Dr. Carson not so truthful.........


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
I guess he knows he's not very interesting so he tried to create some drama about himself to appear like the kind of guy everyone likes......."was bad but improved himself to the point of becoming a doctor".....!

Hmmmm....I knew there was something fishy about him.

No one who knew him as a youth can verify his story of being a violent kid who found God and was redeemed

In preparation for an interview with Ben Carson on “New Day” Friday, CNN investigated claims the retired neurosurgeon made about his upbringing in his 1990 autobiography “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story,” but was unable to find corroboration for the incidents of violence that are at the core of his story of transformation from an angry young man into the calm, collected GOP hopeful he is today.


Ben Carson just can’t quit lying: CNN can’t corroborate any of the key stories from his autobiography - Salon.com
down right goof views of history as well
Nice guy is about to knock himself off the leader board
The headline itself is a lie! They talked to some people and couldn't corroborate two of Carson's recollections. This doesn't mean Carson is lying! These incidents happened a long time ago and it's hardly surprising that it is difficult to confirm them.

I'm amazed at the dishonest attacks from the established media on Carson.
I guess he knows he's not very interesting so he tried to create some drama about himself to appear like the kind of guy everyone likes......."was bad but improved himself to the point of becoming a doctor".....!

Hmmmm....I knew there was something fishy about him.

No one who knew him as a youth can verify his story of being a violent kid who found God and was redeemed

In preparation for an interview with Ben Carson on “New Day” Friday, CNN investigated claims the retired neurosurgeon made about his upbringing in his 1990 autobiography “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story,” but was unable to find corroboration for the incidents of violence that are at the core of his story of transformation from an angry young man into the calm, collected GOP hopeful he is today.


Ben Carson just can’t quit lying: CNN can’t corroborate any of the key stories from his autobiography - Salon.com
Watching paint dry is more exciting than anything Doctor Demento has to offer.

I guess he knows he's not very interesting so he tried to create some drama about himself to appear like the kind of guy everyone likes......."was bad but improved himself to the point of becoming a doctor".....!

Hmmmm....I knew there was something fishy about him.

No one who knew him as a youth can verify his story of being a violent kid who found God and was redeemed

In preparation for an interview with Ben Carson on “New Day” Friday, CNN investigated claims the retired neurosurgeon made about his upbringing in his 1990 autobiography “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story,” but was unable to find corroboration for the incidents of violence that are at the core of his story of transformation from an angry young man into the calm, collected GOP hopeful he is today.


Ben Carson just can’t quit lying: CNN can’t corroborate any of the key stories from his autobiography - Salon.com
CNN's editorial staff is furious that Carson will not play ball with CNN and give them what they want.
CNN has nothing better to do because it is a lousy almost unwatched news channel. Nobody cares about CNN.....Except you flaming libs...
This negro just goes to prove that even Negro's that people thought as intelligent turn out not to be...Very few Negro's have a iq above 100.

Carson is another stupid negro!!!

WAITING on the boards LIBERAL BLACKS to answer this BOY...... OR are they this chicken shit, that because the good Dr. is on the right, they'll allow this racist remark by a fellow traveler to pass without a word said! ..... Blacks have to learn that the most bigoted of all are the leftist, that make fun of them behind their backs!
I guess he knows he's not very interesting so he tried to create some drama about himself to appear like the kind of guy everyone likes......."was bad but improved himself to the point of becoming a doctor".....!

Hmmmm....I knew there was something fishy about him.

No one who knew him as a youth can verify his story of being a violent kid who found God and was redeemed

In preparation for an interview with Ben Carson on “New Day” Friday, CNN investigated claims the retired neurosurgeon made about his upbringing in his 1990 autobiography “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story,” but was unable to find corroboration for the incidents of violence that are at the core of his story of transformation from an angry young man into the calm, collected GOP hopeful he is today.


Ben Carson just can’t quit lying: CNN can’t corroborate any of the key stories from his autobiography - Salon.com

Its interesting. His friends described him as a bit of a bookish nerd. Thick glasses, quiet, pocket protector and the like.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Just more BIGOTRY from the left..... When the right did the same about the halfrican, and half wit Obumble, we were castigated as bigots.... I enjoy a good game of Karma!
The lefty news nets never gave Obama anywhere near the scrutiny given to Carson.
What CNN is doing is pushing MORE people to vote for Carson.
I guess he knows he's not very interesting so he tried to create some drama about himself to appear like the kind of guy everyone likes......."was bad but improved himself to the point of becoming a doctor".....!

Hmmmm....I knew there was something fishy about him.

No one who knew him as a youth can verify his story of being a violent kid who found God and was redeemed

In preparation for an interview with Ben Carson on “New Day” Friday, CNN investigated claims the retired neurosurgeon made about his upbringing in his 1990 autobiography “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story,” but was unable to find corroboration for the incidents of violence that are at the core of his story of transformation from an angry young man into the calm, collected GOP hopeful he is today.


Ben Carson just can’t quit lying: CNN can’t corroborate any of the key stories from his autobiography - Salon.com

They couldn't find anything to verify it.....and
my guess is they aren't looking either. Really, why would anyone want to bring that sort of thing up.

The Clinton News Network is just writing stories for liberals to pass on.

Well, you had no intention of voting for him anyway....all of this nonsense doesn't change one vote.

Okay, so Ben Carson wasn't a thug.....

Big whoop.
Just more BIGOTRY from the left..... When the right did the same about the halfrican, and half wit Obumble, we were castigated as bigots.... I enjoy a good game of Karma!
The lefty news nets never gave Obama anywhere near the scrutiny given to Carson.
What CNN is doing is pushing MORE people to vote for Carson.
We can only point out just how bigoted the left is, and the HYPOCRISY is setting a new LOW WATER MARK!
I guess he knows he's not very interesting so he tried to create some drama about himself to appear like the kind of guy everyone likes......."was bad but improved himself to the point of becoming a doctor".....!

Hmmmm....I knew there was something fishy about him.

No one who knew him as a youth can verify his story of being a violent kid who found God and was redeemed

In preparation for an interview with Ben Carson on “New Day” Friday, CNN investigated claims the retired neurosurgeon made about his upbringing in his 1990 autobiography “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story,” but was unable to find corroboration for the incidents of violence that are at the core of his story of transformation from an angry young man into the calm, collected GOP hopeful he is today.


Ben Carson just can’t quit lying: CNN can’t corroborate any of the key stories from his autobiography - Salon.com
CNN's editorial staff is furious that Carson will not play ball with CNN and give them what they want.
CNN has nothing better to do because it is a lousy almost unwatched news channel. Nobody cares about CNN.....Except you flaming libs...

Bwahahaha.....the OP is about Ben Carson.....and you dishonest conservatives try to make it about CNN....I'm not surprised.

He can't give them what they want because there is nothing to give.......no one verifies his lame stories about stabbing someone......the guy's version of events is a lunatic, just like that professor of classics who studies Egyptian history at Yale University said.
I could never buy Carson being a violent child. When a person has led a life in which violence is a necessary component it never goes away. It may be suppressed, sublimated, covered up, but the propensity for violence never goes away. It shows in various small ways. In Carson's mind these incidents might be what he should have done but he never really did any of them.
Well, you had no intention of voting for him anyway....all of this nonsense doesn't change one vote.

He won't be around for anyone to vote for him. Once people figure out he's just trying to make a name for himself and doesn't know shit from shinola about running a country, his poll numbers will start dropping.
Well, you had no intention of voting for him anyway....all of this nonsense doesn't change one vote.

He won't be around for anyone to vote for him. Once people figure out he's just trying to make a name for himself and doesn't know shit from shinola about running a country, his poll numbers will start dropping.
Sorry to break this to you but neither does Obama....but you still voted for the dumb-ass.....twice.

Besides....the way this country is being run....even a former First Lady who killed four people the last time she was in a position of responsibility looks good compared to that skinny prick.
I guess he knows he's not very interesting so he tried to create some drama about himself to appear like the kind of guy everyone likes......."was bad but improved himself to the point of becoming a doctor".....!

Hmmmm....I knew there was something fishy about him.

No one who knew him as a youth can verify his story of being a violent kid who found God and was redeemed

In preparation for an interview with Ben Carson on “New Day” Friday, CNN investigated claims the retired neurosurgeon made about his upbringing in his 1990 autobiography “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story,” but was unable to find corroboration for the incidents of violence that are at the core of his story of transformation from an angry young man into the calm, collected GOP hopeful he is today.


Ben Carson just can’t quit lying: CNN can’t corroborate any of the key stories from his autobiography - Salon.com
You are either misleading on purpose or a flat out liar. My bet is both. CNN hit piece couldn't prove it either way. Typical cnn idiocy.

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