Donald Trump just savaged an(other) American hero

Wait time was cut down
Wrong again!

July 13, 2020:

Three months ago, the Department of Veterans Affairs issued guidance that limited veterans’ access to medical appointments through the Community Care Program. Today, that guidance has yet to be rescinded or even clarified as wait times for appointments continue to skyrocket.

The latest data from the VA shows a dramatic increase in appointments taking longer than 30 days to schedule. Nearly 920,000 appointments were scheduled for more than 30 days out, up from 765,000 three months prior.

Wrong again!

July 13, 2020:

Three months ago, the Department of Veterans Affairs issued guidance that limited veterans’ access to medical appointments through the Community Care Program. Today, that guidance has yet to be rescinded or even clarified as wait times for appointments continue to skyrocket.

The latest data from the VA shows a dramatic increase in appointments taking longer than 30 days to schedule. Nearly 920,000 appointments were scheduled for more than 30 days out, up from 765,000 three months prior.

Nope three links to your pathetic bullshit lies
All my poor avatar was attempting to inform the forum about was calling Trump supporters 'crazies'....would not necessarily be considered an insult to them.
In some circles.

Got it. No difference. You were just looking for an excuse to insult us some more. After you complain about us being "Defensive".

You are an ass.
You were just looking for an excuse to insult us......

"looking for an excuse to insult"????

Now, good poster Correll, even you gotta admit that that particular search for 'an excuse' doesn't require a great deal of rigor.
You make it too easy.


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