Don’t let the rightwing fool you: the economy is doing well under Biden

Remember when you stupid cock suckers said the same thing about Obama?

A record 75 straight months of job growth under Obama

Yea, 75 straight months of creating jobs bitch! Suck on that.
75 months only because the government let go of hundreds of thousands of temp employees after they were done collecting data for the 2010 census. In the private sector, not affected by that cut, it was 83 consecutive months of job growth.


You thought Trump created jobs? Don't forget, when Obama was president, you and Trump didn't believe the numbers. If unemployment was at 4%, you didn't believe it. But when Trump got in and the number went down to 3.9, suddenly you believed.

But why didn't you say the same thing about Trump? It wasn't that he lowered unemployment. That number only went down because people gave up looking. Or they stopped getting unemployment payments. So they disappeared from the numbers.

You applied a different way of thinking as soon as Trump got in. So yes, I think Obama and Biden created jobs. And good jobs.

I also think the very small number of jobs Trump's tax breaks created wasn't worth it. Inflation, debt, and he only had 2.3% growth in 2019. After that tax break it should have been 4%. Only problem is Trump started a trade war with China, and he lost. He never talked about China again after that. Then Corona hit and he lied to us and that crashed the economy.

Only two great recessions in my lifetime. One Bush caused and the other Trump caused. Wuhan baby!

Hahaha you’re even more clueless about economics than you are about race.
The problems we are having have been promoted by this illegitimate administration. Globally the authoritarian Left is causing the same or similar problems.
The administration is legit. Time for you to join reality.
Bringing back jobs you took away with covid, now means a job creation? We are starting to get back to where Trump had us.
Trump didn't have us there. That was Obamas doing.
Remember when you stupid cock suckers said the same thing about Obama?

A record 75 straight months of job growth under Obama

Yea, 75 straight months of creating jobs bitch! Suck on that.

Hey dumbfuck, the economy crashed. There was nowhere else to go but up.people ran out of unemployment so those numbers went down. Obama’s job growth was so we he created a new category “jobs saved” to make the numbers look better. You excepted a community organizer to create jobs and grow the economy hahahahahja!!!
The administration is legit. Time for you to join reality.
This administration is illegitimate. That is reality. The reality also is this country is turning into shit rapidly because of that illegitimate administration.
The OP is full of shit.
The parade massacre is an example of what the Left has provided America. NOT PROSPERITY.
Here is the Left wing DA responsible.
Should he face murder charges?
I'd bet the families of everyone injured of killed would emphatically say YES.

View attachment 567787
I’ll go toe to toe with you anytime.
I’ll have you screaming RACISM!!! Within 5 minutes.
If you post some racist shit, that's what it's going to be called. You want none of this son. Your argument won't stand the scrutiny facts provide.
This administration is illegitimate. That is reality. The reality also is this country is turning into shit rapidly because of that illegitimate administration.
Wrong again.
Hey dumbfuck, the economy crashed. There was nowhere else to go but up.people ran out of unemployment so those numbers went down. Obama’s job growth was so we he created a new category “jobs saved” to make the numbers look better. You excepted a community organizer to create jobs and grow the economy hahahahahja!!!
Hey dumbfuck, it's a presidents job to fix a crashed economy. It could have continued into a depression but didn't. Obama handed trump full employment and a healthy growing economy. Trump did have to do anything to make it grow and he didn't.
Hey dumbfuck, the economy crashed. There was nowhere else to go but up.people ran out of unemployment so those numbers went down. Obama’s job growth was so we he created a new category “jobs saved” to make the numbers look better. You excepted a community organizer to create jobs and grow the economy hahahahahja!!!
That "jobs saved" thing was in 2009 and Obama was president for another 7 years where we had job growth all 7 of those years.

Oh, and it wasn't Obama who created that "jobs saved" thing. It was Bush. Obama just borrowed it from him.
If you post some racist shit, that's what it's going to be called. You want none of this son. Your argument won't stand the scrutiny facts provide.
I’ve read your posts. Your child’s play. Nothing but talking points.
The economy isn’t perfect, so naturally republicans cherry pick the negative and pretend the positive isn’t occurring.

No one is going to pretend inflation isn’t important, but if you pretend it’s the only thing that matters, you sound dumb.

1)The Dow has increased 16.8% under Biden
The S&P has seen more records under Biden than Trump. 63.

2) The number of people working under Biden has grown by 5.8 million. Trump’s record on this same stretch of time was pitiful.

3) Wages have increased by 3.1% even though this increase has been slower than inflation. $31 per hour average

4) The unemployment rate has fallen to 4.6%

5) Checking accounts are 50% fatter than they were pre-pandemic. The bottom 50% of earners have 3 trillion more in wealth.

It was a whole lot better under Trump until the Democrats Unleashed covid
That "jobs saved" thing was in 2009 and Obama was president for another 7 years where we had job growth all 7 of those years.

Oh, and it wasn't Obama who created that "jobs saved" thing. It was Bush. Obama just borrowed it from him.

Where did you learn that? The same source your learned about the southern strategy?
Hey dumbfuck, it's a presidents job to fix a crashed economy. It could have continued into a depression but didn't. Obama handed trump full employment and a healthy growing economy. Trump did have to do anything to make it grow and he didn't.

Obozo could have done nothing and the economy would have done better.
75 months only because the government let go of hundreds of thousands of temp employees after they were done collecting data for the 2010 census. In the private sector, not affected by that cut, it was 83 consecutive months of job growth.


Do you believe it was the shovel ready jobs or cash for clunkers that created this unparalleled job growth?
Where did you learn that? The same source your learned about the southern strategy?
Yup, it's called reality. Something conservatives are too scared to go near.

Johanns announces investment of $9.2 million in business development funds for rural America

"I applaud the local community leadership for their efforts to secure these investments, which are needed to create economic opportunities and improve the quality of life available in their community," said Johanns. "These funds are part of the Bush Administration's ongoing efforts to spur economic development in rural areas and will help save or create more than 1,800 jobs."

USDA announced $19.75 million in rural business loans, economic development loans and grants

"These funds will help support local economic development agencies, finance infrastructure improvements, establish low-interest revolving loan funds, and help jurisdictions implement regional business and community development plans," Dorr said. "The funding announced today is expected to save or create more than 2,300 jobs in 20 states."

Remarks by Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman regarding National Homeownership Month Kennett Square, PA - June 23, 2004

"Our Rural Development programs also help communities with infrastructure such as electricity, water and telecommunications and with economic development assistance. We have estimated that our rural development programs have saved or created more than 500,000 jobs just since the Bush Administration took office in January of 2001. Recently we have seen more positive numbers showing that the U.S. economy created nearly a quarter of a million jobs last month alone for a total of 1 million jobs created in the last three months and about 1.5 million jobs in the past nine months.

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