Donald Trump + covid-19 versus the truth ... timeline

^^^^^ Two perfect examples of advanced terminal TDS when you wake up before sunrise and start posting about Trump. ... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
Trumpsters trying to change the subject and put their target on defensive by screaming TDS! is no better than Regressive Lefties trying to change the subject and put their target on the defensive by screaming RACISM.

What it actually demonstrates is that you feel defenseless about the point and don't want to discuss it.

Honesty doesn't kill. Enabling and excusing the worst behaviors of those in your tribe only exacerbates them.

I don't know how we still don't know something so damn fundamental.

"defenseless about the point and don't want to discuss it "

Leftists don't have points worth discussing. Only lies, propaganda and socialist dogma.
Another great example.

You guys can't help yourselves. This is all you've been taught.
The truth is the truth.
The WHOLE truth is the WHOLE truth.

You are making a conscious decision: You are CHOOSING to only "see" the positive actions Trump is taking, and CHOOSING to only "see" any good outcomes from those actions.

You are also CHOOSING to ignore, avoid, dismiss and downplay the things he has said and done that have been negative or counter-productive in some way.

That's your choice. I can see both ends of it, loud and clear, and I wish you could too.

I know that's how the partisan game is played, and I hate to see such intellectual honesty at any time, but especially at this moment. And I don't have to participate.
What you see as counter-productive...I see as necessary. Panic was the number one enemy early on. We saw the beginnings of it early on. On day one back in late February, the wife and I were already stocking up, I told her "The virus doesn't scare me Babe...I have a 95% chance of surviving it, and those are great odds. It's the panic we have to worry about.".

Trump navigated the initial days of the outbreak masterfully...and there was very little mass panic. The outbreak itself could only ever be couldn't be stopped. I know the truth was out there, because I had my wife and my parents completely quarantined before the virus spread. Neither household has left their respective yards since before my Dad's birthday...and that was March 9th...I know because he likes to go to Golden Corral but my Mother made him Shepards Pie instead.

I'm still working. I haven't been inside my house or kissed my wife, or been within six feet of her in a I know the truth must have been out there, because I think I would remembered a burning bush scenario.
What you choose to see is up to you.

That cuts both ways. What you choose to see is up to you as we'll.

One of the guys I watch on YouTube says we are watching the same screen but seeing two different movies.
I see the good and the not-so-good, whether it's Trump or Obama or any other President or politician.

So far, I see zero indication that you can do the same. All I see is you obediently defending pretty much everything Trump has done.

and those like you obediently attacking everything he has done. What exactly is the difference?
You haven't even bothered to ask what I think of what he has done. I just finished saying -- and you just quoted me -- that I can see the good and not-so-good. You just quoted me. It's right there, on your screen.

You're dishonest. You don't even think to ask. Your ideology has robbed you of any fundamental curiosity you may have had. This is why I no longer put much effort into trying to communicate with people like you.

the dishonesty here is yours, you pretend to be an unbiased middle of the road guy, but you always side with the far left and the anti Trumpers. I think the word is disingenuous.
The truth is the truth.
The WHOLE truth is the WHOLE truth.

You are making a conscious decision: You are CHOOSING to only "see" the positive actions Trump is taking, and CHOOSING to only "see" any good outcomes from those actions.

You are also CHOOSING to ignore, avoid, dismiss and downplay the things he has said and done that have been negative or counter-productive in some way.

That's your choice. I can see both ends of it, loud and clear, and I wish you could too.

I know that's how the partisan game is played, and I hate to see such intellectual honesty at any time, but especially at this moment. And I don't have to participate.
What you see as counter-productive...I see as necessary. Panic was the number one enemy early on. We saw the beginnings of it early on. On day one back in late February, the wife and I were already stocking up, I told her "The virus doesn't scare me Babe...I have a 95% chance of surviving it, and those are great odds. It's the panic we have to worry about.".

Trump navigated the initial days of the outbreak masterfully...and there was very little mass panic. The outbreak itself could only ever be couldn't be stopped. I know the truth was out there, because I had my wife and my parents completely quarantined before the virus spread. Neither household has left their respective yards since before my Dad's birthday...and that was March 9th...I know because he likes to go to Golden Corral but my Mother made him Shepards Pie instead.

I'm still working. I haven't been inside my house or kissed my wife, or been within six feet of her in a I know the truth must have been out there, because I think I would remembered a burning bush scenario.
What you choose to see is up to you.

That cuts both ways. What you choose to see is up to you as we'll.

One of the guys I watch on YouTube says we are watching the same screen but seeing two different movies.
I see the good and the not-so-good, whether it's Trump or Obama or any other President or politician.

So far, I see zero indication that you can do the same. All I see is you obediently defending pretty much everything Trump has done.
I can only be honest with you in my judgement and assessment. Let's see if you can do the same.

Is Joe Biden currently capable of handling this crisis?
I doubt it. It's clear to me that he is in cognitive decline.

Anything else?

See, I get to be honest at all times. I'm not bound to an ideology.
But you said the other day you would vote for him.

Does that sound logical or unbiased?
Yes, I would vote for him if I were convinced his veep pick were not a Regressive Lefty.

Yes, it is logical, because the alternative is even more repugnant to me.

I am not unbiased. I'm honest.

We're very different. I'm fine with that.

any one who sees senile Joe Biden as preferable to Trump is not only biased, they are ignorant.
The U.S. was beset by denial and dysfunction as the coronavirus raged

From the Oval Office to the CDC, political and institutional failures cascaded through the system and opportunities to mitigate the pandemic were lost.

The Trump administration received its first formal notification of the outbreak of the coronavirus in China on Jan. 3. Within days, U.S. spy agencies were signaling the seriousness of the threat to Trump by including a warning about the coronavirus — the first of many — in the President’s Daily Brief.

And yet, it took 70 days from that initial notification for Trump to treat the coronavirus not as a distant threat or harmless flu strain well under control, but as a lethal force that had outflanked America’s defenses and was poised to kill tens of thousands of citizens. That more-than-two-month stretch now stands as critical time that was squandered.

Trump’s baseless assertions in those weeks, including his claim that it would all just “miraculously” go away, sowed significant public confusion and contradicted the urgent messages of public health experts.

“While the media would rather speculate about outrageous claims of palace intrigue, President Trump and this Administration remain completely focused on the health and safety of the American people with around the clock work to slow the spread of the virus, expand testing, and expedite vaccine development," said Judd Deere, a spokesman for the president. "Because of the President’s leadership we will emerge from this challenge healthy, stronger, and with a prosperous and growing economy.”

The president’s behavior and combative statements were merely a visible layer on top of deeper levels of dysfunction.

The most consequential failure involved a breakdown in efforts to develop a diagnostic test that could be mass produced and distributed across the United States, enabling agencies to map early outbreaks of the disease, and impose quarantine measures to contain them. At one point, a Food and Drug Administration official tore into lab officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, telling them their lapses in protocol, including concerns that the lab did not meet the criteria for sterile conditions, were so serious that the FDA would “shut you down” if the CDC were a commercial, rather than government, entity.

Other failures cascaded through the system. The administration often seemed weeks behind the curve in reacting to the viral spread, closing doors that were already contaminated. Protracted arguments between the White House and public health agencies over funding, combined with a meager existing stockpile of emergency supplies, left vast stretches of the country’s health-care system without protective gear until the outbreak had become a pandemic. Infighting, turf wars and abrupt leadership changes hobbled the work of the coronavirus task force.

It may never be known how many thousands of deaths, or millions of infections, might have been prevented with a response that was more coherent, urgent and effective. But even now, there are many indications that the administration’s handling of the crisis had potentially devastating consequences.

Is Trump not allowed to change his mind as more data becomes available?

Being able to adjust ones thinking and planning to changing circumstances is a mark of a successful leader, businessman, or war general.

do any of our lefty members really think that crooked hillary would have handled this better? If so, I have some ocean front property in Kansas to sell you.
The U.S. was beset by denial and dysfunction as the coronavirus raged

From the Oval Office to the CDC, political and institutional failures cascaded through the system and opportunities to mitigate the pandemic were lost.

The Trump administration received its first formal notification of the outbreak of the coronavirus in China on Jan. 3. Within days, U.S. spy agencies were signaling the seriousness of the threat to Trump by including a warning about the coronavirus — the first of many — in the President’s Daily Brief.

And yet, it took 70 days from that initial notification for Trump to treat the coronavirus not as a distant threat or harmless flu strain well under control, but as a lethal force that had outflanked America’s defenses and was poised to kill tens of thousands of citizens. That more-than-two-month stretch now stands as critical time that was squandered.

Trump’s baseless assertions in those weeks, including his claim that it would all just “miraculously” go away, sowed significant public confusion and contradicted the urgent messages of public health experts.

“While the media would rather speculate about outrageous claims of palace intrigue, President Trump and this Administration remain completely focused on the health and safety of the American people with around the clock work to slow the spread of the virus, expand testing, and expedite vaccine development," said Judd Deere, a spokesman for the president. "Because of the President’s leadership we will emerge from this challenge healthy, stronger, and with a prosperous and growing economy.”

The president’s behavior and combative statements were merely a visible layer on top of deeper levels of dysfunction.

The most consequential failure involved a breakdown in efforts to develop a diagnostic test that could be mass produced and distributed across the United States, enabling agencies to map early outbreaks of the disease, and impose quarantine measures to contain them. At one point, a Food and Drug Administration official tore into lab officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, telling them their lapses in protocol, including concerns that the lab did not meet the criteria for sterile conditions, were so serious that the FDA would “shut you down” if the CDC were a commercial, rather than government, entity.

Other failures cascaded through the system. The administration often seemed weeks behind the curve in reacting to the viral spread, closing doors that were already contaminated. Protracted arguments between the White House and public health agencies over funding, combined with a meager existing stockpile of emergency supplies, left vast stretches of the country’s health-care system without protective gear until the outbreak had become a pandemic. Infighting, turf wars and abrupt leadership changes hobbled the work of the coronavirus task force.

It may never be known how many thousands of deaths, or millions of infections, might have been prevented with a response that was more coherent, urgent and effective. But even now, there are many indications that the administration’s handling of the crisis had potentially devastating consequences.

Washington Post=================Bwahahshahahahaha
The truth is the truth.
The WHOLE truth is the WHOLE truth.

You are making a conscious decision: You are CHOOSING to only "see" the positive actions Trump is taking, and CHOOSING to only "see" any good outcomes from those actions.

You are also CHOOSING to ignore, avoid, dismiss and downplay the things he has said and done that have been negative or counter-productive in some way.

That's your choice. I can see both ends of it, loud and clear, and I wish you could too.

I know that's how the partisan game is played, and I hate to see such intellectual honesty at any time, but especially at this moment. And I don't have to participate.
What you see as counter-productive...I see as necessary. Panic was the number one enemy early on. We saw the beginnings of it early on. On day one back in late February, the wife and I were already stocking up, I told her "The virus doesn't scare me Babe...I have a 95% chance of surviving it, and those are great odds. It's the panic we have to worry about.".

Trump navigated the initial days of the outbreak masterfully...and there was very little mass panic. The outbreak itself could only ever be couldn't be stopped. I know the truth was out there, because I had my wife and my parents completely quarantined before the virus spread. Neither household has left their respective yards since before my Dad's birthday...and that was March 9th...I know because he likes to go to Golden Corral but my Mother made him Shepards Pie instead.

I'm still working. I haven't been inside my house or kissed my wife, or been within six feet of her in a I know the truth must have been out there, because I think I would remembered a burning bush scenario.
What you choose to see is up to you.

That cuts both ways. What you choose to see is up to you as we'll.

One of the guys I watch on YouTube says we are watching the same screen but seeing two different movies.
I see the good and the not-so-good, whether it's Trump or Obama or any other President or politician.

So far, I see zero indication that you can do the same. All I see is you obediently defending pretty much everything Trump has done.
I can only be honest with you in my judgement and assessment. Let's see if you can do the same.

Is Joe Biden currently capable of handling this crisis?
I doubt it. It's clear to me that he is in cognitive decline.

Anything else?

See, I get to be honest at all times. I'm not bound to an ideology.
But you said the other day you would vote for him.

Does that sound logical or unbiased?
Yes, I would vote for him if I were convinced his veep pick were not a Regressive Lefty.

Yes, it is logical, because the alternative is even more repugnant to me.

I am not unbiased. I'm honest.

We're very different. I'm fine with that.

any one who sees senile Joe Biden as preferable to Trump is not only biased, they are ignorant.
Some of us don't believe trumpist right wing spin about Biden. Maybe some day we'll find the oranges of the investigation.
^^^^^ Two perfect examples of advanced terminal TDS when you wake up before sunrise and start posting about Trump. ... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
Trumpsters trying to change the subject and put their target on defensive by screaming TDS! is no better than Regressive Lefties trying to change the subject and put their target on the defensive by screaming RACISM.

What it actually demonstrates is that you feel defenseless about the point and don't want to discuss it.

Honesty doesn't kill. Enabling and excusing the worst behaviors of those in your tribe only exacerbates them.

I don't know how we still don't know something so damn fundamental.

"defenseless about the point and don't want to discuss it "

Leftists don't have points worth discussing. Only lies, propaganda and socialist dogma.
Another great example.

You guys can't help yourselves. This is all you've been taught.

You are your best example.

You're not discussing any point, buddy. You are discussing "Trumpsters" and "Regressive Lefties".
Is Trump not allowed to change his mind as more data becomes available?

Being able to adjust ones thinking and planning to changing circumstances is a mark of a successful leader, businessman, or war general.

do any of our lefty members really think that crooked hillary would have handled this better? If so, I have some ocean front property in Kansas to sell you.
I live in Kansas and I am 100 percent certain she would have done better than this.
The U.S. was beset by denial and dysfunction as the coronavirus raged

From the Oval Office to the CDC, political and institutional failures cascaded through the system and opportunities to mitigate the pandemic were lost.

The Trump administration received its first formal notification of the outbreak of the coronavirus in China on Jan. 3. Within days, U.S. spy agencies were signaling the seriousness of the threat to Trump by including a warning about the coronavirus — the first of many — in the President’s Daily Brief.

And yet, it took 70 days from that initial notification for Trump to treat the coronavirus not as a distant threat or harmless flu strain well under control, but as a lethal force that had outflanked America’s defenses and was poised to kill tens of thousands of citizens. That more-than-two-month stretch now stands as critical time that was squandered.

Trump’s baseless assertions in those weeks, including his claim that it would all just “miraculously” go away, sowed significant public confusion and contradicted the urgent messages of public health experts.

“While the media would rather speculate about outrageous claims of palace intrigue, President Trump and this Administration remain completely focused on the health and safety of the American people with around the clock work to slow the spread of the virus, expand testing, and expedite vaccine development," said Judd Deere, a spokesman for the president. "Because of the President’s leadership we will emerge from this challenge healthy, stronger, and with a prosperous and growing economy.”

The president’s behavior and combative statements were merely a visible layer on top of deeper levels of dysfunction.

The most consequential failure involved a breakdown in efforts to develop a diagnostic test that could be mass produced and distributed across the United States, enabling agencies to map early outbreaks of the disease, and impose quarantine measures to contain them. At one point, a Food and Drug Administration official tore into lab officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, telling them their lapses in protocol, including concerns that the lab did not meet the criteria for sterile conditions, were so serious that the FDA would “shut you down” if the CDC were a commercial, rather than government, entity.

Other failures cascaded through the system. The administration often seemed weeks behind the curve in reacting to the viral spread, closing doors that were already contaminated. Protracted arguments between the White House and public health agencies over funding, combined with a meager existing stockpile of emergency supplies, left vast stretches of the country’s health-care system without protective gear until the outbreak had become a pandemic. Infighting, turf wars and abrupt leadership changes hobbled the work of the coronavirus task force.

It may never be known how many thousands of deaths, or millions of infections, might have been prevented with a response that was more coherent, urgent and effective. But even now, there are many indications that the administration’s handling of the crisis had potentially devastating consequences.

Washington Post=================Bwahahshahahahaha

The Washington Post is a world wide respected media source. This is what happened. Whether you believe it or not is irrelevant.
The truth is the truth.
The WHOLE truth is the WHOLE truth.

You are making a conscious decision: You are CHOOSING to only "see" the positive actions Trump is taking, and CHOOSING to only "see" any good outcomes from those actions.

You are also CHOOSING to ignore, avoid, dismiss and downplay the things he has said and done that have been negative or counter-productive in some way.

That's your choice. I can see both ends of it, loud and clear, and I wish you could too.

I know that's how the partisan game is played, and I hate to see such intellectual honesty at any time, but especially at this moment. And I don't have to participate.
What you see as counter-productive...I see as necessary. Panic was the number one enemy early on. We saw the beginnings of it early on. On day one back in late February, the wife and I were already stocking up, I told her "The virus doesn't scare me Babe...I have a 95% chance of surviving it, and those are great odds. It's the panic we have to worry about.".

Trump navigated the initial days of the outbreak masterfully...and there was very little mass panic. The outbreak itself could only ever be couldn't be stopped. I know the truth was out there, because I had my wife and my parents completely quarantined before the virus spread. Neither household has left their respective yards since before my Dad's birthday...and that was March 9th...I know because he likes to go to Golden Corral but my Mother made him Shepards Pie instead.

I'm still working. I haven't been inside my house or kissed my wife, or been within six feet of her in a I know the truth must have been out there, because I think I would remembered a burning bush scenario.
What you choose to see is up to you.

That cuts both ways. What you choose to see is up to you as we'll.

One of the guys I watch on YouTube says we are watching the same screen but seeing two different movies.
I see the good and the not-so-good, whether it's Trump or Obama or any other President or politician.

So far, I see zero indication that you can do the same. All I see is you obediently defending pretty much everything Trump has done.
I can only be honest with you in my judgement and assessment. Let's see if you can do the same.

Is Joe Biden currently capable of handling this crisis?
I doubt it. It's clear to me that he is in cognitive decline.

Anything else?

See, I get to be honest at all times. I'm not bound to an ideology.
But you said the other day you would vote for him.

Does that sound logical or unbiased?
Yes, I would vote for him if I were convinced his veep pick were not a Regressive Lefty.

Yes, it is logical, because the alternative is even more repugnant to me.

I am not unbiased. I'm honest.

We're very different. I'm fine with that.

any one who sees senile Joe Biden as preferable to Trump is not only biased, they are ignorant.
Some of us don't believe trumpist right wing spin about Biden. Maybe some day we'll find the oranges of the investigation.

Trump is not causing Biden's constant gaffes, his stumbling rambling senseless speeches, his not knowing which state he is in. Biden has been in DC for half a century, he has always been a joke, no one has ever taken him seriously. In a one on one debate Trump will destroy him completely.

Its sad that his family doesn't care enough to stop him from making a fool of himself on the national stage.
The U.S. was beset by denial and dysfunction as the coronavirus raged

From the Oval Office to the CDC, political and institutional failures cascaded through the system and opportunities to mitigate the pandemic were lost.

The Trump administration received its first formal notification of the outbreak of the coronavirus in China on Jan. 3. Within days, U.S. spy agencies were signaling the seriousness of the threat to Trump by including a warning about the coronavirus — the first of many — in the President’s Daily Brief.

And yet, it took 70 days from that initial notification for Trump to treat the coronavirus not as a distant threat or harmless flu strain well under control, but as a lethal force that had outflanked America’s defenses and was poised to kill tens of thousands of citizens. That more-than-two-month stretch now stands as critical time that was squandered.

Trump’s baseless assertions in those weeks, including his claim that it would all just “miraculously” go away, sowed significant public confusion and contradicted the urgent messages of public health experts.

“While the media would rather speculate about outrageous claims of palace intrigue, President Trump and this Administration remain completely focused on the health and safety of the American people with around the clock work to slow the spread of the virus, expand testing, and expedite vaccine development," said Judd Deere, a spokesman for the president. "Because of the President’s leadership we will emerge from this challenge healthy, stronger, and with a prosperous and growing economy.”

The president’s behavior and combative statements were merely a visible layer on top of deeper levels of dysfunction.

The most consequential failure involved a breakdown in efforts to develop a diagnostic test that could be mass produced and distributed across the United States, enabling agencies to map early outbreaks of the disease, and impose quarantine measures to contain them. At one point, a Food and Drug Administration official tore into lab officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, telling them their lapses in protocol, including concerns that the lab did not meet the criteria for sterile conditions, were so serious that the FDA would “shut you down” if the CDC were a commercial, rather than government, entity.

Other failures cascaded through the system. The administration often seemed weeks behind the curve in reacting to the viral spread, closing doors that were already contaminated. Protracted arguments between the White House and public health agencies over funding, combined with a meager existing stockpile of emergency supplies, left vast stretches of the country’s health-care system without protective gear until the outbreak had become a pandemic. Infighting, turf wars and abrupt leadership changes hobbled the work of the coronavirus task force.

It may never be known how many thousands of deaths, or millions of infections, might have been prevented with a response that was more coherent, urgent and effective. But even now, there are many indications that the administration’s handling of the crisis had potentially devastating consequences.

Washington Post=================Bwahahshahahahaha

The Washington Post is a world wide respected media source. This is what happened. Whether you believe it or not is irrelevant.

the Wash post is a media arm of the DNC, it is their written form of propaganda. It is NOT a respected news source, it is a joke like the NY times. No one reads that crap except fools like you.
The truth is the truth.
The WHOLE truth is the WHOLE truth.

You are making a conscious decision: You are CHOOSING to only "see" the positive actions Trump is taking, and CHOOSING to only "see" any good outcomes from those actions.

You are also CHOOSING to ignore, avoid, dismiss and downplay the things he has said and done that have been negative or counter-productive in some way.

That's your choice. I can see both ends of it, loud and clear, and I wish you could too.

I know that's how the partisan game is played, and I hate to see such intellectual honesty at any time, but especially at this moment. And I don't have to participate.
What you see as counter-productive...I see as necessary. Panic was the number one enemy early on. We saw the beginnings of it early on. On day one back in late February, the wife and I were already stocking up, I told her "The virus doesn't scare me Babe...I have a 95% chance of surviving it, and those are great odds. It's the panic we have to worry about.".

Trump navigated the initial days of the outbreak masterfully...and there was very little mass panic. The outbreak itself could only ever be couldn't be stopped. I know the truth was out there, because I had my wife and my parents completely quarantined before the virus spread. Neither household has left their respective yards since before my Dad's birthday...and that was March 9th...I know because he likes to go to Golden Corral but my Mother made him Shepards Pie instead.

I'm still working. I haven't been inside my house or kissed my wife, or been within six feet of her in a I know the truth must have been out there, because I think I would remembered a burning bush scenario.
What you choose to see is up to you.

That cuts both ways. What you choose to see is up to you as we'll.

One of the guys I watch on YouTube says we are watching the same screen but seeing two different movies.
I see the good and the not-so-good, whether it's Trump or Obama or any other President or politician.

So far, I see zero indication that you can do the same. All I see is you obediently defending pretty much everything Trump has done.

and those like you obediently attacking everything he has done. What exactly is the difference?
You haven't even bothered to ask what I think of what he has done. I just finished saying -- and you just quoted me -- that I can see the good and not-so-good. You just quoted me. It's right there, on your screen.

You're dishonest. You don't even think to ask. Your ideology has robbed you of any fundamental curiosity you may have had. This is why I no longer put much effort into trying to communicate with people like you.

the dishonesty here is yours, you pretend to be an unbiased middle of the road guy, but you always side with the far left and the anti Trumpers. I think the word is disingenuous.
I've never said I'm unbiased, never, not once. I've never said I'm middle of the road, never, not once. I even address that clearly in the second line of my sig.

I've been in literally thousands of squabbles with the Regressive Lefties here, particularly on freedom of expression, PC and Identity Politics, among other things. Feel free to utilize the search engine here, type in regressive and my name. There you go.

That's three lies in your one short post. Pretty impressive!
Is Trump not allowed to change his mind as more data becomes available?

Being able to adjust ones thinking and planning to changing circumstances is a mark of a successful leader, businessman, or war general.

do any of our lefty members really think that crooked hillary would have handled this better? If so, I have some ocean front property in Kansas to sell you.
I live in Kansas and I am 100 percent certain she would have done better than this.

what exactly would the old sick bitch have done differently? be specific and back up your claims.
Is Trump not allowed to change his mind as more data becomes available?

Being able to adjust ones thinking and planning to changing circumstances is a mark of a successful leader, businessman, or war general.

do any of our lefty members really think that crooked hillary would have handled this better? If so, I have some ocean front property in Kansas to sell you.
Biden, Clinton and many, many others could and would do a far better job of handling this crisis than our immature. narcissistic, vengeful dopey Donald. He proved himself a failure and unqualified during the earliest stages of this crisis.
^^^^^ Two perfect examples of advanced terminal TDS when you wake up before sunrise and start posting about Trump. ... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
Trumpsters trying to change the subject and put their target on defensive by screaming TDS! is no better than Regressive Lefties trying to change the subject and put their target on the defensive by screaming RACISM.

What it actually demonstrates is that you feel defenseless about the point and don't want to discuss it.

Honesty doesn't kill. Enabling and excusing the worst behaviors of those in your tribe only exacerbates them.

I don't know how we still don't know something so damn fundamental.

"defenseless about the point and don't want to discuss it "

Leftists don't have points worth discussing. Only lies, propaganda and socialist dogma.
Another great example.

You guys can't help yourselves. This is all you've been taught.

You are your best example.

You're not discussing any point, buddy. You are discussing "Trumpsters" and "Regressive Lefties".
Each was appropriate within its context. If you're triggered, tough shit. You guys whine too much. Man up.
The truth is the truth.
The WHOLE truth is the WHOLE truth.

You are making a conscious decision: You are CHOOSING to only "see" the positive actions Trump is taking, and CHOOSING to only "see" any good outcomes from those actions.

You are also CHOOSING to ignore, avoid, dismiss and downplay the things he has said and done that have been negative or counter-productive in some way.

That's your choice. I can see both ends of it, loud and clear, and I wish you could too.

I know that's how the partisan game is played, and I hate to see such intellectual honesty at any time, but especially at this moment. And I don't have to participate.
What you see as counter-productive...I see as necessary. Panic was the number one enemy early on. We saw the beginnings of it early on. On day one back in late February, the wife and I were already stocking up, I told her "The virus doesn't scare me Babe...I have a 95% chance of surviving it, and those are great odds. It's the panic we have to worry about.".

Trump navigated the initial days of the outbreak masterfully...and there was very little mass panic. The outbreak itself could only ever be couldn't be stopped. I know the truth was out there, because I had my wife and my parents completely quarantined before the virus spread. Neither household has left their respective yards since before my Dad's birthday...and that was March 9th...I know because he likes to go to Golden Corral but my Mother made him Shepards Pie instead.

I'm still working. I haven't been inside my house or kissed my wife, or been within six feet of her in a I know the truth must have been out there, because I think I would remembered a burning bush scenario.
What you choose to see is up to you.

That cuts both ways. What you choose to see is up to you as we'll.

One of the guys I watch on YouTube says we are watching the same screen but seeing two different movies.
I see the good and the not-so-good, whether it's Trump or Obama or any other President or politician.

So far, I see zero indication that you can do the same. All I see is you obediently defending pretty much everything Trump has done.

and those like you obediently attacking everything he has done. What exactly is the difference?
You haven't even bothered to ask what I think of what he has done. I just finished saying -- and you just quoted me -- that I can see the good and not-so-good. You just quoted me. It's right there, on your screen.

You're dishonest. You don't even think to ask. Your ideology has robbed you of any fundamental curiosity you may have had. This is why I no longer put much effort into trying to communicate with people like you.

the dishonesty here is yours, you pretend to be an unbiased middle of the road guy, but you always side with the far left and the anti Trumpers. I think the word is disingenuous.
I've never said I'm unbiased, never, not once. I've never said I'm middle of the road, never, not once. I even address that clearly in the second line of my sig.

I've been in literally thousands of squabbles with the Regressive Lefties here, particularly on freedom of expression, PC and Identity Politics, among other things. Feel free to utilize the search engine here, type in regressive and my name. There you go.

That's three lies in your one short post. Pretty impressive!

your posting history disputes your claims, but that's fine, continue your fantasy, I really don't care
Is Trump not allowed to change his mind as more data becomes available?

Being able to adjust ones thinking and planning to changing circumstances is a mark of a successful leader, businessman, or war general.

do any of our lefty members really think that crooked hillary would have handled this better? If so, I have some ocean front property in Kansas to sell you.
Biden, Clinton and many, many others could and would do a far better job of handling this crisis than our immature. narcissistic, vengeful dopey Donald. He proved himself a failure and unqualified during the earliest stages of this crisis.

ok back that up, what specifically would they have done differently? no talking points or bullshit, be specific or STFU
The truth is the truth.
The WHOLE truth is the WHOLE truth.

You are making a conscious decision: You are CHOOSING to only "see" the positive actions Trump is taking, and CHOOSING to only "see" any good outcomes from those actions.

You are also CHOOSING to ignore, avoid, dismiss and downplay the things he has said and done that have been negative or counter-productive in some way.

That's your choice. I can see both ends of it, loud and clear, and I wish you could too.

I know that's how the partisan game is played, and I hate to see such intellectual honesty at any time, but especially at this moment. And I don't have to participate.
What you see as counter-productive...I see as necessary. Panic was the number one enemy early on. We saw the beginnings of it early on. On day one back in late February, the wife and I were already stocking up, I told her "The virus doesn't scare me Babe...I have a 95% chance of surviving it, and those are great odds. It's the panic we have to worry about.".

Trump navigated the initial days of the outbreak masterfully...and there was very little mass panic. The outbreak itself could only ever be couldn't be stopped. I know the truth was out there, because I had my wife and my parents completely quarantined before the virus spread. Neither household has left their respective yards since before my Dad's birthday...and that was March 9th...I know because he likes to go to Golden Corral but my Mother made him Shepards Pie instead.

I'm still working. I haven't been inside my house or kissed my wife, or been within six feet of her in a I know the truth must have been out there, because I think I would remembered a burning bush scenario.
What you choose to see is up to you.

That cuts both ways. What you choose to see is up to you as we'll.

One of the guys I watch on YouTube says we are watching the same screen but seeing two different movies.
I see the good and the not-so-good, whether it's Trump or Obama or any other President or politician.

So far, I see zero indication that you can do the same. All I see is you obediently defending pretty much everything Trump has done.

and those like you obediently attacking everything he has done. What exactly is the difference?
You haven't even bothered to ask what I think of what he has done. I just finished saying -- and you just quoted me -- that I can see the good and not-so-good. You just quoted me. It's right there, on your screen.

You're dishonest. You don't even think to ask. Your ideology has robbed you of any fundamental curiosity you may have had. This is why I no longer put much effort into trying to communicate with people like you.

the dishonesty here is yours, you pretend to be an unbiased middle of the road guy, but you always side with the far left and the anti Trumpers. I think the word is disingenuous.
I've never said I'm unbiased, never, not once. I've never said I'm middle of the road, never, not once. I even address that clearly in the second line of my sig.

I've been in literally thousands of squabbles with the Regressive Lefties here, particularly on freedom of expression, PC and Identity Politics, among other things. Feel free to utilize the search engine here, type in regressive and my name. There you go.

That's three lies in your one short post. Pretty impressive!

your posting history disputes your claims, but that's fine, continue your fantasy, I really don't care
Sure, don't use the search info I provided. Avoid it. Hide from it. It's Deep State Hitler Commie Fake News. Good Trumpster.

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