Dominion wins Big League against Fox


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
The trial starts in Mid April and Dominion has already received a decision that Fox lied.

The evidence developed in this civil proceeding demonstrates that is CRYSTAL clear that none of the Statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true,” the judge wrote. “Therefore, the Court will grant summary judgment in favor of Dominion on the element of falsity.”

Erin Murphy, a lawyer representing Fox, said in court recently that the network cannot be held liable because it was merely airing allegations from representatives of the sitting president.

But the judge on Friday rejected that argument. “Fox News Network is not a passive entity,” he wrote. “Fox News Network controls what is broadcast on its various networks.”
GET STUFFED. Dominion hasn't won anything, all they've gotten is permitted to go forward with their charges by a leftwing judge once again attacking a conservative news source.

Murdoch said he wished his network hadn't lied. He said that because he knows he's going to lose.
The trial starts in Mid April and Dominion has already received a decision that Fox lied.

The evidence developed in this civil proceeding demonstrates that is CRYSTAL clear that none of the Statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true,” the judge wrote. “Therefore, the Court will grant summary judgment in favor of Dominion on the element of falsity.”

Good Judge. FOX is Fked. Officially branded lying Ccksuckers, even before the trial starts.
He went further to kill the argument that it was just opinion FOX was putting out. He said, that won't fly, as FOX was holding itself out as an authoritative source for accurate news.
Fox is starting the trial already being declared guilty

The context supports the position that the statements were not pure opinion when they were made by newscasters holding themselves out to be sources of accurate information,Davis wrong in his 130-page ruling.
Fox is starting the trial already being declared guilty

The context supports the position that the statements were not pure opinion when they were made by newscasters holding themselves out to be sources of accurate information,Davis wrong in his 130-page ruling.
Sounds like it, to me.:auiqs.jpg:
Should be interesting, as there are a couple of scenarios.

Does Dominion take a settlement offer that may be offered by FOX. How many zeros needs to be offered? Then of course Tucker Carlson and company need to make an on air apology.

Does FOX take it to trial and hope for a win. Then they can claim that this was a political witch hunt. Being the experts they should know. Tucker Carlson and company will have plenty of air time to make a case. Yet should they make a case to those who already believe? Should be a waste of air time.

FOX goes out of business AND goes for a name change HEN

The moral of this story. Telling the people what they want to hear, does not make it so.
Fox is starting the trial already being declared guilty
Grounds for a mistrial.

The context supports the position that the statements were not pure opinion when they were made by newscasters holding themselves out to be sources of accurate information,Davis wrong in his 130-page ruling.
Great! Because the same thing can be said of leftwing media at least 130 million times. Every time I catch them on TV, the leftwing media is lying through its teeth while holding themselves out as absolute accurate sources of factual information.
Grounds for a mistrial.

Great! Because the same thing can be said of leftwing media at least 130 million times. Every time I catch them on TV, the leftwing media is lying through its teeth while holding themselves out as absolute accurate sources of factual information.

Sue them.
Dominion Voting machines are designed for election tampering and WERE TAMPERED WITH in the 2020 election. That was proven by forensic analysis of Dominion Servers used in Arizona. All of the forensic evidence was dismissed and nothing happened to Dominion. They are a heavily protected company with an army of lawyers. The Fox case proves nothing.
Dominion Voting machines are designed for election tampering and WERE TAMPERED WITH in the 2020 election. That was proven by forensic analysis of Dominion Servers used in Arizona. All of the forensic evidence was dismissed and nothing happened to Dominion. They are a heavily protected company with an army of lawyers. The Fox case proves nothing.
oh. the stupid lawyers for fox forgot to consult magatard #95463.
Grounds for a mistrial.

Great! Because the same thing can be said of leftwing media at least 130 million times. Every time I catch them on TV, the leftwing media is lying through its teeth while holding themselves out as absolute accurate sources of factual information.
Well get busy Tooby Blooby, and sue the shit out of them or just plainly, STFU.
Dominion Voting machines are designed for election tampering and WERE TAMPERED WITH in the 2020 election. That was proven by forensic analysis of Dominion Servers used in Arizona. All of the forensic evidence was dismissed and nothing happened to Dominion. They are a heavily protected company with an army of lawyers. The Fox case proves nothing.
No. They weren't. The whole "Cyber Ninjas" thing was a circus sideshow. BTW, where are they as a company right now? :)

Fox is going to get their asses handed to them. And they know it.
The trial starts in Mid April and Dominion has already received a decision that Fox lied.

The evidence developed in this civil proceeding demonstrates that is CRYSTAL clear that none of the Statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true,” the judge wrote. “Therefore, the Court will grant summary judgment in favor of Dominion on the element of falsity.”

Haha cockfags, charade you are. FOX News is worth $16.11 billion dollars, so $1.6 billion isn't shit to them.

They'll still beat the crap out of CNN and MSNBC, hands down.

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