Donald Trump’s Lack of Respect for Science Is Alarming

Sign up now!! You can stop "Climate Change".!!! Just buy some Carbon Credits!!

Notice how you never bother attempting to address the fact that climate change is supported with mountains of evidence and instead post stupid images.

Mountains so.big, they have to make it.up. oh and we're past the 10 years Gore setup, I guess we're fucked, might as well party hard!
"Climate Science".....

Right wing nutjobs on an internet forum don't understand climate change. :alcoholic:

28 years ago, ted Danson said we have ten years to save the oceans.

The oceans are still here and we didn't do squat to "save" them..

10 years ago (1/27/06) Algore said we have ten years left to save the planet from scorching.

There has been no change. Your false prophets were wrong.

You're wrong about your carbon hysteria. Time to give it up

Bingo, all these false deadlines, we just don't Kasten and nothing happens......maybe it's a hoax??
Science, fact, reality, atoms, molecules, chemicals, atmosphere, oxygen, CO2, H2O, speed of light, light year. These are all foreign concepts to most conservatives who instead believe in myth and magic. trump represents them well.

We do, we believe in the scientific prove it. How many deadlines do you need to set with consequences that never happen. guys can figure out basic biology 101.....then maybe we can talk. Gender is the easiest scientific topic.....male, female......its not hard.
Climate "Science" is like the "Science" of Astrology.
Yeah, governments around the world are being sucked into a massive conspiracy led by tens of thousands of scientists, many who lack proper funding for research by the way, to believe that humans are having a negative impact on the climate. :trolls:

They are bullied or rewarded into their acceptance. Blacklisted if they disagree, and rewarded if they agree. Again not a hard concept and why the govt should stay out. Science was fine before the govt getting involved in it.
Not buying the climate change line does not mean one does not believe in science. Perhaps the reason many don't buy into climate change is because when we had colder than normal winters we were told it was due to global cooling then when we had a hotter than average summer we were told it was due to global warming so you finally came up with climate change to cover all the bases when the weather changes.

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