Donald Trump + covid-19 versus the truth ... timeline

The truth is the truth.
The WHOLE truth is the WHOLE truth.

You are making a conscious decision: You are CHOOSING to only "see" the positive actions Trump is taking, and CHOOSING to only "see" any good outcomes from those actions.

You are also CHOOSING to ignore, avoid, dismiss and downplay the things he has said and done that have been negative or counter-productive in some way.

That's your choice. I can see both ends of it, loud and clear, and I wish you could too.

I know that's how the partisan game is played, and I hate to see such intellectual honesty at any time, but especially at this moment. And I don't have to participate.
What you see as counter-productive...I see as necessary. Panic was the number one enemy early on. We saw the beginnings of it early on. On day one back in late February, the wife and I were already stocking up, I told her "The virus doesn't scare me Babe...I have a 95% chance of surviving it, and those are great odds. It's the panic we have to worry about.".

Trump navigated the initial days of the outbreak masterfully...and there was very little mass panic. The outbreak itself could only ever be couldn't be stopped. I know the truth was out there, because I had my wife and my parents completely quarantined before the virus spread. Neither household has left their respective yards since before my Dad's birthday...and that was March 9th...I know because he likes to go to Golden Corral but my Mother made him Shepards Pie instead.

I'm still working. I haven't been inside my house or kissed my wife, or been within six feet of her in a I know the truth must have been out there, because I think I would remembered a burning bush scenario.
What you choose to see is up to you.

That cuts both ways. What you choose to see is up to you as we'll.

One of the guys I watch on YouTube says we are watching the same screen but seeing two different movies.
I see the good and the not-so-good, whether it's Trump or Obama or any other President or politician.

So far, I see zero indication that you can do the same. All I see is you obediently defending pretty much everything Trump has done.
I can only be honest with you in my judgement and assessment. Let's see if you can do the same.

Is Joe Biden currently capable of handling this crisis?
I doubt it. It's clear to me that he is in cognitive decline.

Anything else?

See, I get to be honest at all times. I'm not bound to an ideology.
But you said the other day you would vote for him.

Does that sound logical or unbiased?
Yes, I would vote for him if I were convinced his veep pick were not a Regressive Lefty.

Yes, it is logical, because the alternative is even more repugnant to me.

I am not unbiased. I'm honest.

We're very different. I'm fine with that.

Yes, we are.

If you know you are biased...why pretend to be unbiased?

If you are biased, how do you know you see both sides?
Obama rarely showed he was unqualified Trump shows it every time he opens his mouth and with everything he does

Only a tard doesn't realize what a mess Obama made of things

The best example of Obama's incompetence was the initial rollout of Obamacare, when the web site was a disaster. That was the biggest "train-wreck", embarrassment, disaster, and example of incompetence ever.

Then these morons try to show that Trump isn't doing a job
You could also point to many other things but the one that always gets me laughing is the "reset" button that did not say reset. Because no one in the U.S. speaks Russian.
Now that was an embarrassment.
See, I get to be honest at all times. I'm not bound to an ideology.

P.S.- are you insinuating I am not being honest?
Well, that's a great question. I'm fascinated by the psychology of partisan ideology, so I often wonder whether its behaviors are rooted in dishonesty, a distortion of perceptions and thought processes, or some combination therein.

A very interesting topic to me. I don't know.
The truth is the truth.
The WHOLE truth is the WHOLE truth.

You are making a conscious decision: You are CHOOSING to only "see" the positive actions Trump is taking, and CHOOSING to only "see" any good outcomes from those actions.

You are also CHOOSING to ignore, avoid, dismiss and downplay the things he has said and done that have been negative or counter-productive in some way.

That's your choice. I can see both ends of it, loud and clear, and I wish you could too.

I know that's how the partisan game is played, and I hate to see such intellectual honesty at any time, but especially at this moment. And I don't have to participate.
What you see as counter-productive...I see as necessary. Panic was the number one enemy early on. We saw the beginnings of it early on. On day one back in late February, the wife and I were already stocking up, I told her "The virus doesn't scare me Babe...I have a 95% chance of surviving it, and those are great odds. It's the panic we have to worry about.".

Trump navigated the initial days of the outbreak masterfully...and there was very little mass panic. The outbreak itself could only ever be couldn't be stopped. I know the truth was out there, because I had my wife and my parents completely quarantined before the virus spread. Neither household has left their respective yards since before my Dad's birthday...and that was March 9th...I know because he likes to go to Golden Corral but my Mother made him Shepards Pie instead.

I'm still working. I haven't been inside my house or kissed my wife, or been within six feet of her in a I know the truth must have been out there, because I think I would remembered a burning bush scenario.
What you choose to see is up to you.

That cuts both ways. What you choose to see is up to you as we'll.

One of the guys I watch on YouTube says we are watching the same screen but seeing two different movies.
I see the good and the not-so-good, whether it's Trump or Obama or any other President or politician.

So far, I see zero indication that you can do the same. All I see is you obediently defending pretty much everything Trump has done.
I can only be honest with you in my judgement and assessment. Let's see if you can do the same.

Is Joe Biden currently capable of handling this crisis?
I doubt it. It's clear to me that he is in cognitive decline.

Anything else?

See, I get to be honest at all times. I'm not bound to an ideology.
But you said the other day you would vote for him.

Does that sound logical or unbiased?
Yes, I would vote for him if I were convinced his veep pick were not a Regressive Lefty.

Yes, it is logical, because the alternative is even more repugnant to me.

I am not unbiased. I'm honest.

We're very different. I'm fine with that.

Yes, we are.

If you know you are biased...why pretend to be unbiased?

If you are biased, how do you know you see both sides?
I'm not pretending to be anything. I'm just honest.

If you see me saying something that I know is untrue, you're perfectly free to point it out.

However, I can say that, by the pure contrast in behaviors, I have a better view of both sides than you do. Just a guess.
See, I get to be honest at all times. I'm not bound to an ideology.

P.S.- are you insinuating I am not being honest?
Well, that's a great question. I'm fascinated by the psychology of partisan ideology, so I often wonder whether its behaviors are rooted in dishonesty, a distortion of perceptions and thought processes, or some combination therein.

A very interesting topic to me. I don't know.

But those things couldn't possibly be happening to you?
The truth is the truth.
The WHOLE truth is the WHOLE truth.

You are making a conscious decision: You are CHOOSING to only "see" the positive actions Trump is taking, and CHOOSING to only "see" any good outcomes from those actions.

You are also CHOOSING to ignore, avoid, dismiss and downplay the things he has said and done that have been negative or counter-productive in some way.

That's your choice. I can see both ends of it, loud and clear, and I wish you could too.

I know that's how the partisan game is played, and I hate to see such intellectual honesty at any time, but especially at this moment. And I don't have to participate.
What you see as counter-productive...I see as necessary. Panic was the number one enemy early on. We saw the beginnings of it early on. On day one back in late February, the wife and I were already stocking up, I told her "The virus doesn't scare me Babe...I have a 95% chance of surviving it, and those are great odds. It's the panic we have to worry about.".

Trump navigated the initial days of the outbreak masterfully...and there was very little mass panic. The outbreak itself could only ever be couldn't be stopped. I know the truth was out there, because I had my wife and my parents completely quarantined before the virus spread. Neither household has left their respective yards since before my Dad's birthday...and that was March 9th...I know because he likes to go to Golden Corral but my Mother made him Shepards Pie instead.

I'm still working. I haven't been inside my house or kissed my wife, or been within six feet of her in a I know the truth must have been out there, because I think I would remembered a burning bush scenario.
What you choose to see is up to you.

That cuts both ways. What you choose to see is up to you as we'll.

One of the guys I watch on YouTube says we are watching the same screen but seeing two different movies.
I see the good and the not-so-good, whether it's Trump or Obama or any other President or politician.

So far, I see zero indication that you can do the same. All I see is you obediently defending pretty much everything Trump has done.
I can only be honest with you in my judgement and assessment. Let's see if you can do the same.

Is Joe Biden currently capable of handling this crisis?
I doubt it. It's clear to me that he is in cognitive decline.

Anything else?

See, I get to be honest at all times. I'm not bound to an ideology.
But you said the other day you would vote for him.

Does that sound logical or unbiased?
Yes, I would vote for him if I were convinced his veep pick were not a Regressive Lefty.

Yes, it is logical, because the alternative is even more repugnant to me.

I am not unbiased. I'm honest.

We're very different. I'm fine with that.

Yes, we are.

If you know you are biased...why pretend to be unbiased?

If you are biased, how do you know you see both sides?
I'm not pretending to be anything. I'm just honest.

If you see me saying something that I know is untrue, you're perfectly free to point it out.

However, I can say that, by the pure contrast in behaviors, I have a better view of both sides than you do. Just a guess.
Well, I have yet to see you point out anything I've said that is untrue. Did you see anything you take issue with?
See, I get to be honest at all times. I'm not bound to an ideology.

P.S.- are you insinuating I am not being honest?
Well, that's a great question. I'm fascinated by the psychology of partisan ideology, so I often wonder whether its behaviors are rooted in dishonesty, a distortion of perceptions and thought processes, or some combination therein.

A very interesting topic to me. I don't know.

But those things couldn't possibly be happening to you?
Sure they could be. I could be completely wrong.
Is this Trump bad thread any different than the Trump bad thread yesterday or the day before.
The truth is the truth.
The WHOLE truth is the WHOLE truth.

You are making a conscious decision: You are CHOOSING to only "see" the positive actions Trump is taking, and CHOOSING to only "see" any good outcomes from those actions.

You are also CHOOSING to ignore, avoid, dismiss and downplay the things he has said and done that have been negative or counter-productive in some way.

That's your choice. I can see both ends of it, loud and clear, and I wish you could too.

I know that's how the partisan game is played, and I hate to see such intellectual honesty at any time, but especially at this moment. And I don't have to participate.
What you see as counter-productive...I see as necessary. Panic was the number one enemy early on. We saw the beginnings of it early on. On day one back in late February, the wife and I were already stocking up, I told her "The virus doesn't scare me Babe...I have a 95% chance of surviving it, and those are great odds. It's the panic we have to worry about.".

Trump navigated the initial days of the outbreak masterfully...and there was very little mass panic. The outbreak itself could only ever be couldn't be stopped. I know the truth was out there, because I had my wife and my parents completely quarantined before the virus spread. Neither household has left their respective yards since before my Dad's birthday...and that was March 9th...I know because he likes to go to Golden Corral but my Mother made him Shepards Pie instead.

I'm still working. I haven't been inside my house or kissed my wife, or been within six feet of her in a I know the truth must have been out there, because I think I would remembered a burning bush scenario.
What you choose to see is up to you.

That cuts both ways. What you choose to see is up to you as we'll.

One of the guys I watch on YouTube says we are watching the same screen but seeing two different movies.
I see the good and the not-so-good, whether it's Trump or Obama or any other President or politician.

So far, I see zero indication that you can do the same. All I see is you obediently defending pretty much everything Trump has done.
I can only be honest with you in my judgement and assessment. Let's see if you can do the same.

Is Joe Biden currently capable of handling this crisis?
I doubt it. It's clear to me that he is in cognitive decline.

Anything else?

See, I get to be honest at all times. I'm not bound to an ideology.
But you said the other day you would vote for him.

Does that sound logical or unbiased?
Yes, I would vote for him if I were convinced his veep pick were not a Regressive Lefty.

Yes, it is logical, because the alternative is even more repugnant to me.

I am not unbiased. I'm honest.

We're very different. I'm fine with that.

Yes, we are.

If you know you are biased...why pretend to be unbiased?

If you are biased, how do you know you see both sides?
I'm not pretending to be anything. I'm just honest.

If you see me saying something that I know is untrue, you're perfectly free to point it out.

However, I can say that, by the pure contrast in behaviors, I have a better view of both sides than you do. Just a guess.
Well, I have yet to see you point out anything I've said that is untrue. Did you see anything you take issue with?
What I take issue with is the unwillingness of many partisans to either (a) admit the mistakes and blunders of people on their end, and (b) hold their end accountable for them.

Most of what I see from both ends of the spectrum, on a terribly consistent basis, is almost completely one-sided and binary, and I think that kind of chosen behavior is very counter-productive for all of us in the long run.
See, I get to be honest at all times. I'm not bound to an ideology.

P.S.- are you insinuating I am not being honest?
Well, that's a great question. I'm fascinated by the psychology of partisan ideology, so I often wonder whether its behaviors are rooted in dishonesty, a distortion of perceptions and thought processes, or some combination therein.

A very interesting topic to me. I don't know.

But those things couldn't possibly be happening to you?
Sure they could be. I could be completely wrong.
I could also be completely wrong.
Americans are dying because of Trump's lying. Sure, some are dying with no real connection to Donald Trump's lies, but many have died and continue to die due to his misinformation, lies, incompetence, and influence of Republican Governors and legislatures.

Americans are dying because of Trump's lying.
Americans are dying because democrats want them to die and are working with the Chinese to make that happen. Before Covid19 democrats worked with Mexicans and El Salvadorans to kill Americans. Then they found that the Chinese are more efficient
What I take issue with is the unwillingness of many partisans to either (a) admit the mistakes and blunders of people on their end, and (b) hold their end accountable for them.

Most of what I see from both ends of the spectrum, on a terribly consistent basis, is almost completely one-sided and binary, and I think that kind of chosen behavior is very counter-productive for all of us in the long run.
It's a byproduct of the system. What they think in private may be very different from what they are willing to claim in public on the metaphoric field of combat. Plus...this message board isn't a cross section of the body politic...these are the extremes.

Just like Twitter...this isn't real-life.
What I take issue with is the unwillingness of many partisans to either (a) admit the mistakes and blunders of people on their end, and (b) hold their end accountable for them.

Most of what I see from both ends of the spectrum, on a terribly consistent basis, is almost completely one-sided and binary, and I think that kind of chosen behavior is very counter-productive for all of us in the long run.
It's a byproduct of the system. What they think in private may be very different from what they are willing to claim in public on the metaphoric field of combat. Plus...this message board isn't a cross section of the body politic...these are the extremes.

Just like Twitter...this isn't real-life.
Well, here's the problem as I see it: This is just anecdotal, just from what I've seen, but this behavior seems to be spreading. It seems like we're seeing more and more of it all the time. Damn near everything seems to be hyper-politicized now, from sports to freaking RESTAURANTS, and that really bothers me. If we can't communicate honestly and within the same definitions of reality, we can't fix shit.

That's my take, and that's my little crusade. Not making much headway yet, obviously.
What I take issue with is the unwillingness of many partisans to either (a) admit the mistakes and blunders of people on their end, and (b) hold their end accountable for them.

Most of what I see from both ends of the spectrum, on a terribly consistent basis, is almost completely one-sided and binary, and I think that kind of chosen behavior is very counter-productive for all of us in the long run.
It's a byproduct of the system. What they think in private may be very different from what they are willing to claim in public on the metaphoric field of combat. Plus...this message board isn't a cross section of the body politic...these are the extremes.

Just like Twitter...this isn't real-life.
Well, here's the problem as I see it: This is just anecdotal, just from what I've seen, but this behavior seems to be spreading. It seems like we're seeing more and more of it all the time. Damn near everything seems to be hyper-politicized now, from sports to freaking RESTAURANTS, and that really bothers me. If we can't communicate honestly and within the same definitions of reality, we can't fix shit.

That's my take, and that's my little crusade. Not making much headway yet, obviously.
I'll get back to you on this...Cuomo's on.
Obama was a good man a smart man not garbage like the man there now, the bully the pervert the one seeking revenge on all his supposed enemies
Again, your opinion is noted. That still doesn't answer the question I asked. What qualified him to be POTUS?
Outside of being involved in gov't for years I guess no more than most BUT Trumps history should have been a tell

yeah, being successful is a terrible reason to elect a president , can you please list obama's successes before you put him in office?
trump was not sucessful before he became president. Obama was Graduated Magnum Cum Laude at Harvard Law. Was a sucessful community organizer, was a state senator and was a US Senator before he became president. He was not an inheritance baby who blew 900 million dollars in one year,10 billion in one decade, and filed a record number of bankruptcies.
he only got that because of his skin color

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