Donald Trump: Nukes on the table to stop ISIL. Your thoughts?

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I think one way way to deal with ISIS is with an international force of specially trained, well-funded, heavily armed, air-supported storm troopers empowered by the threat of all-out unified invasion of any nation which resists incursion for the exclusive purpose of wiping out ISIS. If necessary, chase them all over the Middle East until the last one is summarily killed.

Every nation which has experienced terrorist action should contribute troops and funding; U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Russia, Denmark, Sweden and Spain. (Who did I miss?)
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ABC News just reported that Donald Trump said that if he were President nuclear weapons would be a last resort against ISIL. What do you think about using nukes on them?
Using nukes on ISIL is utterly ridiculous, moronic, thoughtless immature mumbo jumbo, and Trump seems to be vying for the biblical label of, 'The man of lawlessness'.... I think that's about it, on my thoughts on it! :D

Why? They are heavily dug in and we have nukes designed to obliterate an enemy in just hose situations.
If the US President at the spur of the moment decided to launch a nuclear missile as a first strike attack, could anyone stop him? - Quora

Obama has tried 7 times to nuke the entire continent of europe(too many white people) but they stopped him. You just don't hear about it. Ok I'm kidding.

IF trump said nukes are on the table that is a good move on his part. He knows he will never use them. Smart people know he will never use them. ISIS doesn't know. Liberals don't know either.
Except he didn't say that.
In 1964 the nation turned its back on another gung ho Republican. Of course Barry Goldwater's target also had thermonuclear weapons and the exchange would have made our lives in 2016 non existent.

Such was the nation's disdain for haphazard nuclear engagement.

What might the target be? Are we really talking about a war on Islam? If so, why? Why would we abandon our moral principles? How could we stand before North Korea or Iran and demand they give up any nuclear ambitions?

If Trump said this, and there is yet to be any evidence he did, can we trust him with command of our military? And if Trump supporters endorse this madness, has our nation developed a plurality of stooges, idiots and brutes cast in the mold of their political hero?

Abandon our moral principles?????

The first one is, and always will be, to protect those that can't, on their own, protect themselves.

Ya know, like those on a train or standing in line to check in at airports.
And do you the no unleashing nuclear weapons is the way to protect ourselves? What is the target? What of collateral damage? How can we then work to eliminate nuclear weapons? How do we respond when ISSUES S uses a nuke on one of our allies?

Do you think nuclear weapons are just another arrow and n our quiver, or must nuclear weapons be used only in the most dire circumstances? What is our ultimate responsibility where nuclear weapons are concerned?

Let's see, nukes vs Spit balls???

You are neither cogent nor mature enough to be taken seriously.
And you are niether informed enough nor rational enough to debate the topic with, commie.
Reality - Isis vs The World


Tell that to the hundreds of people they have killed so far, ass hole.

You liberals are absolutely brain dead.
Use enough and there won't be an "and then?".

Use them enough and there won't be anything at all.

See, we need a president with some conception of consequence. You nuke people....and then what happens. What would the consequence of that action be.
Dead Muslims.

Yeah, but only Muslims? Remember, Syria shares a border with Israel....Turkey....Iraq. Jordan. All allies.

I'm pretty sure nuclear fall out doesn't stop at the border.

So what then?
Israel is an NBC hard target who has prepared for their own strategic arms defense strategy.

So their land and water sources are contaminated with radioactive fall out. How long can they live on bottled water and MREs? And what of the radiation? Do you have any idea how long it would take to de-radiate Israel?

How many children would be born with birth defects, how high the cancer rates would be? You'd render most of their land unusuable for any commercial purpose. How do you think it would effect their economy?

Not to mention all our other allies in the region? Kurds, Turks, Iraqis, Jordanians, all on our side. How long do you think they would stay on our side when we were covering them in nuclear fall out?

They would use nukes if invaded. When we nuke Mecca, which is in Saudi Arabia, not Syria, we will time it for favorable prevailing winds so the fallout goes where we want it and kills more Muslims.

After nuking Mecca and killing hundreds of thousands of non-combatant civilians in nuclear do you think the world would react? With over a billion Muslims, how do you think they would react?

And why wouuld we nuke our allies? Saudi Arabia is one of our leading suppliers of oil and one of our closest allies in the region. And your solution is to nuke our closest allies.

Why would anyone ever ally with us again? We'd nuke both our enemies and our allies. We'd be a rabid danger to every other nation.

......all to get ISIS. They could never inflict the kind of damage you're insisting we inflict on our selves for them.

Try to explain your plan so a person that *doesn't* have your apocalypse fetish would understand.

What does last resort mean to you?

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Make a list of Islam's 30 holiest sites. Each Islamic attack on America results in 1 more on the list being flattened.

Total War. It's been used successfully throughout history.
We are not at war with the religion of Islam. We are at war with a small subcult within it known as Salafi Islam or Wahabbi Islam.
That idiot in North Korea must be happy and all smiles to finally get someone to agree with him that it is OK to put the threat of a nuke on the table.
The problem is that some of us actually know Muslims, and we know your hysteria is nonsense.
You dont know jack shit. All you know is how they choose to act in public and around you. PEriod.

Do you realize that the PAris terrorist was hiding in plain view for a very long time after the PAris attack and not one god damned Muslim turend him in among thousands of them?

Fuck your opinion of your good Muslims. They do not cooperate with suppressing the terrorists, so fuck them too.

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