hitting them with a hammer.”

That sentence, pulled from a 47-page document, made it into one of now-President Donald Trump’s famous Twitter tirades against a Department of Justice’s Special Counsel-led investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, which has swept up some of Trump’s circle of associates with indictments:

According to FBI documents, investigators determined a total of thirteen devices were associated with Clinton’s two phone numbers and personal email domain, eight of which she used during her tenure as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013. The FBI requested that all thirteen devices be handed over, but Clinton’s attorneys informed the FBI that they were “unable to locate any of these devices,” so the bureau was unable to examine them. Another Clinton aide, Huma Abedin, told FBI agents that the whereabouts of Clinton’s unwanted devices would “frequently become unknown.”

The FBI, then headed by former director James Comey, famously and controversially cleared Clinton of any criminal charges, with Comey announcing on 5 July 2016 that the FBI found no evidence of intentional misconduct, although the Secretary and her aides were “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”

As the technology magazine Wired reported at the time, destroying an unwanted device is not in and of itself suspicious, and such an action could well have been an earnest (if clumsy) effort to ensure that any data stored on the devices would not be retrieved and fall into the wrong hands after they were thrown away:


The FBI director does not bring charges. The Attorney General does. What he did do is instruct her not to do her job, after she had a private meeting with the subjects husband on her plane. Had Lynch prosecuted Hillary, that's exactly what she would have gotten, a grand jury hearing, which of course the deep state couldn't chance.

Wow, you are still talking about the "Deep State" like it's a thing? If Hillary offended anyone, it was the "Deep State". Doesn't really bother me that she had the super-secret stuff she was authorized to see on her personal computer.

Point was, Comey knew this would be a bullshit thing to bring against a popular public figure, especially in that jurisdiction.

It's why they STILL haven't brought charges against her after three years of "Lock Her Up". Barr's already proven himself to be a pathetic toady... but he hasn't charged Hillary for some reason.

You don't use a congressional hearing, under oath, to please everybody. You are committed to telling the truth.

Comey didn't get as far as he did without pleasing people. The problem there was even though most of the Republicans knew this was bullshit, even by their standards, they still insisted on harping on this NON-ISSUE anyway.
yea, the left would never do such a thing to advance their own political bullshit.

the entire fucking "impeachment" was taking a phone call out of context so go fuck yourself.

I'm not sure what "context" would make that phone call look good.
fuck that dude - you'd never allow ANYTHING to make trump look good. you're always in ATTACK mode and anything you can attack, you do. any reason you need, you create. any justification you feel is warranted, you call it.

but you'd never do the same thing to anything you are *for* - so you're simply an unbiased piece of shit in attack mode 24x7 on trump. ergo, anything you say on the matter isn't worth a flushed turd.
Wow, you are still talking about the "Deep State" like it's a thing? If Hillary offended anyone, it was the "Deep State". Doesn't really bother me that she had the super-secret stuff she was authorized to see on her personal computer.

Point was, Comey knew this would be a bullshit thing to bring against a popular public figure, especially in that jurisdiction.

It's why they STILL haven't brought charges against her after three years of "Lock Her Up". Barr's already proven himself to be a pathetic toady... but he hasn't charged Hillary for some reason.

Oh, they are looking into Hillary, trust me. It's not over yet. Hillary had classified emails on a personal non-secured government server. No, that is not permitted. Hillary had some of those files transferred and printed out by her aid. No, that is not permitted. She used that non-secured server for her personal e-mail which she did state department work on, so that if questioned, there would be no copies of them. No, not permitted. Comey had her aids laptop destroyed. Why?

After all that, Comey told Lynch in public not to press charges against Hillary; the fist time an FBI director ever instructed an AG how to do her job. Why?

Oh, but there's no deep state. I have a bridge for sale too if interested.

Comey didn't get as far as he did without pleasing people. The problem there was even though most of the Republicans knew this was bullshit, even by their standards, they still insisted on harping on this NON-ISSUE anyway.

Comey didn't need to please anybody. He's not an elected official. He weaponized the FBI and put the institution to shame. All he really had to do is his job, and stay out of politics.

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