Donald Trump is not a Republican


Jul 14, 2015
His only position he is right leaning is the immigration. He is a socialist and a democrat. Republican, why do you like him?
I don't care what party he is if he can get our country back. One thing is for damn sure, none of the Democrats will.
I like how he makes democrats cry
"If" Trump is a plant like so many democrats say why do they complain about him all the time?

Fear. That is why everyone is attacking him right now.

No, dude. It's not "fear". It's ridicule.

No one is "afraid" of Donald Trump. That's nonsense that you tell yourself to make the idea of Donald Trump as the Republican candidate more satiable.

"Everyone" is attacking Donald Trump because he's an utter clown. He's making a mockery of the concept of Democracy simply by running.

Anyone who's not attacking Trump should be ashamed of themselves.
No, dude. It's not "fear". It's ridicule.

No one is "afraid" of Donald Trump. That's nonsense that you tell yourself to make the idea of Donald Trump as the Republican candidate more satiable.

Interestingly enough...I don't really care who becomes the nominee anymore. Secondly, I've found none of them very palatable to begin with. I jumped the Trump bandwagon after the debate. Lastly yes, it is fear. And it isn't nonsense. People attack things they fear, or hate. Whatever. Take your pick, Doc.

If I have to make any idea of any of these candidates being the nominee satiable with anything, then, well... it would be pathetic I had to.
The Donald is the creation of the Republican party, he is the Frankenstein who now must be destroyed as he shows too clearly the real republican party.

"Fox News Had Time To Ask The Candidates If They’ve ‘Received Word From God,’ But Not These 7 Topics" Fox News Had Time To Ask The Candidates If They ve Received Word From God But Not These 7 Topics ThinkProgress

Voting Rights
Paid Family Leave
Climate Change
College Cost And Student Debt
Gun Violence
Criminal Justice Reform
Corporate Welfare
Citizen's United

"Here's the problem, though: Donald Trump is the essence of contemporary Republicanism. It's a distilled essence, boiled down to a viscous and sour consistency. But if you want to know what Republicans believe and who they are, you don't need to look much further. He's a walking caricature, but it's a caricature created from everything Republicans believe." Donald Trump is the personification of the Republican id

"Trump is a byproduct of all the toxic elements Republicans have thrown into their brew over the last decade or so — from birtherism to race-based hatred of immigrants, from nihilists who shut down government to elected officials who shout “You lie!” at their commander in chief....It was fine when all this crossing-of-the-line was directed at President Obama or other Democrats. But now that the ugliness is intramural, Trump has forced party leaders to decry something they have not only tolerated, but encouraged."
The Donald is the creation of the Republican party, he is the Frankenstein who now must be destroyed as he shows too clearly the real republican party.

"Fox News Had Time To Ask The Candidates If They’ve ‘Received Word From God,’ But Not These 7 Topics" Fox News Had Time To Ask The Candidates If They ve Received Word From God But Not These 7 Topics ThinkProgress

Voting Rights
Paid Family Leave
Climate Change
College Cost And Student Debt
Gun Violence
Criminal Justice Reform
Corporate Welfare
Citizen's United

"Here's the problem, though: Donald Trump is the essence of contemporary Republicanism. It's a distilled essence, boiled down to a viscous and sour consistency. But if you want to know what Republicans believe and who they are, you don't need to look much further. He's a walking caricature, but it's a caricature created from everything Republicans believe." Donald Trump is the personification of the Republican id

"Trump is a byproduct of all the toxic elements Republicans have thrown into their brew over the last decade or so — from birtherism to race-based hatred of immigrants, from nihilists who shut down government to elected officials who shout “You lie!” at their commander in chief....It was fine when all this crossing-of-the-line was directed at President Obama or other Democrats. But now that the ugliness is intramural, Trump has forced party leaders to decry something they have not only tolerated, but encouraged."
Wipe the drool off your face dude...apoplexy does not help your image.
It is clear that Trump has many progressive views, but many Americans are tired of lying professional politicians (Ds excluded) and looking for someone else. His focus on illegal immigration, trade, and making America great again hits home with a lot of Americans. The fact that he is not owned by the billionaire class means something too.

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