Donald Trump is a loser!


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2010
From one of the best and most honest of all of the people in politics in this is Senator Elizabeth Warren's straightforward analysis of Trump.....the short form, as this was on Facebook.

There is nothing in what she claims that can not be easily verified......Trump's business conduct and bankruptcies, his sociopathic character flaws - racism, sexism, xenophobia, narcissism, etc. - on full display, etc..

Trump, as a Presidential candidate, presents a severe threat to our nation, our national character, and our democratic system of government....just as much as a certain Herr Hitler presented a similar threat to a nation called Germany in 1932,,,,,a threat that manifested itself horribly from Jan 30th, 1933, when he took power, until April 30th, 1945...the day he committed suicide to avoid capture and trial, in a bunker under the city during the Allied assault on Berlin, .....after murdering 11 million innocent men, women and children in the Holocaust, initiating a war that resulted in the deaths of over 60 million people, and leading Germany to utter national ruin, disgrace and defeat.

In many people's opinion, Hair Trump is just as big a danger to America as Herr Hitler proved to be for Germany. People who lived through that period of history are now remarking on how similar Trump's racist, xenophobic, ultra-nationalistic 'America-uber-alles' speeches sound to what they heard from the Nazis.

On March 14th, she said this:
There's a history of demagogues calling those they disagree with "terrorists" and using that as justification for intimidation and violence - and that history is ugly and dangerous. There's also a history of people staying quiet for too long, hoping for the best but watching silently as the threat metastasizes. Donald Trump is a bigger, uglier threat every day that goes by - and it's time for decent people everywhere - Republican, Democrat, Independent - to say 'No More Donald'. There's no virtue in silence.

And on March 21st, this....
Let's be honest Donald Trump is a loser. Count all his failed businesses. See how he kept his father's empire afloat by cheating people with scams like TrumpUniversity and by using strategic corporate bankruptcy (excuse me, bankruptcies) to skip out on debt. Listen to the experts who've concluded he's so bad at business that he might have more money today if he'd put his entire inheritance into an index fund and just left it alone.

Trump seems to know he's a loser. His embarrassing insecurities are on parade: petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, and flagrant narcissism. But just because Trump is a loser everywhere else doesn't mean he'll lose this election. People have been underestimating his campaign for nearly a year and it's time to wake up.

People talk about how "this is the most important election" in our lifetime every four years, and it gets stale. But consider what hangs in the balance. Affordable college. Accountability for Wall Street. Healthcare for millions of Americans. The Supreme Court. Big corporations and billionaires paying their fair share of taxes. Expanded Social Security. Investments in infrastructure and medical research and jobs right here in America. The chance to turn our back on the ugliness of hatred, sexism, racism and xenophobia. The chance to be a better people.

More than anyone weve seen before come within reach of the presidency, Donald Trump stands ready to tear apart an America that was built on values like decency, community, and concern for our neighbors. Many of historys worst authoritarians started out as losers - and Trump is a serious threat. The way I see it, it's our job to make sure he ends this campaign every bit the loser that he started it.
- Senator Elizabeth Warren
Democrats better have some real propaganda to tear Trump down.

Missives by their Senators are less effective than missives from GOP politicians! We know how effective Romney speech was!
I see the rightwingnuts are still sticking up for corruption and corporate stooges in Congress. Not surprising.

Perhaps you clueless retards could now call David Brooks a "left wing moonbat". That would be precious! I could show it to my friends for laughs when we talk about how braindead you rightwingnuts actually are.

David Brooks: Trump ‘will be known a hundred years from now as the biggest loser in American politics
03 APR 2016
During a Meet The Press panel discussion on the havoc GOP front-runner Donald Trump is wreaking on the Republican Party, conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks unloaded on the blustery businessman, saying he’ll go down as “the biggest loser in American politics.

In his columns for the Times, Brooks has been unsparing in his criticism of Trump, and recently called him a “perpetual destabilizer” who can’t behave with “a modicum of “presidentiality.”"

On Sunday, Brooks was asked how he felt about Trump possibly being the nominee and replied, “Morally defeated,” before laughing ruefully.

Then he unloaded on Trump and his boosters.

All these people keep waiting for him, ‘When is he going to turn into a philosopher king? It’s time he should become Abraham Lincoln,'” Brooks asserted. “He’s Donald Trump. You know, he’s – you know, it’s all aggression, it’s all ignorance, it’s all the time.

Brooks took time out to blast Republican National Committee head Reince Priebus for being asleep at the wheel.

The people in the Republican Party are not going to stop him. Look at that Reince Priebus’ interview today,” Brooks said excitedly. “Like, the week that we had with Donald Trump, — he’s a catastrophe of the party. Priebus is off in la-la land, talking about technical stuff, and not really seizing the mantle.

Turning back to Trump, Brooks said he’ll be the eventual nominee and predicted he will become infamous for a crushing defeat in the November general election.

I think it’s likely to be Trump. I think he’s the walking dead,” he explained before adding the final insult. I think he’ll get the nomination and he will just go down to a crushing defeat. And will be known for a hundred years from now, people will say, ‘Who’s the biggest loser in American politics?’ And it won’t be McGovern, it won’t be Dukakis, the word ‘Trump.’ And I hope when he’s down there in Hades he’s aware of all that.

Wow!” host Chuck Todd said, with fellow panelist Helene Cooper smirking, “Very subtle.
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I see the rightwingnuts are still sticking up for corruption and corporate stooges in Congress. Not surprising.

Perhaps you clueless retards could now call David Brooks a "left wing moonbat". That would be precious! I could show it to my friends for laughs when we talk about how braindead you rightwingnuts actually are.

David Brooks: Trump ‘will be known a hundred years from now as the biggest loser in American politics
03 APR 2016
During a Meet The Press panel discussion on the havoc GOP front-runner Donald Trump is wreaking on the Republican Party, conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks unloaded on the blustery businessman, saying he’ll go down as “the biggest loser in American politics.

In his columns for the Times, Brooks has been unsparing in his criticism of Trump, and recently called him a “perpetual destabilizer” who can’t behave with “a modicum of “presidentiality.”"

On Sunday, Brooks was asked how he felt about Trump possibly being the nominee and replied, “Morally defeated,” before laughing ruefully.

Then he unloaded on Trump and his boosters.

All these people keep waiting for him, ‘When is he going to turn into a philosopher king? It’s time he should become Abraham Lincoln,'” Brooks asserted. “He’s Donald Trump. You know, he’s – you know, it’s all aggression, it’s all ignorance, it’s all the time.

Brooks took time out to blast Republican National Committee head Reince Priebus for being asleep at the wheel.

The people in the Republican Party are not going to stop him. Look at that Reince Priebus’ interview today,” Brooks said excitedly. “Like, the week that we had with Donald Trump, — he’s a catastrophe of the party. Priebus is off in la-la land, talking about technical stuff, and not really seizing the mantle.

Turning back to Trump, Brooks said he’ll be the eventual nominee and predicted he will become infamous for a crushing defeat in the November general election.

I think it’s likely to be Trump. I think he’s the walking dead,” he explained before adding the final insult. I think he’ll get the nomination and he will just go down to a crushing defeat. And will be known for a hundred years from now, people will say, ‘Who’s the biggest loser in American politics?’ And it won’t be McGovern, it won’t be Dukakis, the word ‘Trump.’ And I hope when he’s down there in Hades he’s aware of all that.

Wow!” host Chuck Todd said, with fellow panelist Helene Cooper smirking, “Very subtle.

Yet Brooks never speaks out hen the left behaves with complete incivility. Brooks is a complete fraud, I quit reading him years ago.
poor Donnie, the winner of LOSERS.

I watched Greta hand him his ass over his healthcare plan ... what a dumbass.
Warren has some good points, but mostly on economics. Otherwise she is the typical government loving, gun hating, leftwing PC Nazi that America has grown to hate.

IT is shame that the GOP never gave an effective alternative to the lefts social agenda; they could have made a difference for them and everyone else.

But a vote for Cruz instead of Warren is to merely have a preference on which political professional liar one wants to hear the lies from. Nothing more that I have seen.

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