Donny is not a happy camper.

As I said. No reliable source.

Trump was not supporter of NATO

But, as president, Trump continually told his aides that he wanted the U.S. to leave NATO, according to The Washington Post.

In 2018, Trump told administration officials on several occasions that he wanted to withdraw from the alliance because he thought it was a "drain on the United States," The New York Times reported. This was confirmed in former national security adviser John Bolton's 2020 book.

Retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, Trump's former chief of staff, reportedly said one of his most difficult tasks was trying to keep Trump from pulling out of NATO.

Trump was not supporter of NATO

But, as president, Trump continually told his aides that he wanted the U.S. to leave NATO, according to The Washington Post.

In 2018, Trump told administration officials on several occasions that he wanted to withdraw from the alliance because he thought it was a "drain on the United States," The New York Times reported. This was confirmed in former national security adviser John Bolton's 2020 book.

Retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, Trump's former chief of staff, reportedly said one of his most difficult tasks was trying to keep Trump from pulling out of NATO.
No reliable source.
What Putin got with Trump

A disrupted US democracy
A weakened Western Alliance
A weakened NATO with Trump disallowing Article 5

Since when does the US have a democracy?
If we had a democracy, then we would not have the largest % imprisoned in the world, we would not have invaded Iraq based on lies, there would be no War on Drugs, we would have public health care, etc.

The word "western" really means "conspiracy of greedy colonial imperialists", and the US should NEVER have joined NATO.
No reliable source.

Aides leak tale of trying to stop Trump from leaving NATO

"Last year, President Trump suggested a move tantamount to destroying NATO: the withdrawal of the United States."

The ubiquitous "senior administration officials" told the paper that "several times over the course of 2018, Mr. Trump privately said he wanted to withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Current and former officials who support the alliance said they feared Mr. Trump could return to his threat as allied military spending continued to lag behind the goals the president had set."
It looks like Putin invaded Ukraine before Biden could finish rebuilding the alliance.
You have to feel sorry for the brain damaged progs, none of the facts support their narrative about Trump and Putin
What about Trump withdrawing from NATO had he been re-elected.

It's reported everywhere from CNN to Newsmax.
With the breakup of NATO, Putin would have had a field day. Every border country, NATO member or not, would have been ripe for the taking.

With Trumps loss, Putin had to settle for Ukraine, before Biden could finish rebuilding the NATO alliance.
Even Fox News is saying Trump wanted to withdraw from NATO

So much for claiming Trump wanted to strengthen NATO
I don’t care. The “reports” you credit come from folks who were disgruntled with Trump. One really ought to consider the source.

Otherwise, whenever a member of the Brandon Administration acknowledges that Brandon is fucking demented (maybe after that Administration official becomes disgruntled with Brandon over any number of things), you would have to stipulate that Brandon IS fucking demented. (I mean, yeah. He is. But I doubt you’d want to admit it.)

Just consider: Jen Psaki says the quiet part out loud about Joe Biden

Gee. I WONDER why they try to discourage Brandon from taking questions?
I don’t care. The “reports” you credit come from folks who were disgruntled with Trump. One really ought to consider the source.

Except you have aids, John Kelly, John Bolton, a whole host of people saying THE SAME F***ING THING.
Suddenly you have all of the "best people" that Trump hired, being disgruntled employees.

Or Occams Razor, says they're telling the truth, and Trump indeed wanted to withdraw from NATO at the first opportunity that wouldn't cost him the election.
I can see why your called meathead. It should be meat meal.
I don’t care. The “reports” you credit come from folks who were disgruntled with Trump. One really ought to consider the source.

Translation: Everybody that says Trump wanted to withdraw from NATO is part of a vast anti-Trump conspiracy. People on the left, right, center, and even far right, have said the same thing.

And now you're saying they all have to be lying about what they saw and heard Trump tell them.
That is not a claim, it is a fact.
Just like the "fact" that there were 8 million illegal votes in 2020. And not a shred of evidence to prove it.
And when I say evidence, I mean something that isn't suspicion, or hearsay.

Like the contract mail driver who claimed he looked at 100,000 ballots while his truck was being loaded.
Just like the "fact" that there were 8 million illegal votes in 2020. And not a shred of evidence to prove it.
And when I say evidence, I mean something that isn't suspicion, or hearsay.

Like the contract mail driver who claimed he looked at 100,000 ballots while his truck was being loaded.
All kinds of evidence, you uninformed moron. The Post Office will not release the report on the investigation of those ballots, I wonder why. That issue was never debunked, there has been no answer. If you were informed you would know that.

Come back when you an idea of what you are talking about.
Since when does the US have a democracy?
If we had a democracy, then we would not have the largest % imprisoned in the world, we would not have invaded Iraq based on lies, there would be no War on Drugs, we would have public health care, etc.

The word "western" really means "conspiracy of greedy colonial imperialists", and the US should NEVER have joined NATO.

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