Donald Trump Empire Sought Visas For At Least 1,100 Foreign Workers

An exclusive from Reuters:

Exclusive Donald Trump s companies have sought visas to import at least 1 100 workers Reuters

And most of those requests for appoved. Not only that, look at the kinds of jobs he gots visas for:

Donald Trump is staking his run for U.S. president in part on a vow to protect American jobs. But this month, one of his companies, the elite Mar-a-Lago Club resort in Florida, applied to import 70 foreign workers to serve as cooks, wait staff and cleaners.

A Reuters analysis of U.S. government data reveals that this is business as usual in the New York property magnate's empire.

Trump owns companies that have sought to import at least 1,100 foreign workers on temporary visas since 2000, according to U.S. Department of Labor data reviewed by Reuters. Most of the applications were approved, the data show.

Nine companies majority-owned by Trump have sought to bring in foreign waitresses, cooks, vineyard workers and other laborers on temporary work-visa programs administered by the Labor Department.

The candidate's foreign talent hunt included applications for an assistant golf-course superintendent, an assistant hotel manager and a banquet manager.

Two of his companies, Trump Model Management and Trump Management Group LLC, have sought visas for nearly 250 foreign fashion models, the records show.

So, all of things we have accused some American entenpreneurs of doing in hiring illegal immigrants to do their work under the table, Donald Trump has been openly doing and it's there for all to see. He brought in foreign workers to do jobs that most Americans can do any time, well, except the model stuff.

This is the man screaming about building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. This is the man who calls Mexicans "rapists" "drug dealers" and "murderers". This is the man who say he wants to "Make America great again".

Donald Trump is a joke. I really, really, really hope he gets the GOP nomination.

Now, let's see people try to defend this:

"It's just a fraction of his business"
"Isolated incidents"
"Trump didn't know, he's a big businessman with lots to do!"


What, wasn't satisfied with posting on Lakhotas thread, how many threads are you maobamabots going to start on this?

Didn't see Lakota's thread, haven't posted on it, if it's about this very specific topic.

Lie much?

Donald Trump Empire Sought Visas For At Least 1 100 Foreign Workers US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


Call the USMB police, call the USMB police!!!

How many Bundy threads did Righties start? 50? 100?


Your butthurt is really fun to watch!!
so what? it's freaking legal. You would rather him hire those jumping our borders like that party you belong in supports?
It's legal, but HYPOCRITICAL for someone running on a platform of "Make America great again" by putting Americans to work when he has made his fortune doing everything he says needs to be reversed, like hid manufacturing his Trump brand products in China, buying the building materials used to plaster his name everywhere from China, and hiring foreigners to work jobs here in America.

How can you not see the obvious hypocrisy?

What, wasn't satisfied with posting on Lakhotas thread, how many threads are you maobamabots going to start on this?
Lol probably when you repubs will grow some balls and admit he's a hypocrite.

Are you really too stupid to know the OP got his prophesies from reading Lakhotas thread? You really are brain dead.
So do you think Trump is a hypocrite?

Nope, his beef is with illegals, of course you're too stupid to know that.

Only, you just lied.

At his announcement speech, he didn't refer to illegal immigrants.

He, directly and indisputable referring to the country of Mexico, said:

"They're sending us" and so on and so on and so on.

It's all on video. Deal with it.

You dumb motherfucker, his announcement speech is not the only words he has spoken on the subject, have you had your head so far up the dear leaders ass you didn't notice?
An exclusive from Reuters:

Exclusive Donald Trump s companies have sought visas to import at least 1 100 workers Reuters

And most of those requests for appoved. Not only that, look at the kinds of jobs he gots visas for:

Donald Trump is staking his run for U.S. president in part on a vow to protect American jobs. But this month, one of his companies, the elite Mar-a-Lago Club resort in Florida, applied to import 70 foreign workers to serve as cooks, wait staff and cleaners.

A Reuters analysis of U.S. government data reveals that this is business as usual in the New York property magnate's empire.

Trump owns companies that have sought to import at least 1,100 foreign workers on temporary visas since 2000, according to U.S. Department of Labor data reviewed by Reuters. Most of the applications were approved, the data show.

Nine companies majority-owned by Trump have sought to bring in foreign waitresses, cooks, vineyard workers and other laborers on temporary work-visa programs administered by the Labor Department.

The candidate's foreign talent hunt included applications for an assistant golf-course superintendent, an assistant hotel manager and a banquet manager.

Two of his companies, Trump Model Management and Trump Management Group LLC, have sought visas for nearly 250 foreign fashion models, the records show.

So, all of things we have accused some American entenpreneurs of doing in hiring illegal immigrants to do their work under the table, Donald Trump has been openly doing and it's there for all to see. He brought in foreign workers to do jobs that most Americans can do any time, well, except the model stuff.

This is the man screaming about building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. This is the man who calls Mexicans "rapists" "drug dealers" and "murderers". This is the man who say he wants to "Make America great again".

Donald Trump is a joke. I really, really, really hope he gets the GOP nomination.

Now, let's see people try to defend this:

"It's just a fraction of his business"
"Isolated incidents"
"Trump didn't know, he's a big businessman with lots to do!"


What, wasn't satisfied with posting on Lakhotas thread, how many threads are you maobamabots going to start on this?

Didn't see Lakota's thread, haven't posted on it, if it's about this very specific topic.

Lie much?

Donald Trump Empire Sought Visas For At Least 1 100 Foreign Workers US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So who's lying, posting guides say you should check before posting to avoid duplicate threads.

Missing a thread that is already up is not lying. It means that I missed a thread. It's called being human, something you Koch-bots do not understand.

Righties always get so personal, mostly because they are interminably butthurt.

This is fun.

Sigh, and I was just about to write the mods to ask them to merge..... oh, well...
Lol probably when you repubs will grow some balls and admit he's a hypocrite.

Are you really too stupid to know the OP got his prophesies from reading Lakhotas thread? You really are brain dead.
So do you think Trump is a hypocrite?

Nope, his beef is with illegals, of course you're too stupid to know that.

Only, you just lied.

At his announcement speech, he didn't refer to illegal immigrants.

He, directly and indisputable referring to the country of Mexico, said:

"They're sending us" and so on and so on and so on.

It's all on video. Deal with it.

You dumb motherfucker, his announcement speech is not the only words he has spoken on the subject, have you had your head so far up the dear leaders ass you didn't notice?

Well now, you like to get personal, don't you.

You go with that, l'il slugger!!
Are you really too stupid to know the OP got his prophesies from reading Lakhotas thread? You really are brain dead.
So do you think Trump is a hypocrite?

Nope, his beef is with illegals, of course you're too stupid to know that.
Sure what he did was legal, but don't you think it being legal is beside the point? He sought foreigners to come here TEMPORARILY. Why should he give a shit if illegals, outside of his control, take American jobs then? He is okay with deliberately giving jobs to foreigners instead of American citizens? Why are you okay with that?

Read the GD link, almost a quarter of them were models, you got any idea how many foreign models are used in the US fashion industry every year? The other could have easily been people he brought here for training to work in his offshore businesses, even including the models there were only about 73 a year on average. How many people does he employ, about 30,000? How about you get the beam out of your own eye, before you worry about the splinter in Trumps?

Another Trump-fluffer to the rescue!!!!
"Trump can do no wrong!!!
Trump is perfect!!!"


2016 is going to be terrific fun!!!

Yep, I just love seeing him putting brain dead assholes like you in a tizzy, can't find anything of substance so you just throw shit against the wall praying something will stick, you are one pathetic loser.
wow a staggering number out how MANY damn people does he Employ. this is just more stupid shit from the Desperate Democrat party and his fellow RINOS. He employs more people than any of them running for President
so what? it's freaking legal. You would rather him hire those jumping our borders like that party you belong in supports?
It's legal, but HYPOCRITICAL for someone running on a platform of "Make America great again" by putting Americans to work when he has made his fortune doing everything he says needs to be reversed, like hid manufacturing his Trump brand products in China, buying the building materials used to plaster his name everywhere from China, and hiring foreigners to work jobs here in America.

How can you not see the obvious hypocrisy?

It's a global economy.

We aren't going to "make America great again" by withdrawing from the world and hiding behind walls.

I'm a legal immigrant and have no problem with this.
What, wasn't satisfied with posting on Lakhotas thread, how many threads are you maobamabots going to start on this?
Lol probably when you repubs will grow some balls and admit he's a hypocrite.

Are you really too stupid to know the OP got his prophesies from reading Lakhotas thread? You really are brain dead.
So do you think Trump is a hypocrite?

Nope, his beef is with illegals, of course you're too stupid to know that.

Only, you just lied.

At his announcement speech, he didn't refer to illegal immigrants.

He, directly and indisputable referring to the country of Mexico, said:

"They're sending us" and so on and so on and so on.

It's all on video. Deal with it.

When Trump said "they're sending us" do you think he was referring to those that WE issued visas too?
so what? it's freaking legal. You would rather him hire those jumping our borders like that party you belong in supports?
It's legal, but HYPOCRITICAL for someone running on a platform of "Make America great again" by putting Americans to work when he has made his fortune doing everything he says needs to be reversed, like hid manufacturing his Trump brand products in China, buying the building materials used to plaster his name everywhere from China, and hiring foreigners to work jobs here in America.

How can you not see the obvious hypocrisy?

It's a global economy.

We aren't going to "make America great again" by withdrawing from the world and hiding behind walls.

I'm a legal immigrant and have no problem with this.

First they sticking up for Illegal immigrants and now they are dumping all over them

there is no Pleasing these two faced hypocrites in the Democrat party. I don't think they're happy unless they are OUTRAGED over something. good grief
So do you think Trump is a hypocrite?

Nope, his beef is with illegals, of course you're too stupid to know that.
Sure what he did was legal, but don't you think it being legal is beside the point? He sought foreigners to come here TEMPORARILY. Why should he give a shit if illegals, outside of his control, take American jobs then? He is okay with deliberately giving jobs to foreigners instead of American citizens? Why are you okay with that?

Read the GD link, almost a quarter of them were models, you got any idea how many foreign models are used in the US fashion industry every year? The other could have easily been people he brought here for training to work in his offshore businesses, even including the models there were only about 73 a year on average. How many people does he employ, about 30,000? How about you get the beam out of your own eye, before you worry about the splinter in Trumps?

Another Trump-fluffer to the rescue!!!!
"Trump can do no wrong!!!
Trump is perfect!!!"


2016 is going to be terrific fun!!!

Yep, I just love seeing him putting brain dead assholes like you in a tizzy, can't find anything of substance so you just throw shit against the wall praying something will stick, you are one pathetic loser.

This is where your logic kind of crumbles into nothingness. Trump in no way puts me "in a tizzy". Put the bong down.

I am laughing at Trump. And I am laughing at the silly lemmings who are dumb enough to think that Trump is leveling with them. Trump is a showman, a huckster and a known liar.

Please, whatever you do, nominate Trump. For if you do, all Hillary needs to do is to campaign from her front porch and she still wins with a Reaganesque +18 or so.

I implore you, dear Koch-fluffer, NOMINATE TRUMP!!!

Are you really too stupid to know the OP got his prophesies from reading Lakhotas thread? You really are brain dead.
So do you think Trump is a hypocrite?

Nope, his beef is with illegals, of course you're too stupid to know that.

Only, you just lied.

At his announcement speech, he didn't refer to illegal immigrants.

He, directly and indisputable referring to the country of Mexico, said:

"They're sending us" and so on and so on and so on.

It's all on video. Deal with it.

You dumb motherfucker, his announcement speech is not the only words he has spoken on the subject, have you had your head so far up the dear leaders ass you didn't notice?

Well now, you like to get personal, don't you.

You go with that, l'il slugger!!

Maybe you should have taken a look at the first page before calling me a liar.
Lol probably when you repubs will grow some balls and admit he's a hypocrite.

Are you really too stupid to know the OP got his prophesies from reading Lakhotas thread? You really are brain dead.
So do you think Trump is a hypocrite?

Nope, his beef is with illegals, of course you're too stupid to know that.

Only, you just lied.

At his announcement speech, he didn't refer to illegal immigrants.

He, directly and indisputable referring to the country of Mexico, said:

"They're sending us" and so on and so on and so on.

It's all on video. Deal with it.

When Trump said "they're sending us" do you think he was referring to those that WE issued visas too?

Of course no. Don't be silly. Mexico "sends us" no one. Those people do that of their own volition, with the blessing, permission or help of the Mexican gubbermint.

You do understand that, right?
So do you think Trump is a hypocrite?

Nope, his beef is with illegals, of course you're too stupid to know that.

Only, you just lied.

At his announcement speech, he didn't refer to illegal immigrants.

He, directly and indisputable referring to the country of Mexico, said:

"They're sending us" and so on and so on and so on.

It's all on video. Deal with it.

You dumb motherfucker, his announcement speech is not the only words he has spoken on the subject, have you had your head so far up the dear leaders ass you didn't notice?

Well now, you like to get personal, don't you.

You go with that, l'il slugger!!

Maybe you should have taken a look at the first page before calling me a liar.

You are. Enjoy your status as a liar, Koch-fluffer!
For Christmas, I am buying you some knee-pads, for by then, yours will be all worn out...

So, back to the OP:

Donald Trump Empire Sought Visas For At Least 1,100 Foreign Workers

Why ask for a visa for a foreigner to be a waitress, when millions of US-Americans can do that job, bubba?
so what? it's freaking legal. You would rather him hire those jumping our borders like that party you belong in supports?
It's legal, but HYPOCRITICAL for someone running on a platform of "Make America great again" by putting Americans to work when he has made his fortune doing everything he says needs to be reversed, like hid manufacturing his Trump brand products in China, buying the building materials used to plaster his name everywhere from China, and hiring foreigners to work jobs here in America.

How can you not see the obvious hypocrisy?

It's a global economy.

We aren't going to "make America great again" by withdrawing from the world and hiding behind walls.

I'm a legal immigrant and have no problem with this.

First they sticking up for Illegal immigrants and now they are dumping all over them

there is no Pleasing these two faced hypocrites in the Democrat party. I don't think they're happy unless they are OUTRAGED over something. good grief

Uhm, no.

Your stupidity is tremendous fun to watch.

We are attacking Trump's hypocrisy. And we are laughing our asses off over it.

Nope, his beef is with illegals, of course you're too stupid to know that.
Sure what he did was legal, but don't you think it being legal is beside the point? He sought foreigners to come here TEMPORARILY. Why should he give a shit if illegals, outside of his control, take American jobs then? He is okay with deliberately giving jobs to foreigners instead of American citizens? Why are you okay with that?

Read the GD link, almost a quarter of them were models, you got any idea how many foreign models are used in the US fashion industry every year? The other could have easily been people he brought here for training to work in his offshore businesses, even including the models there were only about 73 a year on average. How many people does he employ, about 30,000? How about you get the beam out of your own eye, before you worry about the splinter in Trumps?

Another Trump-fluffer to the rescue!!!!
"Trump can do no wrong!!!
Trump is perfect!!!"


2016 is going to be terrific fun!!!

Yep, I just love seeing him putting brain dead assholes like you in a tizzy, can't find anything of substance so you just throw shit against the wall praying something will stick, you are one pathetic loser.

This is where your logic kind of crumbles into nothingness. Trump in no way puts me "in a tizzy". Put the bong down.

I am laughing at Trump. And I am laughing at the silly lemmings who are dumb enough to think that Trump is leveling with them. Trump is a showman, a huckster and a known liar.

Please, whatever you do, nominate Trump. For if you do, all Hillary needs to do is to campaign from her front porch and she still wins with a Reaganesque +18 or so.

I implore you, dear Koch-fluffer, NOMINATE TRUMP!!!


Damn, you just described the hildabeast perfectly, a showman, a huckster and a known liar. Good job.
so what? it's freaking legal. You would rather him hire those jumping our borders like that party you belong in supports?
It's legal, but HYPOCRITICAL for someone running on a platform of "Make America great again" by putting Americans to work when he has made his fortune doing everything he says needs to be reversed, like hid manufacturing his Trump brand products in China, buying the building materials used to plaster his name everywhere from China, and hiring foreigners to work jobs here in America.

How can you not see the obvious hypocrisy?

Where has Trump denied that he does business with China, and where was your concern when the Jobs man for Obama closed shop here in the United States to move to China...................How is that a Jobs man.................

Trump has stated he knows how to negotiate with China............and that they are killing us................His point is to tariff their ass to level the playing field, which could actually hurt his pocket book on deals in China. He states that the current deals with China are Great for business if all he cared about was money, and Mexico, but said that doesn't mean it's Great for the American people.

On the border............he wants to impose bring the jobs home...............To stop companies like Ford from jumping ship. He has also implied that once the border is secure that he intends to try and make the legal path to work here simpler, and to put protections on these foreign workers who are currently black mailed under current employment scenarios............Dare to challenge your employer over anything............ZIP BANG you are deported.

I know this because I've seen it with my own eyes and experience with it. I sponsored my son n law who is now a legal citizen. And he came here to go to school. Has a masters in Computer Science and works in a highly tech field with good pay. Even though married to my daughter, he was about to be deported without a sponsor. My daughters income wasn't sufficient to sponsor him and so I signed the papers to keep him here as he was LEGALLY applying to stay.

He worked for some places who didn't even pay him a full days wage for being 5 minutes late for work because of a traffic accident slowing him down. They said if he didn't like it they'd call INS and deport him...............and they do that kind of shit all the time. So this issue is a two way street.

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