Dr. Carson not so truthful.........

I guess he knows he's not very interesting so he tried to create some drama about himself to appear like the kind of guy everyone likes......."was bad but improved himself to the point of becoming a doctor".....!

Hmmmm....I knew there was something fishy about him.

No one who knew him as a youth can verify his story of being a violent kid who found God and was redeemed

In preparation for an interview with Ben Carson on “New Day” Friday, CNN investigated claims the retired neurosurgeon made about his upbringing in his 1990 autobiography “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story,” but was unable to find corroboration for the incidents of violence that are at the core of his story of transformation from an angry young man into the calm, collected GOP hopeful he is today.


Ben Carson just can’t quit lying: CNN can’t corroborate any of the key stories from his autobiography - Salon.com

Wow, a lying Christian. Shocker.
Candidate Ben Insists " I did too try to stab someone a relative" is that not Domestic Violence...in the NFL they suspend your ass for that shit ...

Ben Carson Clarifies That He Tried To Stab 'A Close Relative'

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on Thursday modified his story that he tried to stab someone as a youth after a CNN report cast doubt on the anecdote. "Those claims are absolutely true," Carson told Fox News' Megyn Kelly of the story in ... (CNN)
I guess he knows he's not very interesting so he tried to create some drama about himself to appear like the kind of guy everyone likes......."was bad but improved himself to the point of becoming a doctor".....!

Hmmmm....I knew there was something fishy about him.

No one who knew him as a youth can verify his story of being a violent kid who found God and was redeemed

In preparation for an interview with Ben Carson on “New Day” Friday, CNN investigated claims the retired neurosurgeon made about his upbringing in his 1990 autobiography “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story,” but was unable to find corroboration for the incidents of violence that are at the core of his story of transformation from an angry young man into the calm, collected GOP hopeful he is today.


Ben Carson just can’t quit lying: CNN can’t corroborate any of the key stories from his autobiography - Salon.com
CNN's editorial staff is furious that Carson will not play ball with CNN and give them what they want.
CNN has nothing better to do because it is a lousy almost unwatched news channel. Nobody cares about CNN.....Except you flaming libs...

Just because you only watch Faux news that doesn't mean other people are not watching CNN. If you travel around this country most airports are showing CNN. Rarely Faux news. If you travel to Europe or Asia people watch CNN. No Faux news. Keep that in mind.
I guess he knows he's not very interesting so he tried to create some drama about himself to appear like the kind of guy everyone likes......."was bad but improved himself to the point of becoming a doctor".....!

Hmmmm....I knew there was something fishy about him.

No one who knew him as a youth can verify his story of being a violent kid who found God and was redeemed

In preparation for an interview with Ben Carson on “New Day” Friday, CNN investigated claims the retired neurosurgeon made about his upbringing in his 1990 autobiography “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story,” but was unable to find corroboration for the incidents of violence that are at the core of his story of transformation from an angry young man into the calm, collected GOP hopeful he is today.


Ben Carson just can’t quit lying: CNN can’t corroborate any of the key stories from his autobiography - Salon.com
You are either misleading on purpose or a flat out liar. My bet is both. CNN hit piece couldn't prove it either way. Typical cnn idiocy.

Nope... That is called excellent journalism.
Anybody heard Carson's rap?

just heard it. it's bizarre.

more bizarre is him lying about his youth to pretend he was violent (his friends from then are saying they have no recollection of him being violent or angry).... i can't imagine what type of psycho wants to feed people's stereotypes about his own people that way.

It gets worse. His campaign just admitted that Carson lied about being offered a full scholarship to attend West Point.
If Carson actually says something true, will it make news?

He seems to have some difficult with reality.
I guess he knows he's not very interesting so he tried to create some drama about himself to appear like the kind of guy everyone likes......."was bad but improved himself to the point of becoming a doctor".....!

Hmmmm....I knew there was something fishy about him.

No one who knew him as a youth can verify his story of being a violent kid who found God and was redeemed

In preparation for an interview with Ben Carson on “New Day” Friday, CNN investigated claims the retired neurosurgeon made about his upbringing in his 1990 autobiography “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story,” but was unable to find corroboration for the incidents of violence that are at the core of his story of transformation from an angry young man into the calm, collected GOP hopeful he is today.


Ben Carson just can’t quit lying: CNN can’t corroborate any of the key stories from his autobiography - Salon.com
You are either misleading on purpose or a flat out liar. My bet is both. CNN hit piece couldn't prove it either way. Typical cnn idiocy.

Okay, why don't you post a link supporting your claim? Surely someone could vouch for him that he did the things he claims.....I think he's cookoo!
Wow....the Republicans really know how to pick them....I doubt Carson is going to survive this other whopper! Wait till Donald Trump gets ahold of this story!

Since when has it been Christian to lie?

Washington (AFP) - US presidential candidate Ben Carson's campaign has acknowledged that the Republican frontrunner's account of applying and being admitted to the prestigious US Military Academy at West Point is not true, Politico reported Friday.

Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, has made West Point a compelling part of his personal narrative, writing about it in his autobiography, "Gifted Hands."

In that account, he said he was "offered a full scholarship" to the academy, the US Army's premier school for prospective officers.

But West Point told Politico it had no record of Carson applying or being offered admission. A West Point education is free for all its students, so there are no scholarships per se.

Politico said that when Carson's campaign was presented with the evidence, it conceded the story was false.

Carson admits tale of admission to West Point not true: report

Wow....the Republicans really know how to pick them....I doubt Carson is going to survive this other whopper! Wait till Donald Trump gets ahold of this story!

Since when has it been Christian to lie?

Washington (AFP) - US presidential candidate Ben Carson's campaign has acknowledged that the Republican frontrunner's account of applying and being admitted to the prestigious US Military Academy at West Point is not true, Politico reported Friday.

Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, has made West Point a compelling part of his personal narrative, writing about it in his autobiography, "Gifted Hands."

In that account, he said he was "offered a full scholarship" to the academy, the US Army's premier school for prospective officers.

But West Point told Politico it had no record of Carson applying or being offered admission. A West Point education is free for all its students, so there are no scholarships per se.

Politico said that when Carson's campaign was presented with the evidence, it conceded the story was false.

Carson admits tale of admission to West Point not true: report

no dinner, no general, no scholarship

He got good grades in creative writing?

not so much with the truth

and he wants to be president? Isn't it time we have one that does not fabricate or alter facts quite so much?
We all remember certain facts with a few errors here and there. We confuse a time line, we forget specific dates, we put our own spin on a story. We don't all have photographic memories, and even photos can lie.

Carson seems to be telling a story about a totally different person and none of his friends know, a bit like a computer game avatar.

Not sure he is quite what american needs or wants in a leader, especially one that might have to make decision of war or disasters. Our lives will be in his hands. Not a comforting through.

From what has come out in the last few days, I wouldn't even want him as a surgeon, if he was still practicing (thankfully he is not)
Ben Carson admits he made up story about getting a scholarship to West Point – and repeated it THREE TIMES this year – as key detail of his inspirational story crumbles
  • The future brain surgeon was Detroit's top ROTC student in 1969
  • His best-selling book 'Gifted Hands' claimed Army General William Westmoreland met with him and offered him a West Point scholarship
  • Carson has claimed he turned the Army officer training academy's offer down, deciding to become a doctor instead
  • But West Point has no records showing Carson ever applied or was offered a place in the student body
  • Embarrassing tale uncovered on the day he challenged Americans to decide whether he's an 'honest person' or a 'pathological liar'
  • Presidential campaign lashed out against the newspaper that uncovered the falsehood, calling its story 'an outright Lie'

Read more: Ben Carson admits he MADE UP story about West Point 'scholarship'
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And here's the actual page from his book.


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