Donny is not a happy camper.

Putin did not have to threaten
Trump had his back and was working to weaken the Western alliance and fracture the US Democracy
And under Trump Ukraine didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of joining NATO.
Remember, Putin told Trump that it was Ukraine that interfered in the 2016 election against him, and helping Clinton.
What Putin got with Trump

A disrupted US democracy
A weakened Western Alliance
A weakened NATO with Trump disallowing Article 5
The US is not a democracy.
The Western Alliance wasn’t exactly vigorous before Trump.

And while Trump did ask some questions about ART. 5, the Leftwhiner claim that he “disallowed” it seems a bit — how you say? — bullshitty. Linky?
Out of very idle curiosity, does anyone wonder why poor befuddled lil’ colon keeps using that “word,” mogodon?

Sure. It doesn’t matter. Nothing posted by lil’ colon matters. But it is curious.

{... Nitrazepam, sold under the brand name Mogadon among others, is a hypnotic drug of the benzodiazepine class used for short-term relief from severe, disabling anxiety and insomnia. It also has sedative properties, as well as amnestic, anticonvulsant, and skeletal muscle relaxant effects. ...}
I have already done that. And as I said, that came after candidate Trump made a part of his campaign the criticism of NATO. BEFORE that, Obumbler’s administration had done nothing to get NATO treaty members to pay up. No spin. Just fact.
Well, I hate to call you a liar, but if the shoe fits.....
I looked it up. NATO spending increases started TWO YEARS, before Trump, which mean a year before Trump even talked about running for office.

NATO spending started going up in 2015.

Try to spin that.
You have your analogy wrong. Under your scenario the "minor incursion" would have the guy taking the woman's invitation, and forcibly raping her.
No. Poor attempt by you to reframe it. It would be more akin to the woman saying “ok, go ahead, but just the tip.” That permission for a minor penetration would still constitute sexual intercourse.
The US is not a democracy.
The Western Alliance wasn’t exactly vigorous before Trump.

And while Trump did ask some questions about ART. 5, the Leftwhiner claim that he “disallowed” it seems a bit — how you say? — bullshitty. Linky?
Trump tried at least twice to pull the US out of NATO.

And that's just a plain fact.
{... Nitrazepam, sold under the brand name Mogadon among others, is a hypnotic drug of the benzodiazepine class used for short-term relief from severe, disabling anxiety and insomnia. It also has sedative properties, as well as amnestic, anticonvulsant, and skeletal muscle relaxant effects. ...}
Yep. So again, it’s unclear why colon chooses that word. The poor befuddled simpleton must imagine he’s being clever, but “clever”and lil’ colon only belong together in a sentence about contradictions.
But if Trump is lenient on Russia over the Ukraine, he would be right.
The Ukraine is the bad guy.
The Ukraine was constantly stealing oil, violating treaties, murdering ethnic Russians, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, and cut off negotiations.
Those are all each acts of war by Zelensky.
Zelensky then has to be a paid US agent, since he is not at all acting on the behave of the Ukraine.
Trump tried at least twice to pull the US out of NATO.

And that's just a plain fact.

NATO is a bunch of illegal colonial imperialists who commit crimes like murdering Qaddafi and bribing General Sisi to violate the democracy of Egypt.
The US is not a democracy.
The Western Alliance wasn’t exactly vigorous before Trump.

Trump was planning to withdraw US from Nato and ditch South Korea alliance

Donald Trump was considering pulling out of Nato and cutting the US’s alliance with South Korea if he won the 2020 election, according to an account of his private meetings with top aides.
Well, I hate to call you a liar, but if the shoe fits.....
I looked it up. NATO spending increases started TWO YEARS, before Trump, which mean a year before Trump even talked about running for office.

NATO spending started going up in 2015.

Try to spin that.
Nonsense. Stop lying, you liar.

Trump was planning to withdraw US from Nato and ditch South Korea alliance

Donald Trump was considering pulling out of Nato and cutting the US’s alliance with South Korea if he won the 2020 election, according to an account of his private meetings with top aides.
As I said. No reliable source.
No. That’s just a claim. And it’s not exactly from a source worthy of credence.

Trump was planning to withdraw US from Nato and ditch South Korea alliance

Donald Trump was considering pulling out of Nato and cutting the US’s alliance with South Korea if he won the 2020 election, according to an account of his private meetings with top aides.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't Putin take territory as a precursor to re-election?

Putin was first elected as president in 2000 and was re-elected in 2004, 2012 and again in 2018. His current term ends in 2024,

The Russo-Georgian War was a war between Georgia, on one side, and Russia and the Russian-backed self-proclaimed republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, on the other.The war took place in August 2008

Pro-Russian separatists seized control of parts of the Donbas region in 2014, when Moscow reacted to protests that toppled a Kremlin-friendly Ukrainian president by fomenting a rebel

If you interpret the history correctly, the 2014 military coup was US backed, and not at all appropriate, legal, or in accord with the democratic interests of about half the Ukraine, in the east.
So those provinces had a right to rebel from the illegal government created after the 2014 military coup.

Putin got no territory from the conflict in South Ossetia or the Donetsk.

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