Dr. Anthony Fauci.


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
So I never bought in to the "he is a Hillery operative" stuff. But I watched an interview today that I found disturbing. Just to make sure it wasn't some stupid infotwat on Fox News bull shit I googled and I found nothing, but in the interview he seemed to support the idea of some kind of card that proves one is immune to the virus. So that was a bit disturbing. I am watching tucker and he made a very good point. He basically pointed out the fact that in a country where illegal aliens can get drivers license and welfare food stamp and even vote, the good Dr. Fauci says it's okay to lock me in my house if I won't get that card? So I ain't down on the guy. I believe he is doing good work up there on this virus. It's my opinion that the presidant needs to remind him that he is NOT an elected official and that he needs to stop making policy suggestions and not to get involved with such questions as "do you support an immunity ID" and just stick to medical stuff. His statements like that add as much panick as the doom and gloom whores on cable TV.
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So I never bought in to the "he is a Hillery operative" stuff. But I watched an interview today that I found disturbing. Just to make sure it wasn't some stupid infotwat on Fox News bull shit and I found nothing, but in the interview he seemed to support the idea of some king of card that proves one is immune to the virus. So that was a bit disturbing. I am watching tucker and he made a very good point. He basically pointed out the fact that in a country where illegal aliens can get drivers license and welfare food stamp and even vote, the Dr. Fauci says it's okay to lock me in my house if I won't get that card? So I ain't down on the guy. I believe he is doing good work up there on this virus. It's my opinion that the presidant needs to remind him that he is NOT an elected official and that he needs to stop making policy suggestions and not to get involved with such questions as "do you support an immunity ID" and just stick to medical stuff. His statements like that add as much panick as the doom and gloom whores on cable TV.
Would you rather have a world renowned highly educated professional making policy or a Wharton (barely passed) conn man making policy. Gee hard question. I’m sorry but trump has no clue, an Pence is who scares me.
Say what?

We now need an immunity card?

What happened to "I don't got aids Identification" when trying to pick up a hot girl in the local bar . .1980's
So I never bought in to the "he is a Hillery operative" stuff. But I watched an interview today that I found disturbing. Just to make sure it wasn't some stupid infotwat on Fox News bull shit and I found nothing, but in the interview he seemed to support the idea of some king of card that proves one is immune to the virus. So that was a bit disturbing. I am watching tucker and he made a very good point. He basically pointed out the fact that in a country where illegal aliens can get drivers license and welfare food stamp and even vote, the Dr. Fauci says it's okay to lock me in my house if I won't get that card? So I ain't down on the guy. I believe he is doing good work up there on this virus. It's my opinion that the presidant needs to remind him that he is NOT an elected official and that he needs to stop making policy suggestions and not to get involved with such questions as "do you support an immunity ID" and just stick to medical stuff. His statements like that add as much panick as the doom and gloom whores on cable TV.
Would you rather have a world renowned highly educated professional making policy or a Wharton (barely passed) conn man making policy. Gee hard question. I’m sorry but trump has no clue, an Pence is who scares me.

Trump won an election. Anthony Fauci did not. He needs to stay in his lane. We as a country can't have him tied up in political crap. Control your TDS. It smells.
Say what?

We now need an immunity card?

What happened to "I don't got aids Identification" when trying to pick up a hot girl in the local bar . .1980's

I remember that vaguely. I vaguely remember a comedy skit where a guy and a girl met up for a date and they both presented medical documentation before proceeding.
Say what?

We now need an immunity card?

What happened to "I don't got aids Identification" when trying to pick up a hot girl in the local bar . .1980's
Shit, I haven't even made a mask yet.
Say what?

We now need an immunity card?

What happened to "I don't got aids Identification" when trying to pick up a hot girl in the local bar . .1980's
Shit, I haven't even made a mask yet.

You girls are lucky , you can go to your underwear drawer and make two masks out of old bras, one for you one for a who ever.

Us guys just have jock straps
Say what?

We now need an immunity card?

What happened to "I don't got aids Identification" when trying to pick up a hot girl in the local bar . .1980's
It's not a card. It's a bracelet, just like in the movie "Contagion" about a respiratory illness caused by a novel virus from China that spread from a bat to humans via an intermediary animal host and caused a global pandemic.

So I never bought in to the "he is a Hillery operative" stuff. But I watched an interview today that I found disturbing. Just to make sure it wasn't some stupid infotwat on Fox News bull shit and I found nothing, but in the interview he seemed to support the idea of some king of card that proves one is immune to the virus. So that was a bit disturbing. I am watching tucker and he made a very good point. He basically pointed out the fact that in a country where illegal aliens can get drivers license and welfare food stamp and even vote, the Dr. Fauci says it's okay to lock me in my house if I won't get that card? So I ain't down on the guy. I believe he is doing good work up there on this virus. It's my opinion that the presidant needs to remind him that he is NOT an elected official and that he needs to stop making policy suggestions and not to get involved with such questions as "do you support an immunity ID" and just stick to medical stuff. His statements like that add as much panick as the doom and gloom whores on cable TV.
Would you rather have a world renowned highly educated professional making policy or a Wharton (barely passed) conn man making policy. Gee hard question. I’m sorry but trump has no clue, an Pence is who scares me.

Moron....that renowned, educated professional used virus models that were completely wrong.......completely wrong......and he used them to shut down the entire country for a flu that now looks like it will be less deadly than the seasonal flu...........he is also credited with botching the AIDS outbreak response, and during his time at the CDC they didn't restock the supplies of PPE after the H1N1 flu....you know his fucking job?

So this "expert," so far has a track record in keeping with a lifelong government bureaucrat protected from his mistakes by a government job...

I'll take the Billionaire businessman who has actually had to do things in his life and risk his fortune to do it.....you moron.

Crudely speaking, if we assume that the U.S. is around 50% of the way through the COVID-19 epidemic, we might expect something like 33,000 fatalities, equal to an average seasonal flu year. An inevitable second round of infections after our governments finally let people go back to work, and out in public, may raise that number, but no one I know of has tried to guess to what extent.

Still, any way you look at it, it is hard to see how COVID-19 deaths will exceed the flu fatalities we experienced two years ago. And that was barely a news story.

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