Doug Ford wants to boost police ranks by lowering the education requirements for officers


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
A reminder as to how far Canada, lead by Ontario; is regressing.

I contacted the Durham Police Chief, Toronto Police Chief, creepy Peel Region and a couple of others (et al, they like to share resources to get their O.T while chasing!), making them aware that some names of their covert, so-called police will be named if and when I have to go to court over my wifes abuses against me. For decades, there has been interference in my career pursuits, including good corporate careers.

This undoubtably played a role in the stress we experienced and prevented me with the ability to leave the situation, even for a few days. So instead of a more educated, well rounded and cerebral force, he wants LESS commitment and intellect for 6 figure jobs from the OPP on down. Many of whom already destroy lives in Canada while enjoying the least level of accountability in the West.

Maybe we should lower the standards for doctors and nurses since we have a shortage? We decrease expectations while China demands better of their citizens.

Is there any wonder our best talent is leaving Ontario and we have to pay a foreign company $13 BILLION to "create" 3000 EV battery jobs?

Follow us at your own peril...

In an effort to lure more people into policing amid a shortage of officers, Ontario wants to drop the requirement that potential constables have a post-secondary education, Premier Doug Ford says.
The controversial plan comes just weeks after the inquiry into the 2020 mass shooting that claimed 22 lives in Nova Scotia recommended the Royal Canadian Mounted Police create a three-year, degree-based model of police education.
“Police forces are telling us recruitment can be challenging,” Ford told a news conference Tuesday at the Toronto police college in Etobicoke.

The timing of the announcement is “strange” given the Nova Scotia inquiry recommendations and general trends in policing, but a police reform expert at the University of Toronto said he doesn’t think Ontario will see a flood of constables with little life experience fresh out of high school.

“In practice, I don’t see this changing how police are hiring,” said Julius Haag, an assistant professor, noting that studies show officers with more education and better critical thinking skills are less likely to use force or run into disciplinary problems “These are still highly competitive, well-paid jobs.”

Opposition parties were skeptical of proposed legislation to change the Community Safety and Policing Act, which for years has required recruits have a post-secondary education.

“It’s very concerning,” said New Democrat Leader Marit Stiles, saying university and college educations teach a wider view of the world.

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“They (police) have a very difficult job, and they require a lot of skills including critical thinking to do their jobs properly.”
Solicitor General Michael Kerzner defended the change, which the Ford government can easily pass with its majority in the legislature, saying most police recruits are now in their late 20s.

“We want more people to have the opportunity to become police officers, people from all walks of life and backgrounds who reflect our diversity,” he said, adding that the changes will “reduce barriers.”

Toronto Police Chief Myron Demkiw told the Star he supports eliminating barriers to police work but said “life experience” will continue to be an important factor in the hiring of future constables.

“We still look for candidates that are well rounded, that are grounded in civic duty and community,” he added in an interview.

“We would certainly welcome any young person to come meet our recruiters and discuss the specifics of what it would take for them to become a competitive candidate for any role to enter the se
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A reminder as to how far Canada, lead by Ontario; is regressing.

I contacted the Durham Police Chief, Toronto Police Chief, creepy Peel Region and a couple of others, making them aware that some names of their covert, so-called police will be named if and when I have to go to court over my wifes abuses against me. For decades, there has been interference in my career pursuits, including good corporate careers.

This undoubtably played a role in the stress my wife felt, and my inability to leave the situation, even for a few days. So instead of a more educated, well rounded and cerebral force, he wants LESS commitment and intellect for 6 figure jobs from the OPP on down. Many of whom already destroy lives in Canada while enjoying the least level of accountability in the West.

Maybe we should lower the standards for doctors and nurses since we have a shortage? We decrease expectations while China demands better of their citizens.

Is there any wonder our best talent is leaving Ontario and we have to pay a foreign company $13 BILLION to "create" 3000 EV battery jobs?

Follow us at your own peril...

In an effort to lure more people into policing amid a shortage of officers, Ontario wants to drop the requirement that potential constables have a post-secondary education, Premier Doug Ford says.
The controversial plan comes just weeks after the inquiry into the 2020 mass shooting that claimed 22 lives in Nova Scotia recommended the Royal Canadian Mounted Police create a three-year, degree-based model of police education.
“Police forces are telling us recruitment can be challenging,” Ford told a news conference Tuesday at the Toronto police college in Etobicoke.

The timing of the announcement is “strange” given the Nova Scotia inquiry recommendations and general trends in policing, but a police reform expert at the University of Toronto said he doesn’t think Ontario will see a flood of constables with little life experience fresh out of high school.

“In practice, I don’t see this changing how police are hiring,” said Julius Haag, an assistant professor, noting that studies show officers with more education and better critical thinking skills are less likely to use force or run into disciplinary problems “These are still highly competitive, well-paid jobs.”

Opposition parties were skeptical of proposed legislation to change the Community Safety and Policing Act, which for years has required recruits have a post-secondary education.

“It’s very concerning,” said New Democrat Leader Marit Stiles, saying university and college educations teach a wider view of the world.

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“They (police) have a very difficult job, and they require a lot of skills including critical thinking to do their jobs properly.”
Solicitor General Michael Kerzner defended the change, which the Ford government can easily pass with its majority in the legislature, saying most police recruits are now in their late 20s.

“We want more people to have the opportunity to become police officers, people from all walks of life and backgrounds who reflect our diversity,” he said, adding that the changes will “reduce barriers.”

Toronto Police Chief Myron Demkiw told the Star he supports eliminating barriers to police work but said “life experience” will continue to be an important factor in the hiring of future constables.

“We still look for candidates that are well rounded, that are grounded in civic duty and community,” he added in an interview.

“We would certainly welcome any young person to come meet our recruiters and discuss the specifics of what it would take for them to become a competitive candidate for any role to enter the se
Being a cop is a tough job....and lowering the standards will only make the problem worse.
But then again...that is what the Democrats and the left in general was aiming for anyway.
They used vaccine mandates and defund the cops programs to get rid of qualified cops and now they want to fill the ranks with woke mentally deficient rejects.
Being a cop is a tough job....and lowering the standards will only make the problem worse.
But then again...that is what the Democrats and the left in general was aiming for anyway.
They used vaccine mandates and defund the cops programs to get rid of qualified cops and now they want to fill the ranks with woke mentally deficient rejects.
He is a conservative. Canadian standards... RCMP are supposed to increase their education requirements, this won't change their ancient structure which is 150 years behind the times. There have been intelligent, high performing Canadians denied entry into the U.S based on RCMP flags and it was because he wrote an essay in college 25 years earlier on the subject of communism! The nation best able to harness their best minds wlll succeed in the global economc war. The rest...well., just watch Canadas decline for an example...go see it for yourself in Toronto while the TPS bankrupt the city (financially and morally)
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Ontario wants to drop the requirement that potential constables have a post-secondary education, Premier Doug Ford says.
Doug Ford, eh? Do you think he'll provide them with free cocaine as well? Maybe Donald H the duck would like to weigh in on this? Sounds like all is not good in his commie government.
The controversial plan comes just weeks after the inquiry into the 2020 mass shooting that claimed 22 lives in Nova Scotia
This couldn't be. According to Donald H the commie duck, Canada has strict gun control. Were these shootings carried out with a big bad AR-15?
Doug Ford, eh? Do you think he'll provide them with free cocaine as well? Maybe Donald H the duck would like to weigh in on this? Sounds like all is not good in his commie government.

This couldn't be. According to Donald H the commie duck, Canada has strict gun control. Were these shootings carried out with a big bad AR-15?
I wouldn't get too smug, your agencies happily help ours regardless of the facts behind those you help. I doubt China spends billions a year to covertly manufacture threats against their young as Canada does. You copy our model and assist the most dishonest/unaccountable in the West. Your nation will also reap the same results we have. Do Americans feel more or less free today than say 25 years ago? Who is influencing you?
Not smug at all--quite the opposite. Just highlighting for you what we feel in the US everytime that smug POS duck makes disparaging remarks about our country. Can you see my point? I wish Donald H would.
My experience here should be enough evidence of this. The problem is, your police agencies are very close to ours and helping us out. The truth is you guys are basically clueless and obedient to Canadas abusers, contributing to the downfall not only of Canada but of America. Canadian police have a chuckle as they destroy my life (since i was a kid) and so many others, I wonder if some of your police find humor in it too. Great future for a nation, right? Look at the situation objectively, take my experiences out of it you don't even need to believe my experiences here. Your nation is not sovereign if you take direction from Canada and believe their B.S. Europeans turned away from us long ago now they are turning away from you. Are there any similarities or coincidences here?
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If it makes you feel any better, Canadians are FAR more least currently. Managers and employees in Canadian companies take pleasure screwing over other Canadians on behalf of the state because by and large the've never fought for principle in their lives...thus, they possess the weakest of constitutions. At least the U.S have a rich and proud history of fighting for principle while Canadians happily serve ther masters...
The truth is you guys are basically clueless and obedient to Canadas abusers,
I had believed that all Canadians were not as clueless as Donald H. You have just made me question my belief. We are not "clueless" to anything that is happening in Canada. You guys have chosen to follow what you were escaping, allowing gov't control under the premise that one family should tell you what you should and shouldn't do. Canadians are clueless and that is why they follow the socialist path that they have chosen.
Canadians are FAR more least currently.
Canadians are far more parasitical when it comes to their own defense. They first relied upon the UK until it didn't provide the security that they desired when they discovered the security that their neighbor to the south enjoyed and was willing to provide for them. Now you and your socialist buddies are feeling emboldened by the socialist movement in the US and you want to point fingers at what the cause of your dissatisfaction might be. Here's a hint, buddy, your dissatisfaction stems from socialism and you -- and Donald H, Dragonlady, etc are trying to spread the socialism disease down here. Remember when you point a finger--there are three more pointing at the real problem.
Canadians on behalf of the state because by and large the've never fought for principle in their lives...thus, they possess the weakest of constitutions. At least the U.S have a rich and proud history of fighting for principle while Canadians happily serve ther masters...
HaHaHa, and after all of that--you support my point in your last paragraph. You Canadians truly are confused.
I had believed that all Canadians were not as clueless as Donald H. You have just made me question my belief. We are not "clueless" to anything that is happening in Canada. You guys have chosen to follow what you were escaping, allowing gov't control under the premise that one family should tell you what you should and shouldn't do. Canadians are clueless and that is why they follow the socialist path that they have chosen.

Canadians are far more parasitical when it comes to their own defense. They first relied upon the UK until it didn't provide the security that they desired when they discovered the security that their neighbor to the south enjoyed and was willing to provide for them. Now you and your socialist buddies are feeling emboldened by the socialist movement in the US and you want to point fingers at what the cause of your dissatisfaction might be. Here's a hint, buddy, your dissatisfaction stems from socialism and you -- and Donald H, Dragonlady, etc are trying to spread the socialism disease down here. Remember when you point a finger--there are three more pointing at the real problem.

HaHaHa, and after all of that--you support my point in your last paragraph. You Canadians truly are confused.
You don't get it, you are following in our footsteps and then some. You trust some of the least trustworthy cults you could imagine. Akin to the Moscow Poliice.
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A reminder as to how far Canada, lead by Ontario; is regressing.

I contacted the Durham Police Chief, Toronto Police Chief, creepy Peel Region and a couple of others (et al, they like to share resources to get their O.T while chasing!), making them aware that some names of their covert, so-called police will be named if and when I have to go to court over my wifes abuses against me. For decades, there has been interference in my career pursuits, including good corporate careers.

This undoubtably played a role in the stress we experienced and prevented me with the ability to leave the situation, even for a few days. So instead of a more educated, well rounded and cerebral force, he wants LESS commitment and intellect for 6 figure jobs from the OPP on down. Many of whom already destroy lives in Canada while enjoying the least level of accountability in the West.

Maybe we should lower the standards for doctors and nurses since we have a shortage? We decrease expectations while China demands better of their citizens.

Is there any wonder our best talent is leaving Ontario and we have to pay a foreign company $13 BILLION to "create" 3000 EV battery jobs?

Follow us at your own peril...

In an effort to lure more people into policing amid a shortage of officers, Ontario wants to drop the requirement that potential constables have a post-secondary education, Premier Doug Ford says.
The controversial plan comes just weeks after the inquiry into the 2020 mass shooting that claimed 22 lives in Nova Scotia recommended the Royal Canadian Mounted Police create a three-year, degree-based model of police education.
“Police forces are telling us recruitment can be challenging,” Ford told a news conference Tuesday at the Toronto police college in Etobicoke.

The timing of the announcement is “strange” given the Nova Scotia inquiry recommendations and general trends in policing, but a police reform expert at the University of Toronto said he doesn’t think Ontario will see a flood of constables with little life experience fresh out of high school.

“In practice, I don’t see this changing how police are hiring,” said Julius Haag, an assistant professor, noting that studies show officers with more education and better critical thinking skills are less likely to use force or run into disciplinary problems “These are still highly competitive, well-paid jobs.”

Opposition parties were skeptical of proposed legislation to change the Community Safety and Policing Act, which for years has required recruits have a post-secondary education.

“It’s very concerning,” said New Democrat Leader Marit Stiles, saying university and college educations teach a wider view of the world.

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“They (police) have a very difficult job, and they require a lot of skills including critical thinking to do their jobs properly.”
Solicitor General Michael Kerzner defended the change, which the Ford government can easily pass with its majority in the legislature, saying most police recruits are now in their late 20s.

“We want more people to have the opportunity to become police officers, people from all walks of life and backgrounds who reflect our diversity,” he said, adding that the changes will “reduce barriers.”

Toronto Police Chief Myron Demkiw told the Star he supports eliminating barriers to police work but said “life experience” will continue to be an important factor in the hiring of future constables.

“We still look for candidates that are well rounded, that are grounded in civic duty and community,” he added in an interview.

“We would certainly welcome any young person to come meet our recruiters and discuss the specifics of what it would take for them to become a competitive candidate for any role to enter the se
Is there no end to the ways that fat tub of goo can embarrass you poor people?

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