Dr. Ben Carson: How to defeat CRT

While I forever argue that AA does not benefit white women the most, from a personal perspective and observations, I still read different accounts on what CRT would actually teach. If it teaches that whites should bear guilt for the negative aspects of black lives, I firmly disagree with it. If it teaches history without bias, as in how wrong slavery was, and all races involves, aka the truth, perhaps.
Not just slavery but how white america has treated black since slavery ended. We need to realize bias exists.

And what do you mean AA doesn’t help women the most? Something like 300 Fortune 500 companies are dying to find mor black, Hispanic, Muslim, Asian, Indian and women VPs. Of all those groups women have benefitted most. It’s a fact.

what’s happening to blacks is also happening to women. Do you deny it?
Not just slavery but how white america has treated black since slavery ended. We need to realize bias exists.

And what do you mean AA doesn’t help women the most? Something like 300 Fortune 500 companies are dying to find mor black, Hispanic, Muslim, Asian, Indian and women VPs. Of all those groups women have benefitted most. It’s a fact.

what’s happening to blacks is also happening to women. Do you deny it?
I have yet to see proof of AA helping white women. Those who say that must think women are stupid or can’t succeed on their own. How does one come to that conclusion? I do believe racism exist. I know for a fact that the term is used and abused and not always accurate. I don’t know exactly what would be taught with CRT.
I have yet to see proof of AA helping white women. Those who say that must think women are stupid or can’t succeed on their own. How does one come to that conclusion? I do believe racism exist. I know for a fact that the term is used and abused and not always accurate. I don’t know exactly what would be taught with CRT.
You have yet to see AA helps white women? You must not be looking.

My brother is a hr vp. His company is dying for a diversity candidate. They finally picked Maria. Maria is getting old and not having kids. For years they probably didn’t promote her thinking she would eventually quit to have kids. Long story short they finally hired her. Within a year another company stole her away. Doubled her salary. She took my brother with her.

Youre in denial if you don’t know that it’s a fact. AA has helped women more than blacks, Hispanics, muslims, jews, native Americans.

One reason is white ceo men would rather have a white woman working for them than a black or Latino.

You have yet to see? Then you must have yet to look
I have yet to see proof of AA helping white women. Those who say that must think women are stupid or can’t succeed on their own. How does one come to that conclusion? I do believe racism exist. I know for a fact that the term is used and abused and not always accurate. I don’t know exactly what would be taught with CRT.
How come there are so few woman CEOs in corporate America? Have you yet to see how low the number is?

Let’s say the number of woman CEOs is around 10%. It’s not that high but let’s say ten. Women make up 50% of the work force. You don’t see a problem with this?
I have yet to see proof of AA helping white women. Those who say that must think women are stupid or can’t succeed on their own. How does one come to that conclusion? I do believe racism exist. I know for a fact that the term is used and abused and not always accurate. I don’t know exactly what would be taught with CRT.
One more thing. I can see why in 1980 95% of ceos were white men but not in 2021. So few Mexican CEOs, black CEOs, woman CEOs, Jewish CEOs, Asian CEOs. Somethings not right. Not in a country as diverse as ours.
You have yet to see AA helps white women? You must not be looking.

My brother is a hr vp. His company is dying for a diversity candidate. They finally picked Maria. Maria is getting old and not having kids. For years they probably didn’t promote her thinking she would eventually quit to have kids. Long story short they finally hired her. Within a year another company stole her away. Doubled her salary. She took my brother with her.

Youre in denial if you don’t know that it’s a fact. AA has helped women more than blacks, Hispanics, muslims, jews, native Americans.

One reason is white ceo men would rather have a white woman working for them than a black or Latino.

You have yet to see? Then you must have yet to look
Well when I was told I was the biggest beneficiary I called bullshit. Nobody gave me shit. I worked for and earned everything I got.
It's pretty hard to argue for CRT when the critics like Carson just come up with nebulous generalities. What he claims CRT does is the opposite of what I've read CRT teaches. So who knows? I do know that including the concept in diversity training isn't keeping our military from readiness, ferchrissakes.
I do know that including the concept in diversity training isn't keeping our military from readiness, ferchrissakes.

Well. I'll tell you what you don't know. Or perhaps you may very well know but simply lack the courage to discuss the concept in an intellectually honest way. Respectfully speaking.

It's like this. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates for so called 'diversity' perpetuate racism. Their rabid focus on race is intrinsically racist. As racists, collectivists universally think of humans in terms of groups and never as Individuals. They encourage Americans to adopt the notion that just because people may share superficial physical characteristics that they are all alike.

That's rather common logic and it's universally understood by those who believe that every person should adopt a sense of himself or herself as an Individual rather than adopting a group victimhood mentality. It's the only real way of stimulating a sense of personal responsibility and it makes the color of one's skin irrelevant in scope.

To borrow someone elses thought on it, since your contribution to the discussion reminded me of it, modern liberalism, however well-intentioned its advocates attempt to appear to be, is a clear byproduct of the very same collectivist thinking which charactarizes racism.
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Well. I'll tell you what you don't know. Or perhaps you may very well know but simply lack the courage to discuss the concept in an intellectually honest way. Respectfully speaking.

It's like this. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates for so called 'diversity' perpetuate racism. Their rabid focus on race is intrinsically racist. As racists, collectivists universally think of humans in terms of groups and never as Individuals. They encourage Americans to adopt the notion that just because people may share superficial physical characteristics that they are all alike.

That's rather common logic and it's universally understood by those who believe that every person should adopt a sense of himself or herself as an Individual rather than adopting a group victimhood mentality.

To borrow someone elses thought on it, since your contribution to the discussion reminded me of it, modern collectivism, however well-intentioned its advocates attempt to appear to be, is a clear byproduct of the very same collectivist thinking which charactarizes racism.
I have no idea how that relates to anything I said, but hey, glad you got that load off your chest.
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I have no idea how that relates to anything I said, but hey, glad you got that load off your chest.
I didn't have anything on my chest, OL.

I was just casually speaking.

But if you sincerely have no idea how it relates to what you said, I'll assume my initial assumption that I would likely be telling you something that you didn't know was correct.

But now you do. Or should. Depends on how much thought you put into it, to be honest. It's a choice. Do or do not.

Anyway. I'm hitting the sheets. Busy day tomorrow. Try not to be up late, you'll get bags under your eyes.

Have a good night.
More White people voted for the first American Black President than Black people. How do you account for that?
in both elections an average of 40 percent of the whites eligible to vote, voted for Obama.

How do you account for that?

Answer: Many whites are still racists.
"Growing up poor in Detroit, if I had believed, as critical race theory (CRT) proponents claim, that my destiny was based on my race, I would not be where I am today. "

That's really all you need to read, right there. That sums up about 99% of the people in this country.
No it doesn't.
Well. I'll tell you what you don't know. Or perhaps you may very well know but simply lack the courage to discuss the concept in an intellectually honest way. Respectfully speaking.

It's like this. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates for so called 'diversity' perpetuate racism. Their rabid focus on race is intrinsically racist. As racists, collectivists universally think of humans in terms of groups and never as Individuals. They encourage Americans to adopt the notion that just because people may share superficial physical characteristics that they are all alike.

That's rather common logic and it's universally understood by those who believe that every person should adopt a sense of himself or herself as an Individual rather than adopting a group victimhood mentality. It's the only real way of stimulating a sense of personal responsibility and it makes the color of one's skin irrelevant in scope.

To borrow someone elses thought on it, since your contribution to the discussion reminded me of it, modern collectivism, however well-intentioned its advocates attempt to appear to be, is a clear byproduct of the very same collectivist thinking which charactarizes racism.

This nation was built on and maintains a group mentality. Can whites like ypurself please stop lying to yourself.
Ben Carson worked on a team of brain surgeons. But when it comes to matters of society, he is an idiot. He is completely off about CRT, but racists will use blacks like him to continue maintaining white preference. They use people like him to counter evidence based research and of course since most whites want to deny how this system is racist, they jump all over this miguided bs.

CRT is 100 percent correct. Carson is a black man who has forgotten the depths of the struggle he came out of and that is not healthy or constructive to others facing the same struggle now.
in both elections an average of 40 percent of the whites eligible to vote, voted for Obama.

How do you account for that?

Answer: Many whites are still racists.
Yep, and that's millions of white votes for a Black man. Of course, you will never allow reason and common sense enter that closed racist mind of yours.
Ben Carson worked on a team of brain surgeons. But when it comes to matters of society, he is an idiot. He is completely off about CRT, but racists will use blacks like him to continue maintaining white preference. They use people like him to counter evidence based research and of course since most whites want to deny how this system is racist, they jump all over this miguided bs.

CRT is 100 percent correct. Carson is a black man who has forgotten the depths of the struggle he came out of and that is not healthy or constructive to others facing the same struggle now.
You're insane.
Yep, and that's millions of white votes for a Black man. Of course, you will never allow reason and common sense enter that closed racist mind of yours.
Yep and that still equalled 39 percent for Obama and 61 percent against when it came to whites. Of course, you will never allow reason and common sense enter that closed racist mind of yours.

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