Don’t let the rightwing fool you: the economy is doing well under Biden


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
The economy isn’t perfect, so naturally republicans cherry pick the negative and pretend the positive isn’t occurring.

No one is going to pretend inflation isn’t important, but if you pretend it’s the only thing that matters, you sound dumb.

1)The Dow has increased 16.8% under Biden
The S&P has seen more records under Biden than Trump. 63.

2) The number of people working under Biden has grown by 5.8 million. Trump’s record on this same stretch of time was pitiful.

3) Wages have increased by 3.1% even though this increase has been slower than inflation. $31 per hour average

4) The unemployment rate has fallen to 4.6%

5) Checking accounts are 50% fatter than they were pre-pandemic. The bottom 50% of earners have 3 trillion more in wealth.

The economy isn’t perfect, so naturally republicans cherry pick the negative and pretend the positive isn’t occurring.

No one is going to pretend inflation isn’t important, but if you pretend it’s the only thing that matters, you sound dumb.

1)The Dow has increased 16.8% under Biden
The S&P has seen more records under Biden than Trump. 63.

2) The number of people working under Biden has grown by 5.8 million. Trump’s record on this same stretch of time was pitiful.

3) Wages have increased by 3.1% even though this increase has been slower than inflation. $31 per hour average

4) The unemployment rate has fallen to 4.6%

5) Checking accounts are 50% fatter than they were pre-pandemic. The bottom 50% of earners have 3 trillion more in wealth.


The economy isn’t perfect, so naturally republicans cherry pick the negative and pretend the positive isn’t occurring.

No one is going to pretend inflation isn’t important, but if you pretend it’s the only thing that matters, you sound dumb.

1)The Dow has increased 16.8% under Biden
The S&P has seen more records under Biden than Trump. 63.

2) The number of people working under Biden has grown by 5.8 million. Trump’s record on this same stretch of time was pitiful.

3) Wages have increased by 3.1% even though this increase has been slower than inflation. $31 per hour average

4) The unemployment rate has fallen to 4.6%

5) Checking accounts are 50% fatter than they were pre-pandemic. The bottom 50% of earners have 3 trillion more in wealth.

ROFLOL. Son you do realize that not only does the article you posted have nothing to do with the crap you made up but if you bother to read the disclaimer it states it is an opinion and does not represent JP Morgan Chase or any of its affiliates
ROFLOL. Son you do realize that not only does the article you posted have nothing to do with the crap you made up but if you bother to read the disclaimer it states it is an opinion and does not represent JP Morgan Chase or any of its affiliates
Hey moron why does that mean the facts are incorrect? How about you find your own source that disputes it? You sound stupid otherwise.
You Biden cultists are funny. Your evidence that the economy is doing well is Biden's historic low poll numbers and now even Dem leaders sounding the alarm on the economy, got it. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I’ve always maintained the opinion that Americans are stupid and often have opinions not supported by facts. It is what it is. I’m right and you’re wrong. Sorry not sorry.

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