Donald Jr's New Girlfriend Is A First Generation American?? Who Knew...


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Kimberly Guilfoyle describes herself as a first-generation American, but also notes that her mother is a special education teacher from Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. Guilfoyle, a Trump campaign adviser and the girlfriend of Donald Trump Jr., cited her family history on Monday to make the case that she knows how dangerous a socialist agenda would be for the nation."

Is the Trump campaign hoping that their voters are too stupid to know that someone coming to the mainland from Puerto Rico isn't an immigrant?? Are they hoping their voters don't know that residents of Puerto Rico have been US citizens since the early 1900's??

And what does being half Puerto Rican have to do with knowing about socialism?? Does the campaign also hope their voters think Puerto Rico is a socialist country?? On a lighter note, most Trump voters probably had no idea that Kimmers is Puerto Rican to begin with -- since she didn't say shit about it during Hurricane Maria....
Well that the US is largely Socialist she would be right that Puerto Rico being a part of the US would be also.
but the US is the good kind of socialist -- not the bad kind.....

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There's only ONE important takeaway here.......

And that is that Socialism is in fact a treacherous and dangerous ideology.

Everything else is fluff and bullshit
So how does having a mother from Puerto Rico qualify you to be an expert on socialism??

And how is Kimmers a 1st generation American??
There's only ONE important takeaway here.......

And that is that Socialism is in fact a treacherous and dangerous ideology.

Everything else is fluff and bullshit
So how does having a mother from Puerto Rico qualify you to be an expert on socialism??

And how is Kimmers a 1st generation American??

How does being Ocasio Cortez qualify her to be an expert on Socialism (or anything). Yet you likely support her.
I could all but guarantee Kimberly knows a lot more about socialism than Cortez.

I don't give a fuck what "generation" she is. I care that she knows her shit......unlike the Left.
Well that the US is largely Socialist she would be right that Puerto Rico being a part of the US would be also.

And another self proclaimed Socialist who has no clue what Socialism is......typical

I have YET to meet a "Socialist" who has a damned CLUE as to what Socialism is.

Oddly you were unable to actually correct me.

Expectedly, you failed to realize I moved the conversation to a higher plane than you could grasp.
Oh my! What a gaff! Everyone knows Puerto Ricans are American citizens... :dunno:

I lived in Aguadilla, PR where her mom is from, for 3 years, its a beautiful place with beautiful beaches.... Ramey AFB was there....

It's hard to believe Kimberly G was California Governor Gavin Newsom's first wife!!!
Well that the US is largely Socialist she would be right that Puerto Rico being a part of the US would be also.

And another self proclaimed Socialist who has no clue what Socialism is......typical

I have YET to meet a "Socialist" who has a damned CLUE as to what Socialism is.

Oddly you were unable to actually correct me.

Expectedly, you failed to realize I moved the conversation to a higher plane than you could grasp.

The air is obviously pretty thin where you operate.
There's only ONE important takeaway here.......

And that is that Socialism is in fact a treacherous and dangerous ideology.

Everything else is fluff and bullshit
So how does having a mother from Puerto Rico qualify you to be an expert on socialism??

And how is Kimmers a 1st generation American??

How does being Ocasio Cortez qualify her to be an expert on Socialism (or anything). Yet you likely support her.
I could all but guarantee Kimberly knows a lot more about socialism than Cortez.

I don't give a fuck what "generation" she is. I care that she knows her shit......unlike the Left.
Well, considering you dic suckers claim she is the mastermind behind the Biden campaign and will turn the whole country into communist-socialist-ville -- I would say you folks believe she is very much an expert on Socialism....

Maybe next time you fragile minded cucks shouldn't call everything socialist because people find those policies more popular than the vomit your side comes up with
Puerto Ricans can't vote in federal elections, and they don't have to hand over their earnings to the IRS.

Sure, she must appreciate the privilege of voting in regards to the national government, but I don't imagine she appreciates being raped by it. That's something that socialists appreciate.
Puerto Ricans can't vote in federal elections, and they don't have to hand over their earnings to the IRS.

Sure, she must appreciate the privilege of voting in regards to the national government, but I don't imagine she appreciates being raped by it. That's something that socialists appreciate.

Trump has accrued around 7 trillion in debt in 3.5 years.
The term first-generation, as it pertains to a person's nationality or residency in a country, has two incompatible meanings:

  • A native-born citizen or resident of a country whose parents are foreign born, or a foreign-born citizen whose parents immigrated when that person was very young.
  • A foreign born citizen or resident who has immigrated to a new country of residence, that is, the first generation to immigrate."
Well, none of those fit.
"The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for clarification."
Absence of response is not evidence of forthcoming clarity.

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