Dominion is Rattled


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011

As Mark Elias is spread thin trying to block the forward advancement from multiple fronts of exposure of the election coup, Dominion is on the defense against lawsuits. Elias is sort of the John Stockton of the election coup. He runs point. Along with Mike Lindell suing Dominion, Alan Dershowitz announced he's doing the same.

He also explained how Dominion, who he claims is acting as a government agent, has threatened the media with massive lawsuits over discussing the Dominion case, adding, “You don’t have to be a conservative” to see that what Dominion is doing is wrong, saying they are “misusing the power given to them to by the government to suppress free speech.” “Dominion is a government actor,” Dershowitz explained. “It is our right to look at Dominion’s source codes,” he said, adding that they will be demanding access to the Dominion codes, saying, “I think we’ll get to look at those machines.”
Dershowitz explained that they would be using “Alien and Sedition” laws to sue Dominion. In the late 1700s, he explained that during the Adam’s administration, “They went after newspapers–they went after Benjamin Franklin’s nephew’s newspaper,” he said. ” Dershowitz continued, “They tried to shut down any newspaper that supported Jefferson. And since that time, we really have had free speech, with some exceptions. The age though we’re living in now is really the strongest attack through cancel culture, through suppression of free speech.”
I have yet to hear a Dominion response. Why?
Anyone believing in the "Big Steal" is simply goofy.
Explain why a lot of the math probabilities were like getting struck by lightning for a week. I have a thread on that I noticed you never answered you lowly po mother fs
These people only read what they want to read.
I've no doubt whatsoever that there was widespread fraud and irregularities.
No need for I.D, no need to be registered, no need to check signatures, no need to have observers present.
It was a clusterfuck of an election.
Anyone believing in the "Big Steal" is simply goofy.
Explain why a lot of the math probabilities were like getting struck by lightning for a week. I have a thread on that I noticed you never answered you lowly po mother fs

You cheating slime shit ball.
We don't care what you think: it means nothing. If you all want to be goofy, go right ahead.
Anyone believing in the "Big Steal" is simply goofy.
Dominion is looking at a $1.3 billion payout and a public apology

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