The other guy may not have shit either, but I have seen the discussion and report elsewhere
That’s my point. You guys are just passing around the same pile of shit without anyone questioning where it came from.
Well, give me an opportunity to question it. Give me your source.

Unless you were just full of shit when you said the FBI shot it down.

Were you?
There is absolutely no possible way that any reasonable person can’t see the corruption of the Democrats, from the FBI lying to the phony impeachment.

Some of the funny things you guys believe is that Comey and or Mueller were Democrats. Staunch Republican called the Ukraine Shakedown a "Drug Deal". The Mueller investigation was conducted under the republican controlled DOJ. Democats didn't hold the majority in either Branch of Congress until last year. When confronted with these realities, it becomes "it's the Deep State" and the Democrats hate the poor poor victim, the "Dirty Don".
Some of the funny things you guys believe is that people of the same party are in lockstep. You also believe your party is noble and “right”, and that republicans are evil crooks.
What I believe is there are lots of scum in both sides. A persons party affiliation doesn’t make me trust their words any more or less than another persons.
Try it sometime, you at really be shocked at what you find.
One small problem, the Cat was delivered expired. It's already been looked at by the experts and they have determined that the Dominion Software software had nothing to do with fraud. Now, if you have something, please present it to the Penn State Supreme Court where they can see it and rule on it. But you won't do that. This air and unfounded allegations don't hold up in court so well.
Trump would not publish those figures if he was not confident that they can be proven to be true. He's probably undercutting what he has.

Umm YES HE WOULD. You clearly still don't know who you are dealing with.
I saw the information on another message board
Oh. Gotcha. I saw my information on another message board too.
You’re acting like a total douche. Some of us, like myself, was hoping you actually had sources refuting this. I like to see different perspectives.
As it is, I don’t like that I haven’t seen a source for the OP’s claims yet.
You doing what you are doing isn’t productive either.
You’re acting like a total douche. Some of us, like myself, was hoping you actually had sources refuting this. I like to see different perspectives.
As it is, I don’t like that I haven’t seen a source for the OP’s claims yet.
You doing what you are doing isn’t productive either.
None of you have called out the OP for a source. None of you.

I’ll provide a source to refute it when there’s something to refute. There should be as little tolerance for my ridiculous claim as there is for the OP’s yet we clearly see that I am the one subject to scorn.

How do you explain that?
You’re acting like a total douche. Some of us, like myself, was hoping you actually had sources refuting this. I like to see different perspectives.
As it is, I don’t like that I haven’t seen a source for the OP’s claims yet.
You doing what you are doing isn’t productive either.
None of you have called out the OP for a source. None of you.

I’ll provide a source to refute it when there’s something to refute. There should be as little tolerance for my ridiculous claim as there is for the OP’s yet we clearly see that I am the one subject to scorn.

How do you explain that?
See the one above you.

I'll wait.
If democrats were cheating McConnell and Graham would have lost in a landslide.
Sadly, many of those families were denied the ability to even Have proper funerals (due to trump's gross mishandling of this pandemic). His supporters care as little as he does.
Image may contain: text that says 'It's wild that Trump supporters believe there's voter fraud with zero evidence but still don't believe there's Covid-19 crisis with 247,000 American funerals @mhdksafa'
I have this. It was actually on THIS forum that I saw it. I was mistakenly looking elsewhere to find it.
This is clearly not what Billy Bob was talking about.
It says this:

There was a panel I was on recently for the National Academy of Sciences that produced a report called “Securing the Vote” (September 2018). That report recommended two things strongly: using paper ballots, and performing statistical post-election audits to check the tabulation of the paper ballots. In conjunction with other procedures (that, for example, ensure that the paper ballots checked are those that are cast and tabulated), one can develop confidence that our election outcomes are indeed correct.

Doesn't that say what we have been saying this whole time? We need a fucking audit?
One small problem, the Cat was delivered expired. It's already been looked at by the experts and they have determined that the Dominion Software software had nothing to do with fraud. Now, if you have something, please present it to the Penn State Supreme Court where they can see it and rule on it. But you won't do that. This air and unfounded allegations don't hold up in court so well.
Trump would not publish those figures if he was not confident that they can be proven to be true. He's probably undercutting what he has.

Yah, right. He would just make crap up like he always does when he gets behind the power curve. He can't lie his way out of this one. He is fired.
I have this. It was actually on THIS forum that I saw it. I was mistakenly looking elsewhere to find it.
This is clearly not what Billy Bob was talking about.
It says this:

There was a panel I was on recently for the National Academy of Sciences that produced a report called “Securing the Vote” (September 2018). That report recommended two things strongly: using paper ballots, and performing statistical post-election audits to check the tabulation of the paper ballots. In conjunction with other procedures (that, for example, ensure that the paper ballots checked are those that are cast and tabulated), one can develop confidence that our election outcomes are indeed correct.

Doesn't that say what we have been saying this whole time? We need a fucking audit?
Sure. But what does that have to do with Billy Bob’s claim?
MIT forensic teams have evaluated the software from over 50 machines and the scraping of votes is very real.
I have this. It was actually on THIS forum that I saw it. I was mistakenly looking elsewhere to find it.
This is clearly not what Billy Bob was talking about.
It says this:

There was a panel I was on recently for the National Academy of Sciences that produced a report called “Securing the Vote” (September 2018). That report recommended two things strongly: using paper ballots, and performing statistical post-election audits to check the tabulation of the paper ballots. In conjunction with other procedures (that, for example, ensure that the paper ballots checked are those that are cast and tabulated), one can develop confidence that our election outcomes are indeed correct.

Doesn't that say what we have been saying this whole time? We need a fucking audit?
Sure. But what does that have to do with Billy Bob’s claim?
MIT forensic teams have evaluated the software from over 50 machines and the scraping of votes is very real.
That's pretty much what the MIT article says. They have problems. There must be a tabulation and a hand count and forensic AUDIT (not a canvas) to ensure an accurate and secure outcome.

So, what do you have shooting that down by the FBI? Or, anything by the FBI?
You’re acting like a total douche. Some of us, like myself, was hoping you actually had sources refuting this. I like to see different perspectives.
As it is, I don’t like that I haven’t seen a source for the OP’s claims yet.
You doing what you are doing isn’t productive either.
None of you have called out the OP for a source. None of you.

I’ll provide a source to refute it when there’s something to refute. There should be as little tolerance for my ridiculous claim as there is for the OP’s yet we clearly see that I am the one subject to scorn.

How do you explain that?
You keep posting and antagonizing. That explains it for me. I have been asking for the source of this, just not on here yet as I’ve heard it elsewhere.
I would have gotten around to it here sooner had you not blasted spray farts all over this thread.

OP... where’s the sauce?
If democrats were cheating McConnell and Graham would have lost in a landslide.
Sadly, many of those families were denied the ability to even Have proper funerals (due to trump's gross mishandling of this pandemic). His supporters care as little as he does.
Image may contain: text that says 'It's wild that Trump supporters believe there's voter fraud with zero evidence but still don't believe there's Covid-19 crisis with 247,000 American funerals @mhdksafa''It's wild that Trump supporters believe there's voter fraud with zero evidence but still don't believe there's Covid-19 crisis with 247,000 American funerals @mhdksafa'
We saw the voter Fraud so we accept it....

We see the covid chinese virus crisis and we see the dems more damaging response to we believe in the virus just not the dems idiotic power/money grab solutions for this crisis.

We also see the dems trolls trying to spin all sorts of chit like claiming that we don't see the chinese covid issues-------we don't believe you either.

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