Donald Trump's Muslim Ban Statement Removed From Website


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Has Trump already begun reneging on some important campaign promises?

His promise to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. has been removed from his website (“the page where it once was now redirects to a donation page”. So pony up, righties.). What will be next, will Trump keep the borders open so his billionaire buddies and other corporations can continue hiring undocumented workers to maintain profits? If so, it will seriously impact his promise to bring high-paying manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

You righties had better keep a close watch on him. Like other billionaires, his loyalties tend to be toward his own kind. Now that he has been elected, he no longer needs your support. He know he will have it no matter how much he cheats you. He knows full well you put party before country and that you people will vote for him in droves in 2020, even if illegal immigrants have taken your jobs, and Muslims are on every street corner by then.

Trump's Muslim ban statement disappears from website

*sigh* FYI, he formally recanted his statement about 3 days after he originally made it. I realize your head was probably deep inside Hillary's ass at the time, examining her colon polyps. but he did make a public statement.

Dateline: MAY 2016
Source: Typical Liberal Propaganda Outlet

Trump Recants His Idiotic Plan To Ban Muslims From Entering The U.S. (VIDEO)
that was from may... hes reiterated his support for it many times since.... literally right after the orlando shooting

Donald Trump Pushes for Muslim Ban After Orlando Shooting
*sigh* FYI, he formally recanted his statement about 3 days after he originally made it. I realize your head was probably deep inside Hillary's ass at the time, examining her colon polyps. but he did make a public statement.

Dateline: MAY 2016
Source: Typical Liberal Propaganda Outlet

Trump Recants His Idiotic Plan To Ban Muslims From Entering The U.S. (VIDEO)
that was from may... hes reiterated his support for it many times since.... literally right after the orlando shooting

Donald Trump Pushes for Muslim Ban After Orlando Shooting

I guess you didn't bother watching the video where he said "restrict entry from regions where radical terrorism is a problem" and not "Muslims." They reported he was calling for the Muslim ban again, but that's incorrect reporting, he didn't SAY that.

The "regional restrictions" statement has been in effect since May. He clarified this in the 3rd debate in response to a direct question from a Muslim woman. Apparently, we're going to have to slowly walk all you fuckwits through the past year of campaigning to get you up to speed on Trump's policies. Or... you can just continue being retards who copy and paste whatever knee-jerk shit is churned out at your liberal blog sites.
Trump could sit on his ass for the next 4 years and do absolutely nothing and he's already accomplished the most important thing he needed to do, and that is to keep Hillary Clinton out of the WH. Everything else is a bonus.

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