Donald Trump vows to protect Christianity and protect their heritage

Trump should read our actual constitution, the one that bans the government from promoting Christianity or any other faith for that matter.

Free yourself from the illusion that our Constitution bans faith in government. It does not. What the Constitution does do is prevent governmental intrusion into religion. Not only did gov. allow it. They relied on it.

Prayer then:


And now:
You got it half right. The Constitution states that :

"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion......"

That means, whether you like it or not that the government may neither interfere with the practice of religion OR favor one religion over another. It's only logical that once the government does show favoritism to one religion, it will detract from the status and legitimacy of others. In addition, it is well establish in Constitutional law that the government may not establish a state sponsored religion which is what Trump and his moronic minions would like to do.
Tell all your willfully stupid pseudocon friends. The next time they try to make "Democrat" and "KKK" synonymous, and don't call the Klan "Christian terrorists", tell them I'm coming.

And I'll be loaded for bear.
"A Trump administration, our Christian heritage will be cherished, protected, defended like you've never seen before. Believe me."
"A Trump administration, our Christian heritage will be cherished, protected, defended like you've never seen before. Believe me."

"A Trump administration, our Christian heritage will be cherished, protected, defended like you've never seen before. Believe me."



Trump should read our actual constitution, the one that bans the government from promoting Christianity or any other faith for that matter.
The Constitution does not do that, idiot.

The first amendment prohibits the federal government from having an official state church like England has, and prohibits using religious tests to screen out government employees or from punishing government officials and its employees from expressing their religious views.

You Marxists have completely inverted the actual meaning of the First Amendment and now you pretend it bans all government religious expression, which is obvious bullshit since we open Congress and the SCOTUS with prayer to God and the President has to take an oath on his Holy Book.

When did you atheist shit stains become so fucking retarded?
So did the Methodists. Church doctrine has become so worldly it is hard to find a church that adheres to the teachings of the Bible. We are not of the world. God's children are sojourners here. There is no reason to conform. Turning against a church is not the same as turning against your faith.

The Bible is just a very old book written by Men long dead.

That is what you think. That's fine for you to think that. It's not illegal to be wrong.

We know the Bible is the word of G-d in heaven. It has been proven true every time it's been tested.

But you are allowed to believe any nonsense you want. That said, you can spare us "it's just a book" nonsense. You can believe the nonsense, but we know better.

There is absolutely no proof that the Bible was written by a supernatural being.

The bible was written by men who wanted control of other men. By men who wanted part of other men's wealth. It worked:



I don't believe the men who wrote the OLD Testament or the New Testament did it for material gain. I think the philosophy of religion was hijacked for nefarious purposes. Mental enslavement was the goal of those who held the souls of their naive laity hostage in exchange for riches and power. Jesus, the icon of Christianity, rebuked ostentation and lived a simple life. His "church" was the people in his congregation and was not defined by the strong walls of stone fortresses; buildings, the magnificence of which detracted from His message of salvation and glorified the materialism and wealth of mammon.
Trump should read our actual constitution, the one that bans the government from promoting Christianity or any other faith for that matter.

Free yourself from the illusion that our Constitution bans faith in government. It does not. What the Constitution does do is prevent governmental intrusion into religion. Not only did gov. allow it. They relied on it.

Prayer then:


And now:
You got it half right. The Constitution states that :

"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion......"

That means, whether you like it or not that the government may neither interfere with the practice of religion OR favor one religion over another. It's only logical that once the government does show favoritism to one religion, it will detract from the status and legitimacy of others. In addition, it is well establish in Constitutional law that the government may not establish a state sponsored religion which is what Trump and his moronic minions would like to do.

The religion that was established by Christians (not by gov.) in the US is Christianity. There is no law against gov officials having a religion.
By the same token, there is no Gov. law insisting that Americans adopt Christianity Our government has never decreed that Christianity or any other religion shall be the National religion.

I got it all right, and Trump did not say he was going to crown Christianity as the Nation's religion. He said he would protect the rights of the religious.
You are living in the past.

Oh, lookee here!

In a topic called: GOP House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Spoke At White Supremacist Conference

You people backed Robert Byrd. Stop your shit.

How long ago was Byrd in the Klan?

I'll tell you.


You are a fucking hypocrite.

That is a weak connection you made. Scalise speaks at a conference where he may or may not have known of any ties to white supremacy. Contrast that with Byrd who was a fucking KKK leader. Further, what's the difference speaking at a white supremacist conference or a new black panther conference?
Trump should read our actual constitution, the one that bans the government from promoting Christianity or any other faith for that matter.

Free yourself from the illusion that our Constitution bans faith in government. It does not. What the Constitution does do is prevent governmental intrusion into religion. Not only did gov. allow it. They relied on it.

Prayer then:


And now:
You got it half right. The Constitution states that :

"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion......"

That means, whether you like it or not that the government may neither interfere with the practice of religion OR favor one religion over another. It's only logical that once the government does show favoritism to one religion, it will detract from the status and legitimacy of others. In addition, it is well establish in Constitutional law that the government may not establish a state sponsored religion which is what Trump and his moronic minions would like to do.

The religion that was established by Christians (not by gov.) in the US is Christianity. There is no law against gov officials having a religion.
By the same token, there is no Gov. law insisting that Americans adopt Christianity Our government has never decreed that Christianity or any other religion shall be the National religion.

I got it all right, and Trump did not say he was going to crown Christianity as the Nation's religion. He said he would protect the rights of the religious.

To the radical Liberals, any nod or protection towards Christianity is considered a step towards a national religion; or, quite simply, they hate Christians.
The liberals have been paid enough by Muslim countries to warrant the removal of Christianity and the establishment of Sharia law. It is the UN running our country instead of us running our country. It needs to stop. Trump want the UN out of our country. Hitlery wants the UN to take control of our country. It is Globalism vs Nationalism. Hitlery is global at the expense of our country. Trump is pro USA. Vote USA this time. Stop the UN goal of 1 million Muslims a year to America for the next 10 years.
Trump should read our actual constitution, the one that bans the government from promoting Christianity or any other faith for that matter.
The Constitution does not do that, idiot.

The first amendment prohibits the federal government from having an official state church like England has, and prohibits using religious tests to screen out government employees or from punishing government officials and its employees from expressing their religious views.

You Marxists have completely inverted the actual meaning of the First Amendment and now you pretend it bans all government religious expression, which is obvious bullshit since we open Congress and the SCOTUS with prayer to God and the President has to take an oath on his Holy Book.

When did you atheist shit stains become so fucking retarded?
So if I'm not a Christian I must be a Marxist AND an Atheist? Seriously bubba?? That is just fucking plain stupid!! And how the hell do you allow government to engage in "religious expression" without it constituting favoritism towards that religion?
The liberals have been paid enough by Muslim countries to warrant the removal of Christianity and the establishment of Sharia law. It is the UN running our country instead of us running our country. It needs to stop. Trump want the UN out of our country. Hitlery wants the UN to take control of our country. It is Globalism vs Nationalism. Hitlery is global at the expense of our country. Trump is pro USA. Vote USA this time. Stop the UN goal of 1 million Muslims a year to America for the next 10 years.
That is a bunch of idiotic equine excrement!

Liberals are "paid my Muslim countries? How does that work?:confused-84:

Liberals want to displace Christianity with Sharia law ?Stupid!! :link:

Clinton wants to UN to run the US ? More stupidity! :hellno:

The UN want 1M Muslims in the US ? Really??:argue:

Globalization vs Nationalism ? Actually you got that one right. You might also say globalization vs. isolationism and Fascism. :poop:

You have to stop listening to Alex Jones bubba.:mad:
Trump should read our actual constitution, the one that bans the government from promoting Christianity or any other faith for that matter.

Free yourself from the illusion that our Constitution bans faith in government. It does not. What the Constitution does do is prevent governmental intrusion into religion. Not only did gov. allow it. They relied on it.

Prayer then:


And now:
You got it half right. The Constitution states that :

"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion......"

That means, whether you like it or not that the government may neither interfere with the practice of religion OR favor one religion over another. It's only logical that once the government does show favoritism to one religion, it will detract from the status and legitimacy of others. In addition, it is well establish in Constitutional law that the government may not establish a state sponsored religion which is what Trump and his moronic minions would like to do.

The religion that was established by Christians (not by gov.) in the US is Christianity. There is no law against gov officials having a religion.
By the same token, there is no Gov. law insisting that Americans adopt Christianity Our government has never decreed that Christianity or any other religion shall be the National religion.

I got it all right, and Trump did not say he was going to crown Christianity as the Nation's religion. He said he would protect the rights of the religious.

Just a few points:

1. No one said that there is a law against government officials having a religion. That is just a red herring.

2. Christians brought Christianity to the colonies for Christians. They may have wanted it to be a Christian nation but that didn't happen as it was never adopted by government, as you know.

3. With all of the vastly different factions of Christianity, to say that this is a "Christian nation" is meaningless.

4. Trump is not quite stupid enough to say that "he was going to crown Christianity as the Nation's religion" but he has indicated that he would bestow favoritism on Christians and he is in bed with those who do see Christianity and the bible as superior to the Constitution.

Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando
You don't know your ass from page 8.

It works by handing over millions and millions to the Clinton Foundation. Like the Saudi and other Muslim leaders have done. Just like the millions to the Clint's foundation for our uranium mines.

UN quotas of Muslims migration.

Hitlery wants to fast track that by 500%
You like politifact. Here you go:
Our ruling

Trump said Clinton “plans to massively increase admissions (of Middle East refugees) … including a 500 percent increase in Syrian refugees coming into our country.” Because the statement is mostly accurate but needs clarification or additional information, we rate it Mostly True.
The clarification is that Hitlery said they need to be vetted first. LOL.

Google UN Muslim migration quotas, bubba. Catch the hell up.
Still waiting.

The KKK has been the subject of many a post and topic on this forum. Almost every week. For years. So it is a current subject often discussed.

So show me. Show me where ANY of the rubes called the Klan "Christian terrorists".

They won't do it. They will choke on those words before they have the courage to admit that is what the Klan is, was, and always will be.


You retards amuse me in your attempts to imply the Klan never killed anyone in the name of Christ. You really do.

What do you think, they sat around the burning CROSS making arts and crafts?

The Klan was not a religious organization.

It was an organization that operated in a very religious country, and thus sometimes used religious trappings or tried to co-opt religious organizations or events to spread it's message.

If you can't tell the difference between that and Holy War, this is an issue with your brain not working well, nothing that I can do for you.
Trump should read our actual constitution, the one that bans the government from promoting Christianity or any other faith for that matter.

Free yourself from the illusion that our Constitution bans faith in government. It does not. What the Constitution does do is prevent governmental intrusion into religion. Not only did gov. allow it. They relied on it.

Prayer then:


And now:
You got it half right. The Constitution states that :

"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion......"

That means, whether you like it or not that the government may neither interfere with the practice of religion OR favor one religion over another. It's only logical that once the government does show favoritism to one religion, it will detract from the status and legitimacy of others. In addition, it is well establish in Constitutional law that the government may not establish a state sponsored religion which is what Trump and his moronic minions would like to do.

The religion that was established by Christians (not by gov.) in the US is Christianity. There is no law against gov officials having a religion.
By the same token, there is no Gov. law insisting that Americans adopt Christianity Our government has never decreed that Christianity or any other religion shall be the National religion.

I got it all right, and Trump did not say he was going to crown Christianity as the Nation's religion. He said he would protect the rights of the religious.

Just a few points:

1. No one said that there is a law against government officials having a religion. That is just a red herring.

2. Christians brought Christianity to the colonies for Christians. They may have wanted it to be a Christian nation but that didn't happen as it was never adopted by government, as you know.

3. With all of the vastly different factions of Christianity, to say that this is a "Christian nation" is meaningless.

4. Trump is not quite stupid enough to say that "he was going to crown Christianity as the Nation's religion" but he has indicated that he would bestow favoritism on Christians and he is in bed with those who do see Christianity and the bible as superior to the Constitution.

Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando

Protecting is not the same as favoritism.

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