Don’t let the right tell you gun control does not work because it does.


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
California is a shining example of success for curbing gun violence with gun control legislation. It doesn’t come from one specific policy - but a combination of several.

“For the last 20, maybe even 25 years — except for the two years of the pandemic, which have increased homicides and suicides across the country — our rates of firearm violence have trended downward,” said Wintemute, who directs the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California, Davis, Medical Center in Sacramento. “And this has been at a time when most of the rates in the rest of the country have gone up.”

California’s rate of firearm mortality is among the nation’s lowest, with 8.5 gun deaths per 100,000 people in 2020, compared with 13.7 per 100,000 nationally and 14.2 per 100,000 in Texas, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported. And Californians are about 25% less likely to die in mass shootings, compared with residents of other states, according to a recent Public Policy Institute of California analysis.

….California has done a lot to prevent high-risk people from purchasing firearms. We’ve broadened the criteria for keeping guns out of the hands of people who pose a danger to themselves or others due to mental illness. If you’re convicted of a violent misdemeanor in California, you can’t have a gun for the next 10 years; that offense has to be a felony in most states….

….We require background checks, and not just from licensed retailers; in most states, purchases from private parties require no background checks or record keeping of any kind. We have a system, that we’re evaluating now, for getting guns back from “prohibited persons” — people who have been convicted of violent crimes or who are facing domestic violence restraining orders. And we enforce these policies, unlike a lot of other states.

Go ahead, all Democrats voluntarily turn in your guns to government. Put a sign in your yard proudly proclaiming your home is gun free. Hang a gun free pride flag. Nothing stopping you, lead by example. You could do this tomorrow.

There now Dems don't have anything to bitch about.
Dems never talk about banning all guns. You just pretend we do because the nuance of gun control policy is too complicated I guess lol
California is a shining example of success for curbing gun violence with gun control legislation. It doesn’t come from one specific policy - but a combination of several.

“For the last 20, maybe even 25 years — except for the two years of the pandemic, which have increased homicides and suicides across the country — our rates of firearm violence have trended downward,” said Wintemute, who directs the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California, Davis, Medical Center in Sacramento. “And this has been at a time when most of the rates in the rest of the country have gone up.”

California’s rate of firearm mortality is among the nation’s lowest, with 8.5 gun deaths per 100,000 people in 2020, compared with 13.7 per 100,000 nationally and 14.2 per 100,000 in Texas, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported. And Californians are about 25% less likely to die in mass shootings, compared with residents of other states, according to a recent Public Policy Institute of California analysis.

….California has done a lot to prevent high-risk people from purchasing firearms. We’ve broadened the criteria for keeping guns out of the hands of people who pose a danger to themselves or others due to mental illness. If you’re convicted of a violent misdemeanor in California, you can’t have a gun for the next 10 years; that offense has to be a felony in most states….

….We require background checks, and not just from licensed retailers; in most states, purchases from private parties require no background checks or record keeping of any kind. We have a system, that we’re evaluating now, for getting guns back from “prohibited persons” — people who have been convicted of violent crimes or who are facing domestic violence restraining orders. And we enforce these policies, unlike a lot of other states.

I agree, if you make guns harder to own gun deaths will go down

But is the goal to save lives or something else?
After all, alcohol kills far more people every year than guns, yet I hear no calls to ban alcohol, so why is that?
In fact, people die of heroin at a rate of almost 200 a day, yet there is no calls to secure to border better to stop the drugs from pouring into the country, nor is there any call to make the severity of dealing those drugs more harsh to that they are unable to be released to go do it again and again and again.
In fact, why not just ban cars? That would save millions every year.

So is the real issue saving lives or something else?


Also, how many lives are saved by owning guns? See, this is never addressed.

Again, this is never addressed nor do you want it talked about because saving lives is not the issue.
California is a shining example of success for curbing gun violence with gun control legislation. It doesn’t come from one specific policy - but a combination of several.

“For the last 20, maybe even 25 years — except for the two years of the pandemic, which have increased homicides and suicides across the country — our rates of firearm violence have trended downward,” said Wintemute, who directs the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California, Davis, Medical Center in Sacramento. “And this has been at a time when most of the rates in the rest of the country have gone up.”

California’s rate of firearm mortality is among the nation’s lowest, with 8.5 gun deaths per 100,000 people in 2020, compared with 13.7 per 100,000 nationally and 14.2 per 100,000 in Texas, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported. And Californians are about 25% less likely to die in mass shootings, compared with residents of other states, according to a recent Public Policy Institute of California analysis.

….California has done a lot to prevent high-risk people from purchasing firearms. We’ve broadened the criteria for keeping guns out of the hands of people who pose a danger to themselves or others due to mental illness. If you’re convicted of a violent misdemeanor in California, you can’t have a gun for the next 10 years; that offense has to be a felony in most states….

….We require background checks, and not just from licensed retailers; in most states, purchases from private parties require no background checks or record keeping of any kind. We have a system, that we’re evaluating now, for getting guns back from “prohibited persons” — people who have been convicted of violent crimes or who are facing domestic violence restraining orders. And we enforce these policies, unlike a lot of other states.



I got one for you.


Now wasn't that sea of words unnecessary?
That's because you fascist fuckchops are never ever honest about your end game.
Not a theory, Biden advocated that any ammunition that might actually kill someone (like 9mm) be banned. Biden said .22 caliber was okay though, well until he learns that also can kill. Under Dem rule future ammunition must be certified to not break the skin.
Not a theory, Biden advocated that any ammunition that might actually kill someone (like 9mm) be banned. Biden said .22 caliber was okay though, well until he learns that also can kill. Under Dem rule future ammunition must be certified to not break the skin.
Biden also said he went to the NAVAL ACADEMY.........lmao

Such a blatant lie even his handlers couldn't circle back on that one.
It is great you're living in gun free California. You gun haters should all live in places where law abiding hard workin' americans cannot own guns. You will be so safe. I along with the owners of 500 million other least in this country will keep ours. It is good that you are in such accord with a gov't that wants you disarmed...and vaxxed. you made the right decision. You're living the good life.

Yeah, Chicago is the 'poster child' for how effective Democrat / liberal gun control is.

Some of the nation's strictest gun laws in the nation, and there is what amounts to be a mass shooting, when you count the number of people shot / killed, every weekend.

The reason Democrats prefer gun bans is that it does not, presumably for now, cost them any money, whereas addressing their 'Defund The Police' campaign, mental illness, making schools more secure, their own violent rhetoric which has resulted in a political assassination attempt / domestic terrorist violence and bombings, & violent rap music and video games.

Again, however, Chicago alone proves anti-gun legislation alone does nothing but transform innocent Americans into VICTIMS.
California is a shining example of success for curbing gun violence with gun control legislation. It doesn’t come from one specific policy - but a combination of several.

“For the last 20, maybe even 25 years — except for the two years of the pandemic, which have increased homicides and suicides across the country — our rates of firearm violence have trended downward,” said Wintemute, who directs the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California, Davis, Medical Center in Sacramento. “And this has been at a time when most of the rates in the rest of the country have gone up.”

California’s rate of firearm mortality is among the nation’s lowest, with 8.5 gun deaths per 100,000 people in 2020, compared with 13.7 per 100,000 nationally and 14.2 per 100,000 in Texas, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported. And Californians are about 25% less likely to die in mass shootings, compared with residents of other states, according to a recent Public Policy Institute of California analysis.

….California has done a lot to prevent high-risk people from purchasing firearms. We’ve broadened the criteria for keeping guns out of the hands of people who pose a danger to themselves or others due to mental illness. If you’re convicted of a violent misdemeanor in California, you can’t have a gun for the next 10 years; that offense has to be a felony in most states….

….We require background checks, and not just from licensed retailers; in most states, purchases from private parties require no background checks or record keeping of any kind. We have a system, that we’re evaluating now, for getting guns back from “prohibited persons” — people who have been convicted of violent crimes or who are facing domestic violence restraining orders. And we enforce these policies, unlike a lot of other states.

You have got to be fucking kidding me with this shit.
Who told you that there are no gun deaths in California? Don't you have the crips and bloods out there? and illegals shooting young women?


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