Dow Hits 36,000! Profits soaring!!

I cannot say this strongly enough - the boom since 2009 is almost entirely due to the Fed being 'all in'. They have propped up the equity markets continually since then...without fail.
The markets have boomed.
The Fed is now out...they are raising rates and lowering their balance sheet as they try to fight inflation.

Yep, and the free money from zero interest rates to giant corporations and real estate is going away, finally.
I don't understand what you mean by this statement.
"I said that we were selling our oil to our allies before Biden allowed Russia to sell to them."
Of course we were selling oil to our allies. And Biden can not allow or disallow sale of Russian oil to our allies.

"But, it's also the reason he shut down oil coming into the country from Canada and Alaska and other places"
No, He did not stop oil coming into the country from Canada or Alaska. He issued an executive order canceling the construction of Keystone XL. XL is just and extension of the Keystone pipeline with larger diameter piping allowing rapid transport of the planet's dirtiest fossil fuel and tar sands oil. These products can and are being shipped into the US. XL would have just made it cheaper and faster.

And from your comment, you don't seem to think government should do anything about the shortage of baby formula. 3 strikes and you're out. I'm skipping the rest of your post.
Pretty simple. We were selling to NATO countries oil. Biden came along and let Russia open up their pipelines of oil and gas to NATO, specifically to Germany. They no longer needed to buy from us as they could get it cheaper from Russia. It took weeks after Russia invaded Ukraine to get NATO to stop buying from Russia. And, we continue to buy from Russia, don't we? Yep. So, we are sending billions of dollars and weapons to Ukraine and paying Russia for oil to fund their war against Ukraine. Typical Democrat warfare. Give both sides weapons to shoot at each other. And, you support this? LOL!
You lied about the baby formula. I am clear that Biden doesn't care about the shortage of baby formula. I care. Typical Democrat liberal. Lie then stop debating.
Biden sure did stop the Keystone XL pipeline and others as well. He did shut down oil coming from Canada by doing so and has shut down drilling in Alaska, again. The other way he's shutting down more gasoline is by making more restrictions to get the application permits for drilling for more oil. Ya, there are plenty of application permits but the restrictions stop all of it. As far as the cleanliness of the oil, refineries take care of that problem. You do know what a refinery does? No?
Pretty simple. We were selling to NATO countries oil. Biden came along and let Russia open up their pipelines of oil and gas to NATO, specifically to Germany. They no longer needed to buy from us as they could get it cheaper from Russia. It took weeks after Russia invaded Ukraine to get NATO to stop buying from Russia. And, we continue to buy from Russia, don't we? Yep. So, we are sending billions of dollars and weapons to Ukraine and paying Russia for oil to fund their war against Ukraine. Typical Democrat warfare. Give both sides weapons to shoot at each other. And, you support this? LOL!
You lied about the baby formula. I am clear that Biden doesn't care about the shortage of baby formula. I care. Typical Democrat liberal. Lie then stop debating.
Biden sure did stop the Keystone XL pipeline and others as well. He did shut down oil coming from Canada by doing so and has shut down drilling in Alaska, again. The other way he's shutting down more gasoline is by making more restrictions to get the application permits for drilling for more oil. Ya, there are plenty of application permits but the restrictions stop all of it. As far as the cleanliness of the oil, refineries take care of that problem. You do know what a refinery does? No?
If you are referring to the Nord Stream Pipeline, it was 99% finished in 2021. The idea that anything was going to be said or done that was going to stop it was not possible. The pipeline was financed by Royal Dutch Shell, several banks in Switzerland, and Russian OIl interest. Agreements were between Russia, Germany and the EU. The US simply had no skin in game.

You claimed that Biden shutdown oil from Alaska and Canada. That simply is not true. Millions of barrels of oil from Canada and Alaska enter the US lower 48 every year. The XL pipeline extension cancellation did not block oil or gas from entering the US. The tar sand oil and heavy crude which the XL would have carried still enters the US by rail and truck transport.
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Who says we haven't? Makes no difference because most people are in mutual funds or managed accounts and are in it for the long haul. This is a buying time...
if you are in it for the long haul then you buy by dollar cost averaging not picking or waiting for magical right time (market timers hall of fame is an empty room still don't understand do you)and as far as shorting market you don't have to use individual stocks you can go triple short on sp500 etf's.
if you are in it for the long haul then you buy by dollar cost averaging not picking or waiting for magical right time (market timers hall of fame is an empty room still don't understand do you)and as far as shorting market you don't have to use individual stocks you can go triple short on sp500 etf's.
I have watched people and myself trying to buy the market near the bottom. Here is a typically story. Near the bottom the market falls like a rock scaring the shit out of you. You know it's going to come back but you want a little confirmation before you buy. Well you get the confirmation but it's not little. The market goes up 1300 points and so you buy. The next day it goes up 500 points confirming your belief that a bottom has been reached but the following day the market is down, just consolidating, no problem. Then it's down 500 more the next week. The fed says they are not going to lower interest rates and market falls like a rock. You 're down 25% so you decide to bail out and wait for the true bottom. Unfortunately, the bottom has come and gone and you watch the market rise day after day planning to get in when it goes down again but it goes up not down. 3 years later the market is up 5000 points and you're no longer interested in the market because you're convinced there is no way to make money in the market.

To enter the stock market without a plan and making decision based on market movies, anticipated moves and news stories is a good way to lose money. Have a plan such as dollar cost averaging, or some other tested formula or buying and selling based on long term fundamentals and stick to it.
If you are referring to the Nord Stream Pipeline, it was 99% finished in 2021. The idea that anything was going to be said or done that was going to stop it was not possible. The pipeline was financed by Royal Dutch Shell, several banks in Switzerland, and Russian OIl interest. Agreements were between Russia, Germany and the EU. The US simply had no skin in game.

You claimed that Biden shutdown oil from Alaska and Canada. That simply is not true. Millions of barrels of oil from Canada and Alaska enter the US lower 48 every year. The XL pipeline extension cancellation did not block oil or gas from entering the US. The tar sand oil and heavy crude which the XL would have carried still enters the US by rail and truck transport.
Ignorance is bliss: Biden suspends Trump-era oil drilling leases in Alaska’s Arctic refuge

Lots more if you want. Biden is a trainwreck and now he claims he wants to help with the prices of gasoline going up? No he doesn't. Higher prices force people into buying high priced electric cars. The poor get squeezed because the poor can't afford new cars and the doubling of gas prices. Get back to the Trump doctrine and drive prices lower and inflation lower.
Ignorance is bliss: Biden suspends Trump-era oil drilling leases in Alaska’s Arctic refuge

Lots more if you want. Biden is a trainwreck and now he claims he wants to help with the prices of gasoline going up? No he doesn't. Higher prices force people into buying high priced electric cars. The poor get squeezed because the poor can't afford new cars and the doubling of gas prices. Get back to the Trump doctrine and drive prices lower and inflation lower.
Democrats claim to be the party for the poor. Now, that's funny! NOT!!!
Ignorance is bliss: Biden suspends Trump-era oil drilling leases in Alaska’s Arctic refuge

Lots more if you want. Biden is a trainwreck and now he claims he wants to help with the prices of gasoline going up? No he doesn't. Higher prices force people into buying high priced electric cars. The poor get squeezed because the poor can't afford new cars and the doubling of gas prices. Get back to the Trump doctrine and drive prices lower and inflation lower.
Alaskan oil and gas leases are not going bring prices down this year and probably not next year because exploration, financing, drilling, and building piping, tanks and other infrastructure takes time, particularly in Alaska. The priority of Oil and gas companies now are to squeeze every drop of oil out of existing wells and fields to take advantage of $100/barrel oil prices. This probably accounts for their lack interest in this area.
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Alaskan oil and gas leases are not going bring prices down this year and probably not next year because exploration, financing, drilling, and building piping, tanks and other infrastructure takes time, particularly in Alaska. The priority of Oil and gas companies now are to squeeze every drop of oil out of existing wells and fields to take advantage of $100/barrel oil prices. This probably accounts for their lack interest in this area.
Had Biden left alone all the Trump programs and executive orders, we would not be in this economic position. Now Biden wants to send in troops to Somolia after getting out of Afghanistan. What is the matter with that dunce?
Alaskan oil and gas leases are not going bring prices down this year and probably not next year because exploration, financing, drilling, and building piping, tanks and other infrastructure takes time, particularly in Alaska. The priority of Oil and gas companies now are to squeeze every drop of oil out of existing wells and fields to take advantage of $100/barrel oil prices. This probably accounts for their lack interest in this area.
Word and the plans for extraction expansion or stifling impact prices immediately.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:record stock market?
Companies are making profits right now and Wall Street sure likes that. I remember how much of a barometer the stock market was to measure a President’s success over the last several years. When will you conservatives start enjoying a growing economy?

Dow Average Touches 36,000 Buoyed by Earnings: Markets Wrap
Stocks Pare Gains Amid Earnings, Fed Taper Outlook: Markets Wrap

Stocks rose toward another record amid earnings surprises and optimism the recovery in the world’s largest economy is on track.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average touched the 36,000 level. The S&P 500 climbed for a third day, led by commodity, retail and financial companies. The tech-heavy Nasdaq 100 underperformed. Treasuries fell.

More than 80% of S&P 500 companies reporting third-quarter results have beaten Wall Street estimates, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. That has laid the groundwork for a nearly 6% gain in the equity benchmark since the season began on Oct. 13 -- the best performance over a comparable period since 2014.
DOW down to where it was when your Vegetable Messiah took office citygator


Worst President ever.
DOW down to where it was when your Vegetable Messiah took office citygator


Worst President ever.
Was down under 20,000 under Trump. Market has ups and downs. I will put $150,000 into the market next week from cash. How do you think I’m gonna do? Looking at taking a position in Target since they are sufficiently beat up.
Was down under 20,000 under Trump. Market has ups and downs. I will put $150,000 into the market next week from cash. How do you think I’m gonna do? Looking at taking a position in Target since they are sufficiently beat up.
Chump change
Was down under 20,000 under Trump. Market has ups and downs. I will put $150,000 into the market next week from cash. How do you think I’m gonna do? Looking at taking a position in Target since they are sufficiently beat up.

Boy, that sure was a dumb move. Let me give you some better advice. Start shorting. If you aren't capable, invest in a SQQQ or another ETF specializing in shorting the market. Biden's policies and lack of action will continue to allow the markets to tank.
Boy, that sure was a dumb move. Let me give you some better advice. Start shorting. If you aren't capable, invest in a SQQQ or another ETF specializing in shorting the market. Biden's policies and lack of action will continue to allow the markets to tank.
What kind of policies and “action” are you looking for?

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