Donald Trump and Vindictive Apathy


Corner Pocket
Oct 8, 2009
Like everyone, I've heard the whole "grab 'em by the pussy" tape by Trump and like many of you, I'm kind of tired of hearing about it now.

After last night's debate and hearing them go back and forth over Trump's treatment of women -- this is the third debate where that's seemed to be the ongoing topic of discussion -- something occurred to me that I've felt for awhile, but haven't really been able to put into words.

I wish I could find the exact tweet, but I remember someone from last year saying that people who say they support Trump are really just saying "fuck you" to pollsters. I think that was very true and it kind of encapsulates my view of this entire election cycle.

After years of hearing Republicans denigrated as racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, stupid, etc. -- and some indiscriminately -- I think people finally got tired of it and said "fuck this, I'm supporting Trump". He embodies every negative stereotype about rich people and white men over fifty and that's why he's gotten to where he is. I think Republicans got tired of being given all the credit with none of the benefits of having someone act on their behalf, so they decided to pick the boogie man.

With this latest controversy, well, for starters, very convenient that hot mic conversation from eleven years ago comes out two days before the second debate. As if Trump just came onto the national scene eight months ago. But also, I'd like to reserve the right, for myself and many people like myself, to not give a fuck.

And not just not give a fuck, but vindictively not give a fuck. I say that because while we're castigating Trump on things he's said, we're giving Hillary an actual pass on things she's done. People would rather write Trump off for some off-color comments -- which, let's be honest, were jokes, even if they were in very poor taste -- just so they can prop up Hillary Clinton, who has been in the cross-hairs of a federal investigation twice in her public life and has committed actual crimes.

OK, Trump isn't the kind of guy you want to have a beer with. Is Hillary the type of woman you want running the freaking country? Why tear Trump down when all it becomes is a favor to Hillary?

That's why I say I believe in vindictive apathy. No, I'm not going to pearl-clutch because Trump said something awful. Sorry. Democrats, Hillary Clinton, and media don't deserve that. Democrats don't give a shit about women when one of their own insults a women on the right. Recall the national chuckling at the Rob Lowe Roast turning into the Ann Coulter roast and how little you cared about her feelings. Hillary Clinton cares about all women...except for the ones Bill is sleeping with. And the media is clearly in the tank for her -- not just by generally propping her up but colluding with her on narratives, as the WikiLeaks thing verified.

So, whatever. Fuck it. Trump said something gross about women. Isn't there a hurricane going on...?
Tell us how you honestly feel, please, don't hold anything back.

Actually america doesn't give a shit about women. Or black folk. Or the poor. Or the law. Or Jesus. Or "family values". Or abortion. Or any deficit. Or anything else but colonization and societal wealth extraction. The american public would rather blame each other than deal with any of that.
Brief rejoinder on my Theory of Vindictive Apathy:

The media wants Trump to accept accept accept the intel that Russia was behind the DNC hacks. If he doesn't, it could just mean...bad stuff. Shock. Horror. Gasp. Onoz!

When Director Comey came out six months ago and gave a speech and then testified before Congress that one of the issues with Hillary Clinton having a private server is that she was susceptible to being hacked and likely was hacked, most of the media on Trump's jock could not have cared less. But since Hilldog lost in spectacular fashion, oh now national security and other issues matter.

They're just trying to use this issue so that they can dog Trump for the next four years over it. "The only reason Hillary lost is because of Russian hackers..."

Since the media put no pressure on Obama to get to the bottom of the DNC hacks, underreported the information that came out because it was evidence of their cozy relationship with the DNC and the Clinton campaign; they didn't give a shit when Hillary was using a private server to conduct official business; and they've spent the last two months coming undone because Trump won...


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