Don’t Go To College !


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
A better idea.

1.Lots of reasons not to go to college these days. One glaring one is that they don’t teach….they indoctrinate. Any subject other than real science or math is a waste of time, money and neurons.

Liberalism/Progressivism/Wokeism are all proven lies and failure….but look at the various subjects and who is teaching them:


That's the ratio of Leftist profs versus Right.
Homogenous: The Political Affiliations of Elite Liberal Arts College Faculty by Mitchell Langbert | NAS

Note the ration in engineering and math.

2. And this reason to avoid the madrassas….universities: debt, just what the government wants you to have....

In the United States, student debt has grown significantly over the past several decades. The Federal Reserve estimates that in quarter two of 2021, Americans owed a startling $1.73 trillion in student loans.Sep 9, 2021
America has $1.73 trillion in student debt—borrowers ... - CNBC

Those wishing for big government to bail them out vote the same way Obama told illegal aliens to vote, and for the same reason.

While I have had the privilege of attending the best schools in the world, the greatest part, and most important part, of my education came from my own reading and efforts.
Reading.....the missing element for Liberals and Democrats.
And thinking is hardly an important part of college these days: look at the number of Biden voters who have attended college.

3. What is the reason that college is even important to anyone???
It is the only documentation prospective employers can use.

When employers could determine who they wished to employ, they used IQ tests and other exams. That is no longer legal, so as to avoid litigation, they ask if you went to college.

“…Judge Robert F. Peckham [LBJ appointee] and his landmark 1979 ruling. Peckham had barred California public schools from using standardized IQ tests for determining whether academically struggling black students should be placed in special classes for the mildly mentally retarded. Siding with black parents and others who sought to stop the practice, Peckham found that the commonly used tests were racially and culturally biased and resulted in large numbers of blacks being wrongly labeled as retarded and consigned to “dead-end” programs.”
Court Ban on IQ Tests for Blacks Sparks Parents' Suit : Education: Plaintiffs say the ruling discriminates against minority students. Others contend it protects them from testing that is racially and culturally biased.

When too many minority students faced arrest and prison for criminality, Obama did exactly the same thing Peckham did……he disallowed the arrests. That’s why Nikolas Cruz wasn’t arrested and passed a background check to get the rifle he used to kill 17 innocents.

Facing reality isn’t part of the Democrat code…..lying is.

And, how far from excellence our colleges have fallen?

A brilliant wonk gave the alternative to being indoctrinated, and accruing a mountain of student loan debt, how to get the benefits of college without the burden.

Next post.
Unless you're going to be a doctor, a lawyer, a nurse, want to be like a cpa or some other job where you need a college degree it isn't really needed.

I make a lot of money, I mean I'm not rich but I do very well. About 10 years ago I started as a maintenance tech at a hotel. Didn't get paid much and didn't do much. But I worked steady, I read manuals, I studied textbooks on hvac, electricity, etc and followed my boss in dealing with the health and fire department and dealing with contractors. Now I got a job as a building engineer at a manufacturing plant and my job is relatively easy as I use my brain and they more than doubled my hotel pay and I doing well. The ability to focus, learn, ambition, and time and time experience can get you quite far if you apply yourself.

Hell my dad was the vice president of leasing for a large bank he worked at for 25 years and did very well and his college diploma he got through the mail for 500 bucks and took about 3 months to get. He got started not because of a worthless degree, he got started by being smart and knowing what he was doing.
Unless you're going to be a doctor, a lawyer, a nurse, want to be like a cpa or some other job where you need a college degree it isn't really needed.

I make a lot of money, I mean I'm not rich but I do very well. About 10 years ago I started as a maintenance tech at a hotel. Didn't get paid much and didn't do much. But I worked steady, I read manuals, I studied textbooks on hvac, electricity, etc and followed my boss in dealing with the health and fire department and dealing with contractors. Now I got a job as a building engineer at a manufacturing plant and my job is relatively easy as I use my brain and they more than doubled my hotel pay and I doing well. The ability to focus, learn, ambition, and time and time experience can get you quite far if you apply yourself.

Hell my dad was the vice president of leasing for a large bank he worked at for 25 years and did very well and his college diploma he got through the mail for 500 bucks and took about 3 months to get. He got started not because of a worthless degree, he got started by being smart and knowing what he was doing.

Pretty much the point of the OP.
Thank you....and continue to do well.

See if you agree with the advice in the next post.
Yeah we need millions more people with degrees in women's studies, art history and underwater basket weaving and dammit they should go into debt to get those ever so useful pieces of paper

But wait!

There's more.....

Like choosing underwater basketweaving as your major, while your parents pay through the nose.

OK, that one's still just a rumor, but you might want to check with your kids before signing on the dotted line -- because these 20 twisted majors are 100 percent real:

1. Wine Making. College isn't just about boozing after hours. Students at a host of schools can take viticulture -- learning to make wine from the grape growing to the grape stomping (or pressing these days) and beyond.

2. Golf Management. Four years on the links doesn't sound all that hard, but these students actually learn everything from how to keep a green "green" to hospitality.

3. Boilermaking. Not just the Purdue mascot, it's the study of how to make and repair steam parts.

4. Franchising. An entire line of study can help you run your own fast food chain. It's a far cry from flipping burgers.

5. Philology. A fancy name for the study of language. Take your pick from Tagalog to Urdu.

6. Meat Cutting. Thank a meat-cutting major for your steak tonight.

7. Home Ec. Yes, even in this day and age -- although they call it "family and consumer sciences" these days.

8. Home Furnishings and Equipment Installers. A roundabout way of saying "interior design," but they sound large and in charge this way.

9. Auctioneering. Classes to make you talk faster! New Yorkers need not apply.

10. Fashion and Fabric Consultation. Next stop: personal shopper.

11. Aromatherapy. You mean there's more to it than walking through Yankee Candle and taking home what smells good?

12. Human Sexuality. Let's talk about sex, baby! They do it at Widener University!

13. Canadian History. Our neighbor to the north is YOUNGER than the United States. And that's saying a lot.

14. Gunsmithing. As long as there's a right to bear arms, someone has to make them, right?

15. Mortuary Science and Embalming. Somebody's got to do it, but way to bring a pallor to your party days.

16. Logic. Can we sign everyone up for a year of this?

17. Security and Loss Prevention. They're NOT just mall cops apparently.

18. Cartooning. It's not a well-known college, but there's a school devoted entirely to comic books. Spider-Man eat your heart out.

19. Bagpiping. There's never a shortage of pipers at Scottish funerals ... or weddings ... thanks to Carnegie Mellon.

20. Sports Ministry. Get out there with your pastor and play paddleball at Belhaven. You'll be in sports heaven.

Would you pay for these?

Parenting, Baby Names, Celebrities, and Royal News |
What a stupid comment.

Home schooled?
Self educated. Dropped out of HS at 16, declared an emancipated minor at 17. I only took college classes or vocational classes that would actually return more than I paid for them and that imparted skills that directly translated into higher income

Worked for myself since I was 21, retired 31 years later.
Yeah we need millions more people with degrees in women's studies, art history and underwater basket weaving and dammit they should go into debt to get those ever so useful pieces of paper

Well......they serve two functions: they bag our groceries at the grocery store, and they vote Democrat.
Self educated. Dropped out of HS at 16, declared an emancipated minor at 17. I only took college classes or vocational classes that would actually return more than I paid for them and that imparted skills that directly translated into higher income

Worked for myself since I was 21, retired 31 years later.


You never claimed to be oppressed???????
I went into the military after high school. That was a far better education than I would've received at any university.

Like Resnic, I do very, very well. When I retired from the Navy I had a very select set of skills which simply weren't applicable in the civilian job market (I was a mine warfare specialist). I went to work in the music industry and, while I was doing that, I started two companies within two years of each other. I could've closed my doors a dozen times, but was compelled to keep going by the fact that I really didn't have much else to fall back on and because I actually looked forward to going to work every day.

My best friend is a doctor; a molecular biologist. What's his job? He's a guitar player and music producer in upstate New York and makes a shit ton of money. My smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend has a PhD in Astrophysics. She's literally a rocket scientist, having spent 22 years at NASA. What does she do for a living now? She's a successful real estate investor in the southeastern United States.

I guess college is great, but I laugh anytime I hear someone say that you can't get anywhere without a college degree...
1.Lots of reasons not to go to college these days. One glaring one is that they don’t teach….they indoctrinate. Any subject other than real science or math is a waste of time, money and neurons.

Case in point….
Political Chic

Attended a major University and the only skill she picked up was to cut and paste the ideas of others
I guess college is great, but I laugh anytime I hear someone say that you can't get anywhere without a college degree..

It’s not that you can’t get anywhere without a college degree, but it gives you a certain skill set and opens doors not available to High School graduates.
The military can teach you amazing skills not available elsewhere. But depending on your MOS and attitude they may not transfer to the civilian world.
I went into the military after high school. That was a far better education than I would've received at any university.

Like Resnic, I do very, very well. When I retired from the Navy I had a very select set of skills which simply weren't applicable in the civilian job market (I was a mine warfare specialist). I went to work in the music industry and, while I was doing that, I started two companies within two years of each other. I could've closed my doors a dozen times, but was compelled to keep going by the fact that I really didn't have much else to fall back on and because I actually looked forward to going to work every day.

My best friend is a doctor; a molecular biologist. What's his job? He's a guitar player and music producer in upstate New York and makes a shit ton of money. My smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend has a PhD in Astrophysics. She's literally a rocket scientist, having spent 22 years at NASA. What does she do for a living now? She's a successful real estate investor in the southeastern United States.

I guess college is great, but I laugh anytime I hear someone say that you can't get anywhere without a college degree...
You CAN succeed without college but you are less likely to do so
If it’s already been said professionally, why not cut and paste? It saves time for other things as least.
My best friend is a doctor; a molecular biologist. What's his job? He's a guitar player and music producer in upstate New York and makes a shit ton of money.

Many students major in music in College. Other than becoming a music teacher or attending a school like Juilliard , I don’t think it makes you a better musician.

You are better off jamming with other skilled musicians and learning a variety of techniques

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