Dozens Of Retired Generals, Admirals Back Iran Nuclear Deal

Dozens of retired generals admirals back Iran nuclear deal - The Washington Post

The Republicans are the first in line to say, "Listen To The Generals", well maybe this time the Republicans will do exactly that.

Three dozen retired Flag Rank Officers (Admirals and Generals) have released an open letter supporting the Nuclear Agreement between the P-5+1 and the Islamic Republica of Iran.

These Flag Grade Officers are encouraging Congress to do the same.

As often as we hear how Republicans want our President to listen to the Generals, maybe the time has come for the Republicans to do exactly that.
Yup......millions......I mean hundreds.....I mean dozens......I mean.....a shitload of Generals are backing the deal.

The list goes on and on:

  1. Gen Seemore Butts
  2. Gen I.P. Freely
  3. Adm Dick Hurts
  4. Gen Iva Bigun
Just to name a few.

Oh and Global Warming is real folks.

I wonder if they are all still alive? lol
good grief. I don't why anyone pays for that rag.
since when do Democrats listen to THEIR generals......?

Obama has already kicked out the generals that didn't agree with him......

Exactly...there are Generals who are simply paper pushers...left wingers wearing the uniform....compared to real military commanders who understand the actual threat.
since when do Democrats listen to THEIR generals......?

Obama has already kicked out the generals that didn't agree with him......

Exactly...there are Generals who are simply paper pushers...left wingers wearing the uniform....compared to real military commanders who understand the actual threat.
what is anyone compared to you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

since this "deal" doesn't stop Iran from getting a weapon and they are in fact still working on it and will work on it when the sanctions are lifted it just shows these officers should never have been in positions of leadership in our military....
generals are nothing scientist are nothing Right wing nut bags on a thread are the "shit" waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Yeah right. Like you all cared what the Generals had to say OR what they backed during the Bush administration.

Obama is not OUR DICTATOR and if we the people don't want this stinking deal. we will push our Representatives in Congress to STOP IT.

it's tough shit if you democrat cult members, the washingtonCOMPOST don't like it.

we don't bow to Obama. if you in the cult Obama want to, have at it

Actually the Generals warned against invading Iraq, but the shrub, a deserter never listened to them.
Yeah right. Like you all cared what the Generals had to say OR what they backed during the Bush administration.

Obama is not OUR DICTATOR and if we the people don't want this stinking deal. we will push our Representatives in Congress to STOP IT.

it's tough shit if you democrat cult members, the washingtonCOMPOST don't like it.

we don't bow to Obama. if you in the cult Obama want to, have at it

Actually the Generals warned against invading Iraq, but the shrub, a deserter never listened to them.

Please explain the deserter comment? You have just shown you are stupid...please justify why we should continue reading your posts....
Yeah right. Like you all cared what the Generals had to say OR what they backed during the Bush administration.

Obama is not OUR DICTATOR and if we the people don't want this stinking deal. we will push our Representatives in Congress to STOP IT.

it's tough shit if you democrat cult members, the washingtonCOMPOST don't like it.

we don't bow to Obama. if you in the cult Obama want to, have at it
Retired General Colin Powell..."Pottery Barn break it, you bought it" ... in regards to invading Iraq.
Yeah right. Like you all cared what the Generals had to say OR what they backed during the Bush administration.

Obama is not OUR DICTATOR and if we the people don't want this stinking deal. we will push our Representatives in Congress to STOP IT.

it's tough shit if you democrat cult members, the washingtonCOMPOST don't like it.

we don't bow to Obama. if you in the cult Obama want to, have at it
Retired General Colin Powell..."Pottery Barn break it, you bought it" ... in regards to invading Iraq.

Yeah he is the guy who let sadaam hang on to power when the world was in place to remove him and support a real change in the Middle East...and because of his advice we are where we are now........
The Obama Administration has purged the DOD of all the senior officers with balls. All that are left are the yes men.
Interesting assertion. Now, back it up with facts.

Here you go....

GORDON Purging America s military - Washington Times

It seems that every week since President Obama took office in 2009, we’ve been hearing that another top leader has been summarily fired, despite his decades of loyal service and valuable in protecting the nation. Statistically speaking, it’s actually closer to one every 8.8 days, a staggering 200 military brass shown the door in less than five years.
1. Um, there is a reason military members, even leaders, do not set foreign policy. According to the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) no military member can speak out on such issues so as not to give the impression that the military is biased in any way on issues. We are not allowed to speak out while in uniform so as not to be seen as we speak for the entire military or our associated branch of service. As a retired member I understand that these men speaking out means nothing more than they as individuals may agree with this deal.

2. It is nice that these generals like the deal and think our Middle Eastern allies will be safer...but anyone with a include our Middle Eastern allies (who have lived with , have to deal with, and have to face Iran) do NOT like this deal, warn of its dangers, and forecast a nuclear arms race.
Three dozen retired generals and admirals released an open letter Tuesday supporting the Iran nuclear deal and urging Congress to do the same.

Calling the agreement “the most effective means currently available to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons,” the letter said that gaining international support for military action against Iran, should that ever become necessary, “would only be possible if we have first given the diplomatic path a chance.”

More: Dozens of retired generals, admirals back Iran nuclear deal - The Washington Post

Give peace a chance. War is always an option if necessary.

Conservatives won't have to go fight so its easy for them to crave war and only war. I say if all the Republican members agree to join up and be the first on the front lines then ok, don't approve the Treaty.

Otherwise STFU.
I have a better idea. Since conservatives have carried the load on military service, we should draft the Libs and put them on the front lines to defend Obozo's honor when his sham deal blows up.

Ah so your delusion that 'cons' have 'carried' the load is again being offered as a fantasy argument.

What ingrate would try to separate military service politically? What cesspool do you have to crawl out of to say 'these people are like me so they are good military' and 'those people are not like me so they are bad military'. Disgusting.
I have a better idea. Since conservatives have carried the load on military service, we should draft the Libs and put them on the front lines to defend Obozo's honor when his sham deal blows up.

When did they do that?

Bush hiding out in the National Guard or Cheney with his five deferments or Limbaugh with his anal cyst keeping him out of the "front lines".

Okay, here's the reality of the whole thing. The Zionists aren't against this deal because it will let iran get the bomb.

The Zionists are against this deal because it mainstreams Iran and they are going to have to run into Iranian Delegates at diplomatic functions.

Israel doesn't like it when they aren't hugged tight like a new kitten to America's bosom and everyone else shunned like lepers. They don't want all those other people treated like people, because those people would then have human rights.
Three dozen retired generals and admirals released an open letter Tuesday supporting the Iran nuclear deal and urging Congress to do the same.

Calling the agreement “the most effective means currently available to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons,” the letter said that gaining international support for military action against Iran, should that ever become necessary, “would only be possible if we have first given the diplomatic path a chance.”

More: Dozens of retired generals, admirals back Iran nuclear deal - The Washington Post

Give peace a chance. War is always an option if necessary.

Conservatives won't have to go fight so its easy for them to crave war and only war. I say if all the Republican members agree to join up and be the first on the front lines then ok, don't approve the Treaty.

Otherwise STFU.
I have a better idea. Since conservatives have carried the load on military service, we should draft the Libs and put them on the front lines to defend Obozo's honor when his sham deal blows up.

Ah so your delusion that 'cons' have 'carried' the load is again being offered as a fantasy argument.

What ingrate would try to separate military service politically? What cesspool do you have to crawl out of to say 'these people are like me so they are good military' and 'those people are not like me so they are bad military'. Disgusting.
Learn to read, you idiot. I didn't comment on anyone's service. I commented on the Lib's lack of service, since they are underrepresented in the military.
Three dozen retired generals and admirals released an open letter Tuesday supporting the Iran nuclear deal and urging Congress to do the same.

Calling the agreement “the most effective means currently available to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons,” the letter said that gaining international support for military action against Iran, should that ever become necessary, “would only be possible if we have first given the diplomatic path a chance.”

More: Dozens of retired generals, admirals back Iran nuclear deal - The Washington Post

Give peace a chance. War is always an option if necessary.

Conservatives won't have to go fight so its easy for them to crave war and only war. I say if all the Republican members agree to join up and be the first on the front lines then ok, don't approve the Treaty.

Otherwise STFU.
Approve the treaty !!! War is the only alternative !!! Bullshit.

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