Donald Trumps Wife Will Restore The First Lady's Status Of Being Glamorous And Elegant

Yea, but 2 homo's doing broke back mountain are pale in comparison as there is no comparison.

Stick to boy/girl unions.

Its the natural normal way

Normal is subjective.

No it's not

False everything humans think is subjective .normal is human concept .it does not exist in nature.

Normal does exist. For instance, do you consider if one chose to have sex with say a chicken, that it would be considered normal?

Not if it's a "choice". Did that have to be explained?

No difference. If you choose to have sex with your own sex, then that is not normal and therefore is called queer

Does that need explained?

Reportedly, here is a picture of Trump's wife, Melania Knauss:


Is she First Lady material? Other pictures were unfit to post.

Yea, like the pics of Obama's Mom I can't post here either

Well, you gotta admit Donald's wife sure takes a better picture than Martha Washington, and better than old George himself. Maybe Mrs. Trump will go on the ten dollar bill? No question about it these conservatives have been hiding a lot of something, but it's starting to come unraveled now.
Just imagine what other pictures of her past are out there.
I don't have to imagine. I couldn't post them.

Donald Trumps Wife Will Restore The First Lady's Status Of Being Glamorous And Elegant
Donald Trumps Wife Will Restore The First Lady's Status Of Being Glamorous And Elegant

What's with all the hair behind the plates? Anyone? Is it faux?
Seriously, would you want a first lady with pictures out there that look like this? And that bottom plate. What's with that muff? Is that really attractive? She has to add all that hair. Clearly the carpets don't match the drapes. And these Republicans make fun of the president's wife? Why?

It's really skanky. Her nude pictures are worse. America doesn't need this!
Skank. That's the word I was looking for. But I couldn't think of it. Skank.


And those boobs. She should have bought a matching pair. And what's with the ill fitting bottoms.
Is she wearing a doily?
Donald Trumps Wife Will Restore The First Lady's Status Of Being Glamorous And Elegant

What's with all the hair behind the plates? Anyone? Is it faux?
Seriously, would you want a first lady with pictures out there that look like this? And that bottom plate. What's with that muff? Is that really attractive? She has to add all that hair. Clearly the carpets don't match the drapes. And these Republicans make fun of the president's wife? Why?

It's really skanky. Her nude pictures are worse. America doesn't need this!
Skank. That's the word I was looking for. But I couldn't think of it. Skank.


And those boobs. She should have bought a matching pair. And what's with the ill fitting bottoms.
Is she wearing a doily?
Yes, I tatted it for her...
This is one of the problems between the Democrats and the GOP. Democrats see a highly educated and beautiful and classy black woman. Republicans see a fat black even when she's clearly not fat.

Democrats looking at Trump's wife see a skank with mismatched boobs who wears a doily when she is wearing anything at all who does a great Renee Zellwegger.


Republicans see a women being Glamorous And Elegant
Reportedly, here is a picture of Trump's wife, Melania Knauss:


Is she First Lady material? Other pictures were unfit to post.

Yea, like the pics of Obama's Mom I can't post here either

You mean some old porn pics? Those weren't Obama's mother. Just more of the GOP throwing slime because they are slime.
Yea they were of Stanley Dunham. She was taking it in the ass by Frank Marshal Davis as his little white whore. There is a reason for that 100% forged birth certificate the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office discovered.
Reportedly, here is a picture of Trump's wife, Melania Knauss:


Is she First Lady material? Other pictures were unfit to post.

Yea, like the pics of Obama's Mom I can't post here either

You mean some old porn pics? Those weren't Obama's mother. Just more of the GOP throwing slime because they are slime.
Yea they were of Stanley Dunham. She was taking it in the ass by Frank Marshal Davis as his little white whore. There is a reason for that 100% forged birth certificate the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office discovered.
I knew you were some kind of idiot, but a "birther"? That makes you a full on tard. I always thought it was a joke that people could believe something so asinine. Why am I not surprised?
Reportedly, here is a picture of Trump's wife, Melania Knauss:


Is she First Lady material? Other pictures were unfit to post.

Yea, like the pics of Obama's Mom I can't post here either

You mean some old porn pics? Those weren't Obama's mother. Just more of the GOP throwing slime because they are slime.
Yea they were of Stanley Dunham. She was taking it in the ass by Frank Marshal Davis as his little white whore. There is a reason for that 100% forged birth certificate the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office discovered.
I knew you were some kind of idiot, but a "birther"? That makes you a full on tard. I always thought it was a joke that people could believe something so asinine. Why am I not surprised?
What I think is asinine would be all of those people that dont care that no birth certificate, no proof of college, no real SSN, and if he did get into college he was a foriegn student.
Considering the issues, he is one of two things, A filthy illegal that is not qualified to be president, or a lier that has no right to be president.
I just dont understand why the left wants to hide the truth, why they dont care enough about the country to find the truth and act accordingly (firing squad) if he is found to be illegally occupying the white house.
All of these "birther" issues could have been put to rest with just a little bit of honesty and proof.

Then we could go after the anti-American socialist muslim loving POS angle.

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