Dr. Anthony Fauci says staying closed for too long could cause ‘irreparable damage’

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
40 million unemployed people sure could have used this wisdom a month ago

Stay-at-home orders intended to curb the spread of the coronavirus could end up causing “irreparable damage” if imposed for too long, White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNBC on Friday.

“I don’t want people to think that any of us feel that staying locked down for a prolonged period of time is the way to go,” Fauci said during an interview with CNBC’s Meg Tirrell on “Halftime Report.”

40 million unemployed people sure could have used this wisdom a month ago

Stay-at-home orders intended to curb the spread of the coronavirus could end up causing “irreparable damage” if imposed for too long, White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNBC on Friday.

“I don’t want people to think that any of us feel that staying locked down for a prolonged period of time is the way to go,” Fauci said during an interview with CNBC’s Meg Tirrell on “Halftime Report.”

Fauci is a motor mouth who talks too much
40 million unemployed people sure could have used this wisdom a month ago

Stay-at-home orders intended to curb the spread of the coronavirus could end up causing “irreparable damage” if imposed for too long, White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNBC on Friday.

“I don’t want people to think that any of us feel that staying locked down for a prolonged period of time is the way to go,” Fauci said during an interview with CNBC’s Meg Tirrell on “Halftime Report.”

Jesus Christ that guy is useless! He says something different every day.
40 million unemployed people sure could have used this wisdom a month ago

Stay-at-home orders intended to curb the spread of the coronavirus could end up causing “irreparable damage” if imposed for too long, White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNBC on Friday.

“I don’t want people to think that any of us feel that staying locked down for a prolonged period of time is the way to go,” Fauci said during an interview with CNBC’s Meg Tirrell on “Halftime Report.”

Fauci is a motor mouth who talks too much
Exactly he is the classic bureaucrat who is relishing his time in the limelight waaaaay too much.
40 million unemployed people sure could have used this wisdom a month ago

Stay-at-home orders intended to curb the spread of the coronavirus could end up causing “irreparable damage” if imposed for too long, White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNBC on Friday.

“I don’t want people to think that any of us feel that staying locked down for a prolonged period of time is the way to go,” Fauci said during an interview with CNBC’s Meg Tirrell on “Halftime Report.”

Dr. Fauci sees what way the parade is going and is making his way to the front to lead it.
He's contradicted himself so many times no one even cares what he says anymore.

I was just going to say that.

Didn't he just say a couple weeks ago....he was for keeping these places closed? What a dumbass he is.

He's been behind the curve from day one. This crisis was the first opportunity in his life to hear himself speak and go on TV. Trump should've put him in a closest the second he told Trump to not lock down travel from China. Dr. Birx has been the voice of reason through this entire cluster fuck.
Fauci is a fraud. At no point in his every changing reason we must remain in lock down has he ever expressed this view. About a month ago TRUMP started pushing the irreparable damage not only to the economy but also to peoples long term health, and at no point did Fauci support such a view. Fauci started the lockdown out with the bend the curve, then it became until we have a vaccine.
40 million unemployed people sure could have used this wisdom a month ago

Stay-at-home orders intended to curb the spread of the coronavirus could end up causing “irreparable damage” if imposed for too long, White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNBC on Friday.

“I don’t want people to think that any of us feel that staying locked down for a prolonged period of time is the way to go,” Fauci said during an interview with CNBC’s Meg Tirrell on “Halftime Report.”

Well obviously. Unfortunately we wasted our last two months, as the federal government did jack shit to out a testing program in place.

So basically now we are fucked.
40 million unemployed people sure could have used this wisdom a month ago

Stay-at-home orders intended to curb the spread of the coronavirus could end up causing “irreparable damage” if imposed for too long, White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNBC on Friday.

“I don’t want people to think that any of us feel that staying locked down for a prolonged period of time is the way to go,” Fauci said during an interview with CNBC’s Meg Tirrell on “Halftime Report.”

Well obviously. Unfortunately we wasted our last two months, as the federal government did jack shit to out a testing program in place.

So basically now we are fucked.

Actually, there is a superb testing program. Millions of tests have been given, America leads the free world in giving tests for this pathogen.

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