
It is more than a bonus when I force you Leftists to stick up for the most prolific mass murder in history.

History is full of mass murderers.

The difference between heroes and war criminals is the difference between winners and losers.

And another one!!!

It is more than a bonus when I force you Leftists to stick up for the most prolific mass murder in history.
Enlightening that those who popped up to defend Joseph Stalin are the same drones who regularly defend, apologize for, and excuse Franklin Roosevelt and Barack Obama.

It's only fair that I provide them an opportunity to defend Stalin's blood-brother, Herr Schicklgruber.

Communism was not the only spawn of Karl Marx's doctrine. So was Germany's version, Nazism.

6. “Nazism was the product of German culture, grown out of a German context. The Holocaust could not have occurred in Italy, because Italians are not Germans. And in America, where hostility to big government is central to the national character, the case for statism must be made in terms of 'pragmatism' and decency. In other words, our fascism must be nice and for your own good.

.... fascism, communism, and progressivism are all closely related to one another. The progressive U.S. President Woodrow Wilson was a devoted disciple of the German philosopher Georg Hegel, whose ideas -also had a profound influence on Karl Marx.

Mussolini, for his part, carried with him a medallion of Marx.

Progressives commonly saw Mussolini’s project and Lenin’s as linked enterprises. The progressive muckraking journalist Lincoln Steffens referred to the “Russian-Italian” method as if the two were flip sides of the same coin. Steffens and his fellow progressives generally saw Mussolini, Lenin, and Stalin as three men pursuing a similar objective...

American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ...."
Progressive Support for Italian and German Fascism - Discover the Networks
And another one!!!

It is more than a bonus when I force you Leftists to stick up for the most prolific mass murder in history.

Not a matter of sticking up for him, just stating facts. History loves winners and hates losers.

In Russia, Stalin is STILL well regarded the way Americans regard FDR and Brits regard Churchill - all of whom did some pretty awful stuff to win the war against Hitler, who was worse.

Meanwhile, Germans remained embarrassed about Hitler. Then again, it takes a special sort of stupid to be proud of losing.

“Nazism was the product of German culture, grown out of a German context. The Holocaust could not have occurred in Italy, because Italians are not Germans. And in America, where hostility to big government is central to the national character, the case for statism must be made in terms of 'pragmatism' and decency. In other words, our fascism must be nice and for your own good.

The Holocaust happened because anti-semitism is hard wired into German Culture. The father of German Protestantism, Martin Luther, wrote a book called "The Jews and their lies". This was hundreds of years before Das Kapital and Mein Kampf
It is amazing how far the left will go to cover up what they really believe inside. It is like we have a bunch of authoritarians walking around who just feel more comfortable in a society where everyone is dictated to by it. I know because I have people like this in my family who, upon hearing the phrase "consent of the governed" they gasp in horror and disgust. Now that the obama administration is almost out of power they know they can't be as open about it anymore. It is a tragedy that these people can't be exposed for what they really are.
“Nazism was the product of German culture, grown out of a German context. The Holocaust could not have occurred in Italy, because Italians are not Germans. And in America, where hostility to big government is central to the national character, the case for statism must be made in terms of 'pragmatism' and decency. In other words, our fascism must be nice and for your own good.

The Holocaust happened because anti-semitism is hard wired into German Culture. The father of German Protestantism, Martin Luther, wrote a book called "The Jews and their lies". This was hundreds of years before Das Kapital and Mein Kampf

Thank God you read one book out of millions on anti-semitism. That makes you an expert.
The scariest part about this is that even supreme court cases pondered the question of rights of the individual versus rights of the state. I believe their are precedence with that issue woven into it. Socialist tend treat society itself as an object that needs to be protected from the acts of the individual. Individuals only need to be protected against other individuals. This is why we have laws in which the only crimes that are ever prosecuted are the ones committed by individuals against other individuals. Society is never a victim in any of these cases except for cases of treason.
Enlightening that those who popped up to defend Joseph Stalin are the same drones who regularly defend, apologize for, and excuse Franklin Roosevelt and Barack Obama.

It's only fair that I provide them an opportunity to defend Stalin's blood-brother, Herr Schicklgruber.

Communism was not the only spawn of Karl Marx's doctrine. So was Germany's version, Nazism.

6. “Nazism was the product of German culture, grown out of a German context. The Holocaust could not have occurred in Italy, because Italians are not Germans. And in America, where hostility to big government is central to the national character, the case for statism must be made in terms of 'pragmatism' and decency. In other words, our fascism must be nice and for your own good.

.... fascism, communism, and progressivism are all closely related to one another. The progressive U.S. President Woodrow Wilson was a devoted disciple of the German philosopher Georg Hegel, whose ideas -also had a profound influence on Karl Marx.

Mussolini, for his part, carried with him a medallion of Marx.

Progressives commonly saw Mussolini’s project and Lenin’s as linked enterprises. The progressive muckraking journalist Lincoln Steffens referred to the “Russian-Italian” method as if the two were flip sides of the same coin. Steffens and his fellow progressives generally saw Mussolini, Lenin, and Stalin as three men pursuing a similar objective...

American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ...."
Progressive Support for Italian and German Fascism - Discover the Networks

She tells this lie about once a week now.

As Hitler himself said:

"Only a knowledge of the Jews provides the key with which to comprehend the inner, and consequently real, aims of Social Democracy.
The erroneous conceptions of the aim and meaning of this party fall from our eyes like veils, once we come to know this people, and from the fog and mist of social phrases rises the leering grimace of Marxism."

Just like PoliticalChic, EXACTLY like PoliticalChic, Hitler drew no distinction between Democratic Socialism and Marxism.

How many times have we heard her make that proclamation in one form or another?

lol, the only difference is PC knows enough to leave out the Jew part in her rants, whatever her true sentiments on that aspect of her views on Marxism might be.
1. Did you find any inaccuracy here:

Roosevelt had willed Europe to Stalin, and made certain that Soviet Communism emerged victorious over his sibling, national socialism, Nazism. And, late in Roosevelt's term, he acceded to Stalin's wish for an international governing body....the United Nations with a Bolshevik spy as its first secretary-general.

Yawn... and she's back to the Bircher Crazy.

Hey, here's the thing. FDR and Churchill were NOT IN A POSITION to tell Stalin what he could do in Eastern Europe. The reality was, 1) Most of the countries there were Hitler's allies, so fuck them and 2) The Soviets were actually doing most of the heavy lifting in the European Theater of the war.

3. Communist party members throughout Europe were ordered to sabotage their nation's forces, and aid the Nazi attackers. The French Communist Party, July 1940: "It is comforting to see workers talking to German soldiers as friends,...'well done, comrades, and keep it up,' ...the brotherhood of man will not be forever a hope, it will become a living reality."

Guess who ordered that?

That sword cuts both ways. the main reason why the West gave in to Hitler at Munich was because they thought he would be a foil to Stalin. You see, the West was a lot more afraid of Stalin than Hitler all the way up until the war started. Hitler and Mussolini initially called their alliance the "Anti-Comintern Pact"... in short, they were going to oppose what Stalin was doing and the west was largely good with that and appeased the shit out of them taking Albania and Ethiopia and Austria and Czechoslovakia. Not to mention what the Axis was doing in Spain against the Communist/Republican forces.

It wasn't until Hitler and Stalin cut a deal to dismember Poland that alliances shifted. And even then, up until the point Hitler overran the west, there was always that hope they could turn him and Stalin against each other.

By the time that happened, though, we found we needed Stalin to beat Hitler.
Way to factual and easy to understand for the conspiracy theorist attempting to demonize what has been come to be known as "the greatest generation" and one of the greatest Presidents.
It is more than a bonus when I force you Leftists to stick up for the most prolific mass murder in history.

Eh, how did you get the impression that I like Stalin?

Besides that, I think the title of the greatest mass murderer should go to Mao


"Eh, how did you get the impression that I like Stalin?"

You posted this:".... Stalin, as a dictator, would have been insane to let NATO take over countries next door he controlled,..."
It is amazing how far the left will go to cover up what they really believe inside. It is like we have a bunch of authoritarians walking around who just feel more comfortable in a society where everyone is dictated to by it. I know because I have people like this in my family who, upon hearing the phrase "consent of the governed" they gasp in horror and disgust. Now that the obama administration is almost out of power they know they can't be as open about it anymore. It is a tragedy that these people can't be exposed for what they really are.

It's amazing how easy it is to get them to champion dictators and mass murderers.
“Nazism was the product of German culture, grown out of a German context. The Holocaust could not have occurred in Italy, because Italians are not Germans. And in America, where hostility to big government is central to the national character, the case for statism must be made in terms of 'pragmatism' and decency. In other words, our fascism must be nice and for your own good.

The Holocaust happened because anti-semitism is hard wired into German Culture. The father of German Protestantism, Martin Luther, wrote a book called "The Jews and their lies". This was hundreds of years before Das Kapital and Mein Kampf

Thank God you read one book out of millions on anti-semitism. That makes you an expert.

Probably an audio book.
It is amazing how far the left will go to cover up what they really believe inside. It is like we have a bunch of authoritarians walking around who just feel more comfortable in a society where everyone is dictated to by it. I know because I have people like this in my family who, upon hearing the phrase "consent of the governed" they gasp in horror and disgust. Now that the obama administration is almost out of power they know they can't be as open about it anymore. It is a tragedy that these people can't be exposed for what they really are.

It's amazing how easy it is to get them to champion dictators and mass murderers.

You notice that to.
Enlightening that those who popped up to defend Joseph Stalin are the same drones who regularly defend, apologize for, and excuse Franklin Roosevelt and Barack Obama.

It's only fair that I provide them an opportunity to defend Stalin's blood-brother, Herr Schicklgruber.

Communism was not the only spawn of Karl Marx's doctrine. So was Germany's version, Nazism.

6. “Nazism was the product of German culture, grown out of a German context. The Holocaust could not have occurred in Italy, because Italians are not Germans. And in America, where hostility to big government is central to the national character, the case for statism must be made in terms of 'pragmatism' and decency. In other words, our fascism must be nice and for your own good.

.... fascism, communism, and progressivism are all closely related to one another. The progressive U.S. President Woodrow Wilson was a devoted disciple of the German philosopher Georg Hegel, whose ideas -also had a profound influence on Karl Marx.

Mussolini, for his part, carried with him a medallion of Marx.

Progressives commonly saw Mussolini’s project and Lenin’s as linked enterprises. The progressive muckraking journalist Lincoln Steffens referred to the “Russian-Italian” method as if the two were flip sides of the same coin. Steffens and his fellow progressives generally saw Mussolini, Lenin, and Stalin as three men pursuing a similar objective...

American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ...."
Progressive Support for Italian and German Fascism - Discover the Networks

She tells this lie about once a week now.

As Hitler himself said:

"Only a knowledge of the Jews provides the key with which to comprehend the inner, and consequently real, aims of Social Democracy.
The erroneous conceptions of the aim and meaning of this party fall from our eyes like veils, once we come to know this people, and from the fog and mist of social phrases rises the leering grimace of Marxism."

Just like PoliticalChic, EXACTLY like PoliticalChic, Hitler drew no distinction between Democratic Socialism and Marxism.

How many times have we heard her make that proclamation in one form or another?

lol, the only difference is PC knows enough to leave out the Jew part in her rants, whatever her true sentiments on that aspect of her views on Marxism might be.

Psssstt....very much like you, Hitler was a liar.

1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der NationalsozialistischeDeutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the NationalSocialistGerman Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?"
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
..."consent of the governed"...
A nice concept but tell us, do you think it's true? Was it true when the country was founded and most were not allowed to vote?

The people couldn't unelect the King Of England so they revolted. They did everything they can to make governing the colonies as difficult as possible. Maybe governments can govern even without the people's consent (what type of government is that) but it is a hell lot easier to do so when the people consent to the actions. Popular laws are easy to enforce but unpopular laws tend to meet a lot of resistance almost to the point where enforcing them becomes impossible. How do you enforce a law when no one wants to report their neighbor for breaking it?
..."consent of the governed"...
A nice concept but tell us, do you think it's true? Was it true when the country was founded and most were not allowed to vote?

Thank you for making my point.
Answer the questions. Is the concept you posted actually true? Was it true when this nation was founded?

"Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide." - John Adams

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