Don't believe the media lies. Here is Paul's true stance on foreign policy.


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009


here it really is:

[ame=]Ron Paul's Foreign Policy: Peace & Respect - Not Intimidation, Bribes & War - YouTube[/ame]

sounds good to me.
But on the other hand I know one end of the spear is in places like Guam and Diego on other things he couldnt be more wrong.
I will say Ron Paul is the candidate I would likely choose to check me for worms.
Just about everything Ron Paul says makes sense. However, that doesn't mean he has a workable solution for anything. Since the Constitution was written, there have been huge changes in government, laws, and society. If Ron Paul were president, he would accomplish nothing.
I will say Ron Paul is the candidate I would likely choose to check me for worms.
Just about everything Ron Paul says makes sense. However, that doesn't mean he has a workable solution for anything. Since the Constitution was written, there have been huge changes in government, laws, and society. If Ron Paul were president, he would accomplish nothing.

yeah he would do nothing since obviously liberty, peace, and prosperity are not worth even trying to achieve right? Might as well settle for Bush 2.0, more political corruption, and a cradle to grave orwellian nightmare. Sounds good.
I understand what he's trying to do. In principal, many agree with him. However, when principal turns to practice, there won't be any support. Eliminating Medicare, Social Security and most everything the government does is just not what most Americans want.
I understand what he's trying to do. In principal, many agree with him. However, when principal turns to practice, there won't be any support. Eliminating Medicare, Social Security and most everything the government does is just not what most Americans want.

cite where he said when he takes office he will destroy either of those programs. thanks.
I think it comes down to this.

Do you want to run a candidate who can actually beat Obama? If no, then go with Paul. If yes, then pick another candidate. Whether you like it or not, America is a center right country. And no one who runs on far right or far left policies can win. And, if they win, like St Barack, they can't govern that way.

The left should have learned this lesson with Obama. The right should learn it now.

Center policies are what run this nation at its best.
I think it comes down to this.

Do you want to run a candidate who can actually beat Obama? If no, then go with Paul. If yes, then pick another candidate. Whether you like it or not, America is a center right country. And no one who runs on far right or far left policies can win. And, if they win, like St Barack, they can't govern that way.

The left should have learned this lesson with Obama. The right should learn it now.

Center policies are what run this nation at its best.

I was there when obama won, and im pretty sure you were there to.

Everyone says that Ron Paul has no electability, but none says why. If thats not the issue then the issue is 'he wont be able to do anything', but agian, none says why.

I think Ron Paul has the best chance of winning of -any- republican candidate, because he has the ability to capture the indipendants, like myself.
The problem with Paul's foreign policy is it's unrealistic. He thinks he can just undo 100 years of American foreign policy with a few withdrawal orders and that there will be no consequences whatsoever.

That is extremely dangerous for the rest of the world, and until we start our domestic energy production to a much more serious degree, it is dangerous for this nation as well. The people aren't prepared. We need to prepare the people.
I understand what he's trying to do. In principal, many agree with him. However, when principal turns to practice, there won't be any support. Eliminating Medicare, Social Security and most everything the government does is just not what most Americans want.

it would also be pathetically stupid.
Paul has a simplistic view of foreign policy and economics. At times, he seems almost childlike in his assumptions
I think it comes down to this.

Do you want to run a candidate who can actually beat Obama? If no, then go with Paul. If yes, then pick another candidate. Whether you like it or not, America is a center right country. And no one who runs on far right or far left policies can win. And, if they win, like St Barack, they can't govern that way.

The left should have learned this lesson with Obama. The right should learn it now.

Center policies are what run this nation at its best.

Yeah.........except that Ron Paul isn't far right. If you take the time to listen to what he says, REALLY listen, it's all common sense that most people know deep down is right, they just don't want to do it. Kind of like the fat person who knows the doctor is right when he tells them they will have to exercise and eat right. They want a magic pill, and there are no magic pills.
Paul has a simplistic view of foreign policy and economics. At times, he seems almost childlike in his assumptions

Simplistic? Really? Paul would run circles around you in an economic discussion like you were standing still. There are few politicians who have his level of knowledge.
I understand what he's trying to do. In principal, many agree with him. However, when principal turns to practice, there won't be any support. Eliminating Medicare, Social Security and most everything the government does is just not what most Americans want.

cite where he said when he takes office he will destroy either of those programs. thanks.
Speaking to MSNBC host Cenk Uygur, Texas Republican Congressman Ron Paul said if he were elected President of the United States he would try to transition the country off of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. If that's not destroying it, I don't know what is. From all he has said, you can draw only one conclusion, he will work to phase out both programs.

Ron Paul: End Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid *|*Raw Replay
Paul has a simplistic view of foreign policy and economics. At times, he seems almost childlike in his assumptions

Simplistic? Really? Paul would run circles around you in an economic discussion like you were standing still. There are few politicians who have his level of knowledge.

There are few politicians who have his bizarre views of the world
I think it comes down to this.

Do you want to run a candidate who can actually beat Obama? If no, then go with Paul. If yes, then pick another candidate. Whether you like it or not, America is a center right country. And no one who runs on far right or far left policies can win. And, if they win, like St Barack, they can't govern that way.

The left should have learned this lesson with Obama. The right should learn it now.

Center policies are what run this nation at its best.

Ok, might as well get rid of voting if our policies are permanently set.

To reiterate I completely agree with you. But this IS a democracy.
The problem with Paul's foreign policy is it's unrealistic. He thinks he can just undo 100 years of American foreign policy with a few withdrawal orders and that there will be no consequences whatsoever.

That is extremely dangerous for the rest of the world, and until we start our domestic energy production to a much more serious degree, it is dangerous for this nation as well. The people aren't prepared. We need to prepare the people.

We tapped most all of our cheap oil (easily extracted) by the 70's. Consumption was out pacing our production by the late 50's. It really expanded during the 80's. Now, as the price of crude goes up so will the production number in the US because it cost more the deeper you drill, or like the Bakken formation it cost more to extract it from the shale. We should have contiuned with the policies of conservation and alterative energy sources back in the late 70's and early 80's when the problem first raised it's ugly head.

Here's a good chart on the production side.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels)

Could find a good one on consumption however.

The history of US Oil consumption. - The Energy Blog

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