Donald Trumps secret admirers


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
Yep, many once libtarded Hillary/Obama fawns are coming to their senses. About time.

Donald Trump's Secret Admirers
By Dan Truitt
It is indicative of how completely the left has taken over our major public organs and institutions, including the press, the entertainment industry, and Higher Ed, that many are embarrassed to admit to others the secret we carry around in our hearts like a treasure -- we absolutely love Donald Trump.

This is the reason Trump's approval numbers are almost certainly way under-reported: who wants to admit that they love an uncouth, billionaire New York braggart who made his fortune by parlaying a "small" $150 million-dollar loan from dear old dad into a business that literally changed the skyline of the world's greatest city? The answer, apparently is: millions.

This has led to articles and blog posts such as Tiffanie DiNato's "Why I'm so darned afraid to admit I support Donald Trump," subtitled, "I'm a Donald Trump supporter, and I'm coming out of the closet." Or this from the uber-liberal UK Guardian: 'Not even my wife knows': secret Donald Trump voters speak out.'

Both of these were written during the campaign season, but the brutal backlash against Trump and his supporters by the so-called "resistance" has caused Trump supporters to go to even greater lengths to hide their affiliation and affection for our rough, gruff chief executive.

The liberal media makes excuses for the phenomenon of hidden Trump supporters with all kinds of bogus analyses, such as Slate's slanderous 'Polling After Charlottesville Confirms That Trump's Base Is Very Racist," or Nate Silver's obtuse post-mortem on the 2016 election, "Shy' Voters Probably Aren't Why The Polls Missed Trump."

Those of us who have been dismissed for half a century as boobs, philistines, and ignorami read such headlines, shrug, mutter, "There you go again," and move on to the latest sports scores, great recipes, how-to videos, or episode of "In The Woods With Phil." When we do pay attention, we are not only perfectly content to impassively observe the implosion of the left, we relish it. We revel in it. We watch this slow-mo train wreck with great glee.......
Donald Trump's Secret Admirers

Excellent cut and paste and parrot Mike, but this is true!

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