Don't Be Hoodwinked By Trumps UAE-Israel Deal, It's A Sham

I am more like nauseated. Abraham was not a
rapist pig in the name of his concept of "god"

Abraham was a warlord and had many wives and concubines in addition to 318 warriors.

Genesis chapter 14 : 14 - we are told that Abram had 318 trained servants who were born in his house.
Do you have the names of these Nazis who moved to Syria and Egypt? There have always been conspiracy theories.

Yeah, Hans Ulrich Rudel for one. He loved living in Syria.
They gave Obama the Nobel Prize for doing nothing.
They didn't give Reagan the Noble Prize for ending the Cold War.
They will never give Trump the Nobel Prize.
The Nobel Board is anti-Israel.
When the Berlin wall came down it was Gorbachev who kept his troops in the barracks. That senile fascist played no role in it. We`re not allowed to make up our own history.
Abraham was a warlord and had many wives and concubines in addition to 318 warriors.

Genesis chapter 14 : 14 - we are told that Abram had 318 trained servants who were born in his house.
anybody have information on ABRAHAM the
"warlord" ? It's news to me. According to Surada
he had a private ARMY. What I know from my own
family----ie my in-laws. ----my mother-in-law had to be spirited out of ARABIA because in
accordance with the LAW OF ALLAH---shariah law--she ----as an orphaned dhimmi was legally liable to
enslavement and rape by the local Imam pig.----
That's 20th century islam-----not the stone age
Jews in the US are not at all happy about criminal zionists in Israel.
Typical white liberal non sequitur...not to mention calling Israeli's and their allies criminals while hiding behind the phrase "American Jews"


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Surada---I am still waiting for your information on
"abraham the war lord" and his vast private army
He was being well hidden in Egypt----it is not easy
to "hunt down" people who are protected by a
country. In the USA we have trouble finding
murderers right here in the USA.. Why didn't the Presbyterian church of Saudi Arabia hunt him down? FELLOWSHIP. You have stated that
your church got along with muslims---it is
thought that YUSSUF ALMENGEL was a

You mean the protestant fellowship in Arabia? Why would they hunt anyone down? They were young families of engineers, drillers, geologists, cartographers. Most were veterans of WW2 and Korea and patriots.
The people of Palestine elected a known terrorist organization, Hamas, to lead them.

Nuff said.

Israel approved the founding of HAMAS.. Don't you know anything? The Arabs ..Muslims and Christians, tried to stop it, but they were recruiting in the meanest refugee camps. Of course the Israelis regret it, but its too late.

Shokin was a crook.. Very corrupt.. The US and EU wanted him gone so Ukraine could clean up their act and attract foreign investment. I am very surprised you didn't know that by now.
You mean the protestant fellowship in Arabia? Why would they hunt anyone down? They were young families of engineers, drillers, geologists, cartographers. Most were veterans of WW2 and Korea and patriots.
so? the "fellowship" didn't give a damn that serious murdering war criminals were on the loose
in nearby countries? Typical of those filthy "crusaders"

Israel approved the founding of HAMAS.. Don't you know anything? The Arabs ..Muslims and Christians, tried to stop it, but they were recruiting in the meanest refugee camps. Of course the Israelis regret it, but its too late.

Shokin was a crook.. Very corrupt.. The US and EU wanted him gone so Ukraine could clean up their act and attract foreign investment. I am very surprised you didn't know that by now.
more from the weekly khutbah jumaat feces fling
Read Moshe Dayan.. Israel planned the 1967 war for over a decade and did everything they could to provoke Syria and Lebanon because they wanted more land and water. That's why they attacked
Egypt while the Egyptian troops were deployed in Yemen.

Do you remember the Suez Crisis or that it was orchestrated by the Lavon Affair?
all militaries have "CONTINGENCY PLANS" for whatever possibility that they can imagine MIGHT
happen-----islamo nazi dogs like to cite the contingency plans that the IDF MUST HAVE in case
of the STINK AND FILTH they might face from the
usual stinkers and shit------as if the contingency plans represent a situation to be PROVOKED. During May of 1967 Israel did everything possible to AVOID
fray initiated by the imperialist baathist pig
Gamal Abdul Nasser-----but the baathist pig
cajoled them into joining------for allah and the usual
filth-----he promised VICTORY. Poor King Hussein
was the victim of the baathist filth of Nasser
You mean the protestant fellowship in Arabia? Why would they hunt anyone down? They were young families of engineers, drillers, geologists, cartographers. Most were veterans of WW2 and Korea and patriots.
gee----already well trained fighters and willing to
lick the asses of christian heroes like Josef Mengele

Israel approved the founding of HAMAS.. Don't you know anything? The Arabs ..Muslims and Christians, tried to stop it, but they were recruiting in the meanest refugee camps. Of course the Israelis regret it, but its too late.

Shokin was a crook.. Very corrupt.. The US and EU wanted him gone so Ukraine could clean up their act and attract foreign investment. I am very surprised you didn't know that by now.
Saruda lied again-----Hamas was put together
by the muslim brotherhood. Because it opposed
Yassar Arafarts PLO----an islamic libel developed
in typical manner------DA JOOOS DONE IT. This
typical islamo nazi shit took place in the 1980s.
The JOOOS done whenever arab muslims engage
in their endless tribal barbarisms
Abraham was a warlord and had many wives and concubines in addition to 318 warriors.

Genesis chapter 14 : 14 - we are told that Abram had 318 trained servants who were born in

Already posted hours ago.
nope-----your citation simply confirms that
Abraham was the leader of a community----that
was willing to rescue a relative of his, LOT, in trouble in Sodom

Israel approved the founding of HAMAS.. Don't you know anything? The Arabs ..Muslims and Christians, tried to stop it, but they were recruiting in the meanest refugee camps. Of course the Israelis regret it, but its too late.

Shokin was a crook.. Very corrupt.. The US and EU wanted him gone so Ukraine could clean up their act and attract foreign investment. I am very surprised you didn't know that by now.
Yeah, right.

"Canada, the European Union, Israel, Japan and the United States have designated Hamas as a terrorist organization. Australia,"

"Hamas was founded in 1987,[h] soon after the First Intifada broke out, as an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood[25] which in its Gaza branch had previously been nonconfrontational toward Israel and hostile to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).[26] Co-founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin said in 1987, and the Hamas Charter affirmed in 1988, that Hamas was founded to liberate Palestine, including modern-day Israel, from Israeli occupation and to establish an Islamic state in the area that is now Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.[27] Since 1994,[28] the group has frequently stated that it would accept a truce if Israel withdraws to the 1967 borders, paid reparations, allowed free elections in the territories[30] and gave Palestinian refugees the right to return.[j]"
Israel was the first (1st) country to engage in terrorist acts

This is how Israel engages in terrorist acts—
The Israeli IDF sniper teams have murdered hundreds of Palestinian children

Israelis destroy Palestinian homes and murder whoever is inside

Israelis destroy Palestinian fishing boats cutting off needed food for its people

The above are recent events but there were old events that God condemned as well-


Chapter 21
1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

2 Son of man, set thy face toward Jerusalem, and drop thy word toward the holy places, and prophesy against the land of Israel,

3 And say to the land of Israel, Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I am against thee, and will draw forth my sword out of his sheath, and will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked.

The Israelis ARE the terrorists in the room.

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