Don't Dems have it all backwards...doesn't it make more sense to protest black criminality and defund the taxpayer dependent?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I mean, if we go on those pesky facts and statistics and all...and if the ultimate goal is to help make America a better place.
There is no debate to be had, everybody knows that blacks take more lives per capita than any other group.
We also all know that nobody under the influence of drugs and or alcohol should be publicly funded in any way.

This thread is not intended to "flame"....this seems like a good old common sense issue....right?
You want to cut subsidies to farmers?

Good, real, productive, positive contributing Americans take great pride in investing in the "GENERAL WELFARE" of our nation, our food sources...We like ROi...We HATE investing in ShaQuita, her baby factory and marijuana inventory...we hate investing in Guadalupe and her litters of silver tooth filth...I can't figure out how you struggle with making simple distinctions.
Listen, lets do this one more time..Follow along.
Forcing good real productive Americans to invest in Guadalupe and her litters of filth = SOCIALISM
Forcing good real Americans to invest in the GENERAL WELFARE of the Republic = NOT SOCIALISM
Still confused?
Who/what is the greater detriment, the greater liability to American society....blacks or law enforcement?
pknopp maybe you can help us out with this very simple question?
Who/what is the greater detriment, the greater liability to American society....blacks or law enforcement?
pknopp maybe you can help us out with this very simple question?

I see people like you as the greatest detriment.
You want to cut subsidies to farmers?
Nourishment for the world is of the upmost importance......why do you tards always use food as a comparative talking a collegiate debate you would be laughed off the stage.....

Farmers will exist without subsidies. They did for centuries.
Feeding hundreds of millions of people and billions is not the same. Rotation of crops and guarantees that we do not run short of food is paramount for all of us. But I do understand what you are saying. And there are probably people who have done well financially on this.
You want to cut subsidies to farmers?
Nourishment for the world is of the upmost importance......why do you tards always use food as a comparative talking a collegiate debate you would be laughed off the stage.....

Farmers will exist without subsidies. They did for centuries.
Feeding hundreds of millions of people and billions is not the same. Rotation of crops and guarantees that we do not run short of food is paramount for all of us. But I do understand what you are saying. And there are probably people who have done well financially on this.

Big corporations. It's not about farmers, they are a dwindling breed. It's about massive subsidies to corporations.
You want to cut subsidies to farmers?
/----/ When farmers start looting and burning cities, it's time to cut funding. Besides, farmers actually produce the products we need and want. Welfare Queens - not so much
We also all know that nobody under the influence of drugs and or alcohol should be publicly funded in any way.

So, are you saying that the sick and poor should be deprived of medicine, food and even the right to have a drink to kill the pain or just get through the day because they are sick or poor?

Your question looks to be framed by a hardcore Leftist.
Did a Lefty hijack your login credentials?
I’m pretty sure nobody is confused by what I asserted.
Your question looks to be framed by a hardcore Leftist.

That's pretty unfair. I merely took your own words literally just as YOU stated them. And I haven't heard you deny what I asked yet either.

If that's not what you meant, then you might want to elucidate your statements more carefully in the future, because what I asked is EXACTLY what your statement implies if I take it at literal surface value.

As such, my question was then a CONSTRUCTIVE one wishing to call your attention to that, deserving an erudite and honest response, rather than ad hominem personal attacks, or to get petty "Dislikes" from people whom I know always support me.

Lets leave the personal attacks for the Left, I thought we were better than that.
I mean, if we go on those pesky facts and statistics and all...and if the ultimate goal is to help make America a better place.
There is no debate to be had, everybody knows that blacks take more lives per capita than any other group.
We also all know that nobody under the influence of drugs and or alcohol should be publicly funded in any way.

This thread is not intended to "flame"....this seems like a good old common sense issue....right?

No, that would be logical. Dems only go by mental illness and not logic.

Look at their base. Vast majority sick and disturbed mentally ill people.

Beside misguided and delusional people, the Dem's base is composed of many varieties of misfits, lowlife, anarchists and the mentally ill.





Illegal Aliens


Young People



Dope Lovers

Gun haters



Welfare Lovers

Medicare for all hopefuls







Mainstream Media

Hollywood - Entertainers








Prostitutes / Sex Workers

Anarchists / Insurgents

Bigots and Racists - the definition of a bigot is the textbook definition of a democrat...a bigot is a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

Peace Activists - What is wrong with peace? Nothing, as long as we live in a fantasy world. In the real world when peace activists won't fight when the time comes to defend the country...the country will die.

Virtue Singnaler Comix Dagger.jpg
Your question looks to be framed by a hardcore Leftist.

That's pretty unfair. I merely took your own words literally just as YOU stated them. And I haven't heard you deny what I asked yet either.

If that's not what you meant, then you might want to elucidate your statements more carefully in the future, because what I asked is EXACTLY what your statement implies if I take it at literal surface value.

As such, my question was then a CONSTRUCTIVE one wishing to call your attention to that, deserving an erudite and honest response, rather than ad hominem personal attacks, or to get petty "Dislikes" from people whom I know always support me.

Lets leave the personal attacks for the Left, I thought we were better than that.
“Lets leave the personal attacks for the Left, I thought we were better than that.”
Oh we definitely are. I took your post as a bit of a insult as I felt you were digging too deep and looking for hair-splitting semantics.
I really don’t take posting as serious as I probably should, I throw together a quick thought and hope most will get the gist of what I intend to be the meat on the bone, sometimes I miss the mark.
To answer your question seriously though...I’d say ABSOLUTELY NOT...Nobody funded by taxpayers should be buying weed, cigarettes and booze with other people’s cash.

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