Dozens Of Retired Generals, Admirals Back Iran Nuclear Deal

Three dozen retired generals and admirals released an open letter Tuesday supporting the Iran nuclear deal and urging Congress to do the same.

Calling the agreement “the most effective means currently available to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons,” the letter said that gaining international support for military action against Iran, should that ever become necessary, “would only be possible if we have first given the diplomatic path a chance.”

More: Dozens of retired generals, admirals back Iran nuclear deal - The Washington Post

Give peace a chance. War is always an option if necessary.

Conservatives won't have to go fight so its easy for them to crave war and only war. I say if all the Republican members agree to join up and be the first on the front lines then ok, don't approve the Treaty.

Otherwise STFU.
I have a better idea. Since conservatives have carried the load on military service, we should draft the Libs and put them on the front lines to defend Obozo's honor when his sham deal blows up.

I'd be fine with that. the first one to draft would be OBAMA himself who can't even Pronounce Corpsman and he's the CIC of our Military. Can you imagine how our military men and women must feel working under someone like that? Obama is working for Iran, NOT US
Oh, I don't think Obumble is working for Iran, just that he's a Walking Clusterphukk on the foreign policy front.
I have a better idea. Since conservatives have carried the load on military service, we should draft the Libs and put them on the front lines to defend Obozo's honor when his sham deal blows up.

When did they do that?

Bush hiding out in the National Guard or Cheney with his five deferments or Limbaugh with his anal cyst keeping him out of the "front lines".

Okay, here's the reality of the whole thing. The Zionists aren't against this deal because it will let iran get the bomb.

The Zionists are against this deal because it mainstreams Iran and they are going to have to run into Iranian Delegates at diplomatic functions.
I was wondering whether the 'But there are Jews hiding under the bed and they're causing this" ice-cream-social-club was gonna jump in...
If Cons are so deluded as to believe that war is the only answer with Iran then they should remember the Russian Federation will not just sit idly by and do nothing as U.S. Forces attack a trading partner.

Nor will other countries come to our aid. A war with Iran is a very insanely bad idea.
You mean the same way the Obama administration listened to the Generals when they warned him against withdrawing all U.S. troops from Iraq?

President Obama withdrew U.S. Troops according the schedule created by the shrub and dick(less).

These would be the same Generals who advised the former deserter-in-chief not to invade in the first damn place?
Dozens of retired generals admirals back Iran nuclear deal - The Washington Post

The Republicans are the first in line to say, "Listen To The Generals", well maybe this time the Republicans will do exactly that.

Three dozen retired Flag Rank Officers (Admirals and Generals) have released an open letter supporting the Nuclear Agreement between the P-5+1 and the Islamic Republica of Iran.

These Flag Grade Officers are encouraging Congress to do the same.

As often as we hear how Republicans want our President to listen to the Generals, maybe the time has come for the Republicans to do exactly that.
You understand a significant number of Democrats oppose it too, right?
You mean the same way the Obama administration listened to the Generals when they warned him against withdrawing all U.S. troops from Iraq?

President Obama withdrew U.S. Troops according the schedule created by the shrub and dick(less).

These would be the same Generals who advised the former deserter-in-chief not to invade in the first damn place?
Who failed to get an extension of that agreement as all the Generals on the ground were advising him to do?
If Cons are so deluded as to believe that war is the only answer with Iran then they should remember the Russian Federation will not just sit idly by and do nothing as U.S. Forces attack a trading partner.

Nor will other countries come to our aid. A war with Iran is a very insanely bad idea. don't have your own brain...the only one who says war is the only alternative is Obama...right...he says that to make his bullshit sound okay...not one person wants war...right? Sanctions were working, and there are a number of other things that could be done....

You realize they are currently still working on the bomb..right? They haven't stopped and won't stop even with the agreement right?
You mean the same way the Obama administration listened to the Generals when they warned him against withdrawing all U.S. troops from Iraq?

President Obama withdrew U.S. Troops according the schedule created by the shrub and dick(less).

These would be the same Generals who advised the former deserter-in-chief not to invade in the first damn place?
Who failed to get an extension of that agreement as all the Generals on the ground were advising him to do?

Obama could have gotten any deal he wanted, he just wanted out...and didn't care that Isis was growing. He pulled the troops out knowing that the situation would turn to crap.
'Calling the agreement “the most effective means currently available to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons,” the letter said that gaining international support for military action against Iran, should that ever become necessary, “would only be possible if we have first given the diplomatic path a chance.”'


This illustrates the fundamental idiocy of the right's unwarranted opposition to the accord, where should Iran fail to abide by the terms of the agreement, the treaty will authorize and facilitate a true international military response, an international military response that would likely be impossible to marshal absent the accord.
'Calling the agreement “the most effective means currently available to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons,” the letter said that gaining international support for military action against Iran, should that ever become necessary, “would only be possible if we have first given the diplomatic path a chance.”'


This illustrates the fundamental idiocy of the right's unwarranted opposition to the accord, where should Iran fail to abide by the terms of the agreement, the treaty will authorize and facilitate a true international military response, an international military response that would likely be impossible to marshal absent the accord.

You actually believe this? The same people in Europe getting bribes from sadaam will all of a sudden get a backbone to invade Iran......when they are making money off of deals with Iran.....?

You lefties are truly delusional.
Dozens of retired generals admirals back Iran nuclear deal - The Washington Post

The Republicans are the first in line to say, "Listen To The Generals", well maybe this time the Republicans will do exactly that.

Three dozen retired Flag Rank Officers (Admirals and Generals) have released an open letter supporting the Nuclear Agreement between the P-5+1 and the Islamic Republica of Iran.

These Flag Grade Officers are encouraging Congress to do the same.

As often as we hear how Republicans want our President to listen to the Generals, maybe the time has come for the Republicans to do exactly that.
You understand a significant number of Democrats oppose it too, right?

But not a numbers sufficient to over ride a Presidential Veto.

War with Iran will only result in disaster for America. In the words of Sir Winston Churchill, "Jaw Jaw is better than War War."

The only real reason Republicans oppose the agreement is to deny President Obama a foreign policy victory. Had say a John McCain or a Mitt Romney negoitated this agreement they would be cheering.
Yeah right. Like you all cared what the Generals had to say OR what they backed during the Bush administration.

Obama is not OUR DICTATOR and if we the people don't want this stinking deal. we will push our Representatives in Congress to STOP IT.

it's tough shit if you democrat cult members, the washingtonCOMPOST don't like it.

we don't bow to Obama. if you in the cult Obama want to, have at it

Actually the Generals warned against invading Iraq, but the shrub, a deserter never listened to them.
Course that desertion claim was what got Dan Rather fired because it was bullshit.'re basically spreading lies.
Dozens of retired generals admirals back Iran nuclear deal - The Washington Post

The Republicans are the first in line to say, "Listen To The Generals", well maybe this time the Republicans will do exactly that.

Three dozen retired Flag Rank Officers (Admirals and Generals) have released an open letter supporting the Nuclear Agreement between the P-5+1 and the Islamic Republica of Iran.

These Flag Grade Officers are encouraging Congress to do the same.

As often as we hear how Republicans want our President to listen to the Generals, maybe the time has come for the Republicans to do exactly that.
You understand a significant number of Democrats oppose it too, right?

But not a numbers sufficient to over ride a Presidential Veto.

War with Iran will only result in disaster for America. In the words of Sir Winston Churchill, "Jaw Jaw is better than War War."

The only real reason Republicans oppose the agreement is to deny President Obama a foreign policy victory. Had say a John McCain or a Mitt Romney negoitated this agreement they would be cheering.

You are delusional....there is no deal.....Iran is right now, this minute working on the bomb, they will continue working on the bomb when this farce is signed and they get their billions back and get their ballistic missles.....

Are you people really this stupid?
Dozens of retired generals admirals back Iran nuclear deal - The Washington Post

The Republicans are the first in line to say, "Listen To The Generals", well maybe this time the Republicans will do exactly that.

Three dozen retired Flag Rank Officers (Admirals and Generals) have released an open letter supporting the Nuclear Agreement between the P-5+1 and the Islamic Republica of Iran.

These Flag Grade Officers are encouraging Congress to do the same.

As often as we hear how Republicans want our President to listen to the Generals, maybe the time has come for the Republicans to do exactly that.

Apparently you believe there are no liberal Democrat generals.

So what does that come to, 5% of all the retired generals and admirals?
Yeah right. Like you all cared what the Generals had to say OR what they backed during the Bush administration.

Obama is not OUR DICTATOR and if we the people don't want this stinking deal. we will push our Representatives in Congress to STOP IT.

it's tough shit if you democrat cult members, the washingtonCOMPOST don't like it.

we don't bow to Obama. if you in the cult Obama want to, have at it
Retired General Colin Powell..."Pottery Barn break it, you bought it" ... in regards to invading Iraq.

Powell supported Obama twice. Enough said.
Yeah right. Like you all cared what the Generals had to say OR what they backed during the Bush administration.

Obama is not OUR DICTATOR and if we the people don't want this stinking deal. we will push our Representatives in Congress to STOP IT.

it's tough shit if you democrat cult members, the washingtonCOMPOST don't like it.

we don't bow to Obama. if you in the cult Obama want to, have at it

Actually the Generals warned against invading Iraq, but the shrub, a deserter never listened to them.
Course that desertion claim was what got Dan Rather fired because it was bullshit.'re basically spreading lies.

You can't desert from the National Guard if it is still State controlled. He took time off and made it up....I did that when I was in the Guard......
You mean the same way the Obama administration listened to the Generals when they warned him against withdrawing all U.S. troops from Iraq?

President Obama withdrew U.S. Troops according the schedule created by the shrub and dick(less).

These would be the same Generals who advised the former deserter-in-chief not to invade in the first damn place?
Bush didn't propose withdrawing all American troops, nimrod.
Remember how the left and Obama administration cares about the GENERALS?

Remember, General Petraeus ? one leftwing hate site called him; General Betrayeus

nuff said. the Compost should be ignored as they are nothing more but DNC agenda pushers

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