Donald Trump’s Lack of Respect for Science Is Alarming

For David
If you have a dick and a guy, male, dude ,ect

If you have a vagina you are a chick, female, woman, ect

It's really not that hard....basic biology......until you can grasp that....climate change is waaaaaaaaaay out of your jurisdiction
For David
If you have a dick and a guy, male, dude ,ect

If you have a vagina you are a chick, female, woman, ect

It's really not that hard....basic biology......until you can grasp that....climate change is waaaaaaaaaay out of your jurisdiction
I'll ask you again.
What is the difference between sex and gender? :gay:
Climate "Science" is like the "Science" of Astrology.
Yeah, governments around the world are being sucked into a massive conspiracy led by tens of thousands of scientists, many who lack proper funding for research by the way, to believe that humans are having a negative impact on the climate. :trolls:
Join the GOREMONS!!!!

Sign up now!! You can stop "Climate Change".!!! Just buy some Carbon Credits!!

Notice how you never bother attempting to address the fact that climate change is supported with mountains of evidence and instead post stupid images.
Science, fact, reality, atoms, molecules, chemicals, atmosphere, oxygen, CO2, H2O, speed of light, light year. These are all foreign concepts to most conservatives who instead believe in myth and magic. trump represents them well.
Lefties and their lack of being able to wipe their own ass lol
Fuckin EPA is outrageous. It needs to be cut back.
Climate hange happens. Warming of the earth happens. It I just an excuse to destroy the middle class and let the elite rule the world.
Key words science denier.....aka leftwing propaganda.

When liberals figure out basic biology of only 2 genders you are born with, then we can discuss more complex matters
^^^^^ Right there's the perfect example of conservative binary thinking.
"It's either black...or it's white...there's no such thing as grey."
Models are not data.

The LWNJ's can't seem to grasp that concept.
Models are created from's what you use data predict or plan an outcome...whether it's building a house or landing on the moon.
The church of Glubull Warming is changing names!! They are re-branding after suffering a devastating loss of interest....also Mother Earth did not cooperate .....therefore, henceforth it shall be known as "Climate Change". Ain't that great!!?

This way if it gets hotter- CLIMATE CHANGE!!! if it gets cooler- CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!

If nothing happens...WE STOPPED CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!
"Climate Science".....

Right wing nutjobs on an internet forum don't understand climate change. :alcoholic:

28 years ago, ted Danson said we have ten years to save the oceans.

The oceans are still here and we didn't do squat to "save" them..

10 years ago (1/27/06) Algore said we have ten years left to save the planet from scorching.

There has been no change. Your false prophets were wrong.

You're wrong about your carbon hysteria. Time to give it up

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