Doomsdayers Stymied Again...Dow UP 1,080

Bed wetters are pissed at the public again.

In spite of constant cheer leading for the decline in the media and the shut down, people spent like they haven't in years because no one cares what TV says anymore. They're confident enough to blow a wad on Christmas, because there's no meat puppet faggot keeping vets from visiting monuments.
Its not funny or fun, lots of people are counting on there 401ks invested in the market to retire on. just like in 08 .& we all know what happened to a lot of people then. a market with wild swings is not a comfort.

It's the nature if the beast, historically it's been proven to ride it out.
The President has very little to do with the rise and fall of the Stock Market.

However, it will be interesting to see if those who were blaming the drop on Trump will now give him credit.

Will those blaming the drop on the Dem winning the House now give them credit?
Today trumpflakes also claimed credit for their leader of the Pet Rock and the Cabbage Patch kids.
I just like to rub it in! China tariffs working dropped tariffs on over 700 items....highest increase in DOW in 7 years....Where is OBOMANATION?....ROTFLMFAO!!
But wait, you said this market is driven by Democrats winning the House. So now we all see you only meant that is the case when the market goes down. When the market goes up, then you kiss Trump’s ass.

Now I see how that works.
I just like to rub it in! China tariffs working dropped tariffs on over 700 items....highest increase in DOW in 7 years....Where is OBOMANATION?....ROTFLMFAO!!
But wait, you said this market is driven by Democrats winning the House. So now we all see you only meant that is the case when the market goes down. When the market goes up, then you kiss Trump’s ass.

Now I see how that works.
How about that...I did DemonRST TALKING POINT!...ROTFLMFAO
He also claimed credit for inventing sliced bread today too!

Actually that is Al Gore’s claim it came right after he invented the internet.

He never said he invented the internet. Can't you guys get anything right.
FALSE: Al Gore Said 'I Invented the Internet'
Bwaaahhhaaaaaahhaaaa..Hey you stupid Kunt, here is Al Jazeera Gore in his own fucking words. I pray every day that you have a meteor land on your stupid peabrain.

50 seconds in Al Gore Speaks...what Penelopeabrain denies..

yeah, he said I created the internet...same thing bitch..
For friends who don't understand economics, stocks dropped more than bonds. So, they took your pension funds in order to sell some bonds and buy stock with it. That's a major ponzi.

To rebalance end of quarter like that spells really, really bad news. That's weasel stuff. I can't believe you guys are celebrating this. I really can't.
He also claimed credit for inventing sliced bread today too!

Actually that is Al Gore’s claim it came right after he invented the internet.

He never said he invented the internet. Can't you guys get anything right.
FALSE: Al Gore Said 'I Invented the Internet'
Bwaaahhhaaaaaahhaaaa..Hey you stupid Kunt, here is Al Jazeera Gore in his own fucking words. I pray every day that you have a meteor land on your stupid peabrain.

50 seconds in Al Gore Speaks...what Penelopeabrain denies..

yeah, he said I created the internet...same thing bitch..

The ignorance on the right never ceases to amaze me. <smh>

No, dumbfuck, “create” does not mean “invent.” :eusa_doh:

If I create a painting, does that mean I invented painting?

If Trump’s policies created job growth, does that mean Trump invented John growth?

Our beloved Declaration of Independence states that “all men are created equal,” does that mean all men are invented equal?
He also claimed credit for inventing sliced bread today too!

Actually that is Al Gore’s claim it came right after he invented the internet.

He never said he invented the internet. Can't you guys get anything right.
FALSE: Al Gore Said 'I Invented the Internet'

Good grief, you nuts claimed Obama owned the economy up until the first down turn in the stock market and you claimed Obama had control over gas prices, I freakin joke back you start peeing your pants, my oh my are you a pansy. Get a freakin life loser.