You cant read Trumps link in the OP? What a fucktard!
Unless you’re claiming that Trump is an MIT grad who conducted the analysis, Trump’s tweet doesn’t have anything to do with what you claim. There’s no link there.
This is the team...
This is the FBI team that showed that the MIT report was by imposters.
Where exactly is it on the website you posted? I couldn't find what you claim.
If democrats were cheating McConnell and Graham would have lost in a landslide.
Sadly, many of those families were denied the ability to even Have proper funerals (due to trump's gross mishandling of this pandemic). His supporters care as little as he does.
Image may contain: text that says 'It's wild that Trump supporters believe there's voter fraud with zero evidence but still don't believe there's Covid-19 crisis with 247,000 American funerals @mhdksafa''It's wild that Trump supporters believe there's voter fraud with zero evidence but still don't believe there's Covid-19 crisis with 247,000 American funerals @mhdksafa''It's wild that Trump supporters believe there's voter fraud with zero evidence but still don't believe there's Covid-19 crisis with 247,000 American funerals @mhdksafa''It's wild that Trump supporters believe there's voter fraud with zero evidence but still don't believe there's Covid-19 crisis with 247,000 American funerals @mhdksafa'
We saw the voter Fraud so we accept it....

We see the covid chinese virus crisis and we see the dems more damaging response to we believe in the virus just not the dems idiotic power/money grab solutions for this crisis.

We also see the dems trolls trying to spin all sorts of chit like claiming that we don't see the chinese covid issues-------we don't believe you either.

And we know you are a GRU operative.
What I believe is there are lots of scum in both sides. A persons party affiliation doesn’t make me trust their words any more or less than another persons.
Try it sometime, you at really be shocked at what you find.

Yeah, ummmm
About that......
Didn't Hillary get the presidential debate questions ahead of the debate?
Tell me again which Republican did that also ????

But wait, there's more! Was it a Republican or democrat (named Maxine Waters) who told democrats to not let Republicans live in peace? To follow and harass them everywhere? Yeah, go ahead and point out all the Repubs that did that in the last 20 years.....waiting.....

Then there's the shooting of Steve scalise, Republican a leftist. What's that you were saying again about both sides being equal scum?

Gosh, or we could talk about the crack meth head democrats nearly elected governor in Florida in know Andrew Gillum?
Isn't it wonderful how morally clean and ethical the Left is???
I could go on for months....there's just so much juicy on the left.......but alas, you say they are equally scummy.

What should make you trust is past evidence. It appears you are blind to the vast array available against the Left.

Oh well.
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Trump has now let the cat out of the bag.. The FBI and DOJ have found indications of massive voter fraud in multiple states perpetrated by Dominion Software. Trump Lawyers are laying out the evidence collected from 50+ Dominion machines that shows how the fraud was perpetrated. Hand counts and recanvasing must now be done in at least five states to verify the vote fraud. MIT forensic teams have found significant irregularities and recommended hand counts.

Democrats are in full blown panic... IF these recounts occur their "win" is in jeopardy including some down ballot races.. Expect close losses by republicans in down ballot races to enjoin the recount.

Which Dem is panicking? Can you show a video or statement because everybody I see is shaking their head or laughing at Trump and his Twitter accusations. None of which have gone anywhere in court.
It is beyond dispute that there was voter fraud. What remains is to determine how widespread the voter fraud was and what mechanisms were used. And like I said before, if Democrats have evidence of fraud that helped Trump win states, let's see it. This election needs to be fully aired out in the bright light of day because it stinks to high heaven.
That it does. This is the fishiest election I've ever seen. There are hundred of signed affidavits and why was Dominion granted the election since Govt. Dems own parts of it or run it. Does that make sense to anyone??
Watching nothing happen for an hour and more with the states in question on election night was a head scratcher. Then crazy things started. Biden told us.

Trump has now let the cat out of the bag.. The FBI and DOJ have found indications of massive voter fraud in multiple states perpetrated by Dominion Software. Trump Lawyers are laying out the evidence collected from 50+ Dominion machines that shows how the fraud was perpetrated. Hand counts and recanvasing must now be done in at least five states to verify the vote fraud. MIT forensic teams have found significant irregularities and recommended hand counts.

Democrats are in full blown panic... IF these recounts occur their "win" is in jeopardy including some down ballot races.. Expect close losses by republicans in down ballot races to enjoin the recount.

You’re shit is just too easy to debunk...


Trump has now let the cat out of the bag.. The FBI and DOJ have found indications of massive voter fraud in multiple states perpetrated by Dominion Software. Trump Lawyers are laying out the evidence collected from 50+ Dominion machines that shows how the fraud was perpetrated. Hand counts and recanvasing must now be done in at least five states to verify the vote fraud. MIT forensic teams have found significant irregularities and recommended hand counts.

Democrats are in full blown panic... IF these recounts occur their "win" is in jeopardy including some down ballot races.. Expect close losses by republicans in down ballot races to enjoin the recount.

You’re shit is just too easy to debunk...

Some British rag said so? Well that settles it!

Trump has now let the cat out of the bag.. The FBI and DOJ have found indications of massive voter fraud in multiple states perpetrated by Dominion Software. Trump Lawyers are laying out the evidence collected from 50+ Dominion machines that shows how the fraud was perpetrated. Hand counts and recanvasing must now be done in at least five states to verify the vote fraud. MIT forensic teams have found significant irregularities and recommended hand counts.

Democrats are in full blown panic... IF these recounts occur their "win" is in jeopardy including some down ballot races.. Expect close losses by republicans in down ballot races to enjoin the recount.

You’re shit is just too easy to debunk...

That article cites to the New York Times and doesn't explain shit.

Got something better?
What I believe is there are lots of scum in both sides. A persons party affiliation doesn’t make me trust their words any more or less than another persons.
Try it sometime, you at really be shocked at what you find.

Yeah, ummmm
About that......
Didn't Hillary get the presidential debate questions ahead of the debate?
Tell me again which Republican did that also ????

But wait, there's more! Was it a Republican or democrat (named Maxine Waters) who told democrats to not let Republicans live in peace? To follow and harass them everywhere? Yeah, go ahead and point out all the Repubs that did that in the last 20 years.....waiting.....

What should make you trust is past evidence. It appears you are blind to the vast array available against the Left.

Oh well.
Oh, nothing you said is wrong. You’re completely correct.
make no mistake, I whole heartedly hate the left. I hate their politics, their goals, their tactics, and probably most of all I hate their politicians and operatives. I don’t, however, hate people who vote democrat (although they piss me off to no end).
however, I don’t have this illusion that my side (republicans) are angels who do no wrong. I don’t like politicians. Just because they have an R next to their name doesn’t mean I don’t think they are scum on a personal level. The “ R” merely gives me hope that they aren’t economically/historically/societally retarded and/or warped.
If I had my way, I’d lick up or execute any corrupt politician. I may just give the Republican ones a beating first, because they reflected poorly on my by association.
never provide credit / facts himself.
How come no one is concerned about this origin of this MIT forensics team report but y’all get your panties in a twist with my satirical response?
How come you were never this inquisitive of RUSSIA?
Brennan spying on congress
Hillary deleting servers
Tarmac meetings
Kavanaugh accusers

Like I said, you have zero cred.
How come you were never this inquisitive of RUSSIA?
Brennan spying on congress
Hillary deleting servers
Tarmac meetings
Kavanaugh accusers

Like I said, you have zero cred.
I’m extremely inquisitive about all those topics but that’s not the topic of this thread.

Are you just trolling or do you want to discuss the topic here?
What I believe is there are lots of scum in both sides. A persons party affiliation doesn’t make me trust their words any more or less than another persons.
Try it sometime, you at really be shocked at what you find.

Yeah, ummmm
About that......
Didn't Hillary get the presidential debate questions ahead of the debate?
Tell me again which Republican did that also ????

But wait, there's more! Was it a Republican or democrat (named Maxine Waters) who told democrats to not let Republicans live in peace? To follow and harass them everywhere? Yeah, go ahead and point out all the Repubs that did that in the last 20 years.....waiting.....

What should make you trust is past evidence. It appears you are blind to the vast array available against the Left.

Oh well.
Oh, nothing you said is wrong. You’re completely correct.
make no mistake, I whole heartedly hate the left. I hate their politics, their goals, their tactics, and probably most of all I hate their politicians and operatives. I don’t, however, hate people who vote democrat (although they piss me off to no end).
however, I don’t have this illusion that my side (republicans) are angels who do no wrong. I don’t like politicians. Just because they have an R next to their name doesn’t mean I don’t think they are scum on a personal level. The “ R” merely gives me hope that they aren’t economically/historically/societally retarded and/or warped.
If I had my way, I’d lick up or execute any corrupt politician. I may just give the Republican ones a beating first, because they reflected poorly on my by association.

And the line for that beating form to the rear.


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