Donald Trump: The 'Fascist' Who Cuts Taxes And Deregulates


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The left has alienated themselves in a very big way with their irrational reaction to President Trump. You simply cannot scream "facist" at people you don't like and then take to the streets and engage in acts of violence and oppression and still expect civilized society to side with you.
What we really know, though, is these groups don't know anything except how to shriek louder and longer than everyone else. A few also well know how to break other people's property and set things that don't belong to them on fire. But they don't know their history, and therefore don't know what they're talking about.
It's not a coincidence that while Barack Insane Obama was in office, the left lost every special election, yet the right has won every single special election in President Trump's first 7 months. Civilized people don't respond well to lies, screams, and violence. The left had a golden opportunity to up their game after the election of President Trump. To "go high" when Trump "went low". Instead, when Trump went low, the left went lower. They had an opportunity to show they were intellectuals by responding with new ideas to present to the American people. Instead, they regressed into knuckle-dragging thuggery. Most of all - they had the perfect opportunity to illustrate to the world that they understood political theory, political ideology, and political issues. Instead - they made the monumental mistake of accusing President Trump's most right-wing actions of being left-wing.
First, take a look at taxes. Trump wants to cut them. But the Nazis were no tax-cutters.
The Nazi regime doubled the corporate tax rate from 20% to 40% between 1936 and 1939, according to "Hitler's Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State" by Gotz Aly. The Nazi government then soaked the rich during the war, doubling their taxes, says Aly.

Which modern-day U.S. political party does that sound more like? Trump's or the party of his most vocal critics'?
What the left has done is illustrate to the world that they can't be trusted politically because they are incapable of even properly identifying political positions.
We move on. While Trump hasn't yet gotten the tax cuts he wants, he has lifted government rules. "Since he took office on Jan. 20," Money/CNN reported this month, "Trump has swiftly moved to eliminate hundreds of regulations." Politico earlier said that Trump's deregulation efforts "may be the administration's biggest untold success."

Again, this just the opposite of the way that Nazis and Fascists behaved.

In the "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany," William Shirer wrote that German businesses had to deal with "mountains of red tape," and were told "what they could produce, how much and at what price."

Doesn't this sound more like the system that Trump's Democratic enemies prefer? Well, yes it does.
In short - the left has an unimaginable hole to climb out of. Their false accusations, their violence, and their inability to even identify ideologies has left them on the fringe of society. It will take a significant effort by them to overcome the P.R. nightmare they have created for themselves.

Donald Trump: The 'Fascist' Who Cuts Taxes And Deregulates | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
The guy wants to send our country back to the 18th century and make us a world wide joke.

Some of these regulations are needed and cutting taxes on the super rich is really stupid.

The guy wants to send our country back to the 18th century and make us a world wide joke.

Some of these regulations are needed and cutting taxes on the super rich is really stupid.






The guy wants to send our country back to the 18th century and make us a world wide joke.
The left wants to send our country back to the 1800's with their marxist economic policies, to the 1700's with their King-like dictator politics, and the 1600's with their energy polices (where fire was the only source of heat and candles are the only source of light).
Some of these regulations are needed and cutting taxes on the super rich is really stupid.
No. No, really, they are not "needed". At all. If they were, you would leave the U.S. and go live in Cuba. There's a reason you refuse to do that.

And ultimately - none of your accusations explain away the fact that the left is falsely accusing President Trump of being a "fascist" for doing things that are the polar opposite of fascism.
The guy wants to send our country back to the 18th century and make us a world wide joke.
The left wants to send our country back to the 1800's with their marxist economic policies, to the 1700's with their King-like dictator politics, and the 1600's with their energy polices (where fire was the only source of heat and candles are the only source of light).
Some of these regulations are needed and cutting taxes on the super rich is really stupid.
No. No, really, they are not "needed". At all. If they were, you would leave the U.S. and go live in Cuba. There's a reason you refuse to do that.

And ultimately - none of your accusations explain away the fact that the left is falsely accusing President Trump of being a "fascist" for doing things that are the polar opposite of fascism.
Making the press the enemy is the #1 thing fascists do to increase their power.
The Comrade continues to work from the fascist playbook.
Making the press the enemy is the #1 thing fascists do to increase their power.
The Comrade continues to work from the fascist playbook.
Actually - insisting the a person (such as the current President of the United States) doesn't have a right to freedom of speech is the #1 thing fascists do. And that's why you and your side of the aisle keep whining about President Trump's words.

A fascists (such as you people) would spy in the press (like Barack Insane Obama did). President Trump is entitled to his accurate opinion about the idiotic left-wing media.
The guy wants to send our country back to the 18th century and make us a world wide joke.

Some of these regulations are needed and cutting taxes on the super rich is really stupid.

More debunked far left religious dogma..

Trump wants infrastructure spending, why are you far left drones against this?
Yes folks...people like unreasonable really are this stupid!


Keep embracing totalitarianism, dumb ass. History has shown it works out sooooooo well in the end.
The guy wants to send our country back to the 18th century and make us a world wide joke.
The left wants to send our country back to the 1800's with their marxist economic policies, to the 1700's with their King-like dictator politics, and the 1600's with their energy polices (where fire was the only source of heat and candles are the only source of light).
Some of these regulations are needed and cutting taxes on the super rich is really stupid.
No. No, really, they are not "needed". At all. If they were, you would leave the U.S. and go live in Cuba. There's a reason you refuse to do that.

And ultimately - none of your accusations explain away the fact that the left is falsely accusing President Trump of being a "fascist" for doing things that are the polar opposite of fascism.
Making the press the enemy is the #1 thing fascists do to increase their power.
The Comrade continues to work from the fascist playbook.

If the Harvard and other independent analyses didn't agree with Trump that the MSM stories on Trump are 93% negative compared to 60% positive for Obama, you might have a point. As it is, Trump is correct that the MSM twists stories to become essentially fake negative news. The press made themselves the enemy of the people with their constant propaganda. Just look at the polls. Media | Gallup Topic
The guy wants to send our country back to the 18th century and make us a world wide joke.
The left wants to send our country back to the 1800's with their marxist economic policies, to the 1700's with their King-like dictator politics, and the 1600's with their energy polices (where fire was the only source of heat and candles are the only source of light).
Some of these regulations are needed and cutting taxes on the super rich is really stupid.
No. No, really, they are not "needed". At all. If they were, you would leave the U.S. and go live in Cuba. There's a reason you refuse to do that.

And ultimately - none of your accusations explain away the fact that the left is falsely accusing President Trump of being a "fascist" for doing things that are the polar opposite of fascism.
Making the press the enemy is the #1 thing fascists do to increase their power.
The Comrade continues to work from the fascist playbook.

If the Harvard and other independent analyses didn't agree with Trump that the MSM stories on Trump are 93% negative compared to 60% positive for Obama, you might have a point. As it is, Trump is correct that the MSM twists stories to become essentially fake negative news. The press made themselves the enemy of the people with their constant propaganda. Just look at the polls. Media | Gallup Topic
Some Mexicans don’t rape

a Mexican can’t be a judge

I grab pu$$y

I like soldiers who weren’t captured

It’s hard to report positive stuff on a man that’s made himself hated all over the world and is the symbol of racism and lies.
The left has alienated themselves in a very big way with their irrational reaction to President Trump. You simply cannot scream "facist" at people you don't like and then take to the streets and engage in acts of violence and oppression and still expect civilized society to side with you.
What we really know, though, is these groups don't know anything except how to shriek louder and longer than everyone else. A few also well know how to break other people's property and set things that don't belong to them on fire. But they don't know their history, and therefore don't know what they're talking about.
It's not a coincidence that while Barack Insane Obama was in office, the left lost every special election, yet the right has won every single special election in President Trump's first 7 months. Civilized people don't respond well to lies, screams, and violence. The left had a golden opportunity to up their game after the election of President Trump. To "go high" when Trump "went low". Instead, when Trump went low, the left went lower. They had an opportunity to show they were intellectuals by responding with new ideas to present to the American people. Instead, they regressed into knuckle-dragging thuggery. Most of all - they had the perfect opportunity to illustrate to the world that they understood political theory, political ideology, and political issues. Instead - they made the monumental mistake of accusing President Trump's most right-wing actions of being left-wing.
First, take a look at taxes. Trump wants to cut them. But the Nazis were no tax-cutters.
The Nazi regime doubled the corporate tax rate from 20% to 40% between 1936 and 1939, according to "Hitler's Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State" by Gotz Aly. The Nazi government then soaked the rich during the war, doubling their taxes, says Aly.

Which modern-day U.S. political party does that sound more like? Trump's or the party of his most vocal critics'?
What the left has done is illustrate to the world that they can't be trusted politically because they are incapable of even properly identifying political positions.
We move on. While Trump hasn't yet gotten the tax cuts he wants, he has lifted government rules. "Since he took office on Jan. 20," Money/CNN reported this month, "Trump has swiftly moved to eliminate hundreds of regulations." Politico earlier said that Trump's deregulation efforts "may be the administration's biggest untold success."

Again, this just the opposite of the way that Nazis and Fascists behaved.

In the "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany," William Shirer wrote that German businesses had to deal with "mountains of red tape," and were told "what they could produce, how much and at what price."

Doesn't this sound more like the system that Trump's Democratic enemies prefer? Well, yes it does.
In short - the left has an unimaginable hole to climb out of. Their false accusations, their violence, and their inability to even identify ideologies has left them on the fringe of society. It will take a significant effort by them to overcome the P.R. nightmare they have created for themselves.

Donald Trump: The 'Fascist' Who Cuts Taxes And Deregulates | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Hmmm. You apparently have not heard the news. Democrats won the House and they turned one of the seats they lost in the special elections. Most of the special elections were held in Republican friendly seats but were much closer than the 2016 races.

Suburban voters and especially suburban women have rejected the GOP. They are unwilling to support the hate that Trump spewed. The only people who bought it were the uneducated hillbillies that are slowly dying out. Educated voters reject the hatred of the far right that dominates the GOP.

You have sunk to a new low. Democrats may support higher taxes but that does not make them Nazis. Trump gives aid and comfort to white supremacists. That was the cornerstone of the Nazis belief. The supremacy of the Aryan race. Not taxes. The concentration camps had nothing to do with taxes. Republicans are closer to fascists and Nazis.

Also Trump wants to use the DOJ to go after his political enemies. That is fascism.

Some regulation is necessary and vital, Businesses do not have a right to pollute the air and water. Trump apparently believes they do.

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