Doomsday Clock moved foward 2 mins to 3 minutes till Doomsday


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
The Doomsday Clock is ticking again. It is now three minutes to 8216 midnight 8217 a.k.a the end of humanity. - The Washington Post

"It is now three minutes to midnight, according to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, which is warning that the end of humanity may be nigh. The group behind the famed "Doomsday Clock" announced at a news conference that it was adjusting the countdown to the End of it All by taking away two minutes. It is the closest the clock has been to Doomsday since 1984.

The time is symbolic, sitting at the intersection of art and science, and it has wavered between two minutes and 17 minutes til doom since the clock's inception in 1947. A board of scientists and nuclear experts meets regularly to determine what time it is on the Doomsday Clock.

[RELATED: Earth may be less safe for humans in coming years]

This time, the clock was adjusted to express the group's dissatisfaction with world progress on "unchecked climate change, global nuclear weapons modernizations, and outsized nuclear weapons arsenals." Those issues, the group said in a statement, "pose extraordinary and undeniable threats to the continued existence of humanity.""
While I don't get my panties in a bunch at the threat of nuclear war any more, thought this was interesting. Don't believe it's that dire either. Climate Change wont result in the "end of humanity." We'll adapt, survive, and floruish because it's a gradual process. Not like overnight things all change to their worst then happen at once.

Neither is a nuclear exchange gonna end the human race. How many did we test since 1945 in the atmosphere? Hundreds. Here we are. No big radiation cloud wiped us out ala "On The Beach."

Nuclear detonations are bad but not world-ending. Not even a lot of them. And anyone actually worried about it will learn how to increase their chances of survival. Target maps for country's nuclear arsenals are available. Don't live near the bullseyes. Make a fallout shelter. Stock up on supplies. Not that complicated.
I agree that, Pootin notwithstanding, nuclear holocaust is not the threat it once was, in great part to Obama's good work.

But, there is no doubt that climate change is the biggest threat the planet has ever faced. Its a certainty that we will not address that threat.

Yes, we will probably survive as a species but I'm grateful I won't be here to experience what we're headed for.
Sorry, but we need to go back to Two Minutes. Three minutes to midnight just doesn't flow as well.

Up the Irons!

I agree that, Pootin notwithstanding, nuclear holocaust is not the threat it once was, in great part to Obama's good work.

But, there is no doubt that climate change is the biggest threat the planet has ever faced. Its a certainty that we will not address that threat.

Yes, we will probably survive as a species but I'm grateful I won't be here to experience what we're headed for.

I wonder if you will feel the same way when Iran gets the Big Badda Boooom

mushroom cloud.jpg
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